Enethi'til Grove

Enethi'til grove is a secluded sanctuary hidden away from the prying eyes of the world. It’s a small clearing, embraced by the arms of ancient trees, with a carpet of soft moss and the gentle murmur of a nearby brook.   In its early days, the glade was home to Mordecai, he used it as his primary camping ground and eventually build a small hut to serve as a more permanent residence.
The wooden hut with a thatched roof, covered in climbing ivy and blooming flowers. Inside, there’s a cozy fireplace, a simple bed, and shelves lined with jars of herbs and natural curiosities.   Presently the grove serves as the home and study for the solitary druid Miss Moonishi.   In the center of the grove, there’s a modest stone altar. It’s used for small rituals, offerings to nature spirits, and quiet contemplation. The altar is often adorned with fresh wildflowers, feathers, and stones with natural runes etched into them.   Surrounding the hut is a lush garden, where the druid cultivates medicinal plants, rare herbs, and magical ingredients. A few steps lead to a small pond, where the druid can meditate and commune with water energy.   Many of the surrounding trees are adorned with carvings of a mystical nature. They both serve as wards and weapons of the glade inhabitants.
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