
The Lylnèsian Duchy   Nestled along the equator, Lylnèsi is a coastal gem, where the sun’s warmth kisses the azure waters and the scent of salt hangs in the air. Despite its modest size, the duchy boasts a rich history and a vibrant culture.   Capital: Windrest   Society: The Lylnesians are a seafaring people, their lives intricately woven with the tides. They revere the ocean deities and celebrate their connection to the sea through music, dance, and colorful festivals.   Culture: Lylnèsian culture is a fusion of indigenous traditions and influences from traders and explorers who have visited their shores. The Equatorial Equinox is a major celebration, where the sun aligns directly overhead, casting no shadows.   Flora and Fauna: The coastal flora includes palm trees, mangroves, and vibrant tropical flowers. Exotic birds like the sapphire parrot and coral finch flit through the lush foliage.


The Lylnèsian navy is formidable, with sleek ships adorned with seashell motifs. Their mariners are skilled navigators, and their forts guard the coast against pirates and invaders.

Industry & Trade

The duchy thrives on fishing, pearl diving, and seaweed farming. Their pearls are renowned for their iridescence, and their seaweed delicacies are sought after by gourmands across the world.


Buildings in Lylnèsi are designed to withstand tropical storms and rising tides. Thatched roofs, open courtyards, and intricate seashell mosaics adorn their homes.
National Territory
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Included Locations


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