
The Lillidian Empire   Spanning from the icy subarctic to the warm southern coasts, the Lillidian Empire is a colossal nation known for its diverse climates and the strength of its people.   Capital: Eleminia   Society: The Lillidians are a proud and varied people, united under the banner of the empire. Their society is structured in a complex hierarchy, with a clear distinction between the nobility and the common folk.   Culture: The Lillidian culture is a melting pot of the many different customs and traditions of the regions it encompasses. The empire is renowned for its grand festivals, such as the Solstice of the Empires, which celebrates the unity and diversity of its people.   Flora and Fauna: The natural world of the Lillidian Empire is as diverse as its climate. From the hardy tundra mosses of the north to the lush vineyards of the south, the empire is home to a wide array of plant and animal life.


The Lillidian military is a formidable force, with legions that have been hardened by the diverse and often harsh conditions of the empire. They are respected and feared for their discipline and prowess in battle.

Industry & Trade

The Lillidian economy is as varied as its landscape, ranging from the fur trade in the north to the agricultural bounty in the south. The empire is also known for its skilled artisans and traders who ply their wares across the known world.


The architecture of the empire varies greatly, from the sturdy stone fortresses of the north to the elegant villas of the south. The capital, Eleminia, is known for its blend of architectural styles.
National Territory
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Included Locations


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