The Sporadic Enclave Organization in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil

The Sporadic Enclave

Steeped in nearly 2000 years of history, the Sporadic Enclave is one of the oldest organizations in the Ulbril Plains. They formed when the Retsil duchy was still living along the The Glowing Sea deep beneath the surface of the Ulbril Plains and dedicate themselves to respecting life. They are generally known as for having members be druids, but they also are one of the primary suppliers of medicine and potions in East Bulan.   They are now based out of Musret and the neighboring Sporadic Groves where the grow and maintain a supply of plants and herbs useful in their medicinal and druidic pratices.   Their traditions are steeped in the respect of the life around them and how by working together they can benefit. They are at odds with The Gold Arbor Repose who have destroyed some of their groves over the past decades. The Arbor Repose claims this is so that their gold sequoias may have a better chance to flourish and not have to compete with the other surrounding plants.   There is a small subset of the sporadic enclave who take a more devout approach to Tuthos and have become clerics who spread the word of his love and aid in the healing the Enclave is known for.
Founding Date
Druidic Circle
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories


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