Laws of West Bulan in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil

Laws of West Bulan

Law is enforced by the Children of Nythis.   Theft: 4-16 days incarceration and/or a fine of thrice the worth of the stolen goods. Additionally, the criminal will be branded on the back of their right hand with the symbol of theft (An octagon with an eye in the middle).
Public Worship of Outlawed Gods*: 80 days incarceration and a fine of 350 gp.
Damage of Private Property: 8-24 days incarceration and a fine equal to the cost of the damage and any resultant fees to fix the property.
Damage of Royal Property: 16-32 days incarceration and a fine equal to twice the cost of the damage and any resultant fees to fix the property.
Kidnapping: 80 days incarceration and/or a fine of 750 gp.
Assault with intent to injure: 16 days incarceration a fine of 150 gp.
Assault with intent to kill: 160 days incarceration and a fine of 1,500 gp, or execution.
Murder: Execution
Treason: 8-10 years incarceration and/or a fine of 5,000 gp, or execution.
Failure to pay taxes: A fine equal to 1.2x the amount not paid and/or incarceration equal to 8 days per every 50gp not paid (minimum of 8 days).     There are a handful of continuous bounties present that can be redeemed at any major outpost maintained by theĀ Children of Nythis:
  • For any fey-touched humanoids, a reward of 100gp per head shall be given upon proof that they have been fey-touched. These individuals will be put to death or incarcerated for life.
      *Outlawed Deities include all but the following deities:


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