
The Kingdom of Straducan   Straducan stands as a beacon of faith and valour. Governed by The Amaranthine King of Justice, Straducan is a deeply religious society where the divine and the mortal realms intertwine.   Capital: Bón Anditali   Society: The Straducans are a pious people, their lives revolving around the teachings of the Sacred Texts. Every aspect of their society reflects their devotion, from the smallest daily rituals to the grandest festivals.   Culture: Straducan’s culture is rich with religious ceremonies and traditions. The most sacred event is the Festival of the Divine Light, where the paladins perform the Rite of Ascension to honor their deities and bless the kingdom.   Flora and Fauna: The kingdom’s landscape is dotted with tranquil gardens and sacred groves, maintained by the druidic orders. The creatures of Straducan are often seen as messengers of the gods, with white doves and Dorémain lions being particularly revered.


The pride of Straducan is its honourable paladin army "The Mainde Dieu". These holy warriors are both the protectors of the country and the embodiment of its values. Trained from a young age, they are skilled in combat and imbued with divine magic.

Industry & Trade

The economy of Straducan is supported by artisan crafts, agriculture, and religious artifacts. They are known for their exquisite stained glass, illuminated manuscripts, and sacred relics.


Straducan’s architecture is characterized by Gothic structures with ornate decorations. Buildings are designed to inspire awe and reflect the glory of the divine, with many structures serving both practical and religious purposes.
National Territory
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