The Elven Court Organization in Yumurta | World Anvil
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The Elven Court

The Elven Court is an alliance of Elven races encompassing most of the northern reaches of the western continent. It was formed as a military alliance against the invading Empire of All due to the actions of the heroes, Opal, Ira, and Raina, uniting many once warring groups of elves against a common threat. It has persisted due to the differences overcome by these groups and a desire to keep all those of elven descent united as one.

Demography and Population

The Elven Court consists of the following racial and national groups:
  • The High Elves of Issilidor 
  • The High Elves of Nelleneth
  • The Wood Elves of both countries
  • The Druids of Strix Nebulosa 
  • The Orcs of the Frozen Wastes
  • The Drow (refugees from Casal Llothelineth)
  • Half-Elves
The court also contains a minor number of people from other races or countries who are visiting or immigrated, including humans and some dwarves.


The Elven Court controls most of the northern third of the continent. This includes the following regions:
  • The arctic forests of Issilidor 
  • The temperate woodlands of Nelleneth
  • The Frozen Wastes


The Elven Court boasts a divided military, primarily between the Glass Rangers, which is the most active, exploring and protecting elven territory for threats both external and internal; and the Army, which is a reserve solely for the event of war. Both branches are from Issilidor originally, and have expanded greatly since the founding of the Elven court, mainly to incorporate Nelleneth's own military forces.   Another, smaller military organization within the court is the Blackblades, an elite force of fierce warriors and berserkers primarily orcish in nature. They are a much more aggressive force than the Court's two primary defensive ones, and exist solely to assault and destroy the court's enemies.


The Court also symbolizes the newfound cooperation of the three Great Siblings: Eldonna, the founding deity of the Elvish race, Gruumsh, the warrior-god of the Orcs, and Lloth, the dark savior-goddess of the Drow. All three gods are worshiped in an official capacity, and their heads of religion hold a joint seat on the council. Though Eldonna, as the sacred founder who brought the Elves themselves into this world, including those who would eventually become orcs and Lloth, as well as being the goddess whose champion, Raina, helped found the Court, holds a special reverence, especially in Issilidor. Gruumsh and Lloth, while their tolerance is a necessity due to the Orc and Drow population, are still looked on with hesitancy by much of the Wood and High Elf population due to their Hellish and Abyssal nature, and the more brutal and wicked aspects of their religion are still shunned and discouraged, even by their own peoples.   Additionally, most other worship of good gods is tolerated, and even commonplace, especially in the Nelleneth regions of the Court, which had long since distanced themselves from their more highly-devoted Issilidor neighbors. Bahamut is especially popular there, due to their history with metallic dragons.

Trade & Transport

The Green Teeth Trading Company operates out of Issilidor, and is one of the most prominent trading empires on the eastern coast.
Subsidiary Organizations
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