Session 2.3 Report in Zennith | World Anvil
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Session 2.3

General Summary

Upon looking at the city they decided to split up. Hadarai and Badil would scout around the edges of the city and check out the different passges leading away for where to go next. Banished and Folgo would venture into the city and see what it had to offer and if there were any clues or riches to be had there. Banished and Folgo were greeted by several Kuo-Toa guards. One in specific they were able to talk to Whip Kokron who lead them towards the Archpriest house. He explained that he was the first son of the Archpriest and heir to that role. Banished stopped at a small shop and picked up some potions and sold some items as well. They eventually made their way to the Archpriest house and Kokron left them to their own devices.

Hadarai and Badil explored the north tunnel first. There they found an alarm system that had not been triggered. They didn't find any tracks there at all. The alarm system seemed to be of Kuo-Toa design, most likely placed to alert of any scouts or spies coming from this direction. They then found a shrine set up just outside the city. There they saw the main headwater of the largest river that ran into the city. There was no alarm system that they could find. However they did find many tracks belonging to what they could only guess were Armored Duergar.

Folgo and Banished entered the Archpriest house. It turned out that the bottom level was actually a temple of sorts. In the center there was a circular altar space where the edge had been dug out for a small moat to flow around it. Around these area all different chairs of different sizes and shapes surrounded the altar. There were a couple Kuo-Toa sitting in silence or hushed whispers, most likely paying their respects to the temple. At the center of the altar suspended in the air was a solid gold symbol that resembled all the rest around the area. It seemed to be three rivers coming into one large pool together. Upon studying the symbol from a distance there was something a bit strange about it. It seemed more mechanical or something of that nature than religious symbolic. They decided to go to the second level and seek out the Archpriest to ask him about it.

Back with Hadarai and Badil they came to the main largest tunnel. In the distance they could see another city quite far away. Just the bit of a wall and some lights on the outside. Hadarai recognized that construction as that of Drow. It wasn't the city he was from but seeing a distant banner he could guess that it was House Fey Branche. Then they finally explored the south tunnel and found an alarm system as well but this one had only Kuo-Toa footprints around it that they could tell. They began to make their way back to where the group had decided to split up to explore a bit more efficiently.

On the second level of the Temple Folgo and Banished found Archpriest Belbadool inside his office. They stopped in quick and he welcomed them. He asked what he could do for them and they asked a few questions about the city, the symbol, and The Under Realm. He told them that it was here he had found the holy symbol of Twibbliwibblies and founded the faith of the three rivers worshipping her as their protector. Banished was a bit skeptical of the story of finding the relic washed down along the river, but he insisted that is how it happened. Then after that he invited them to check out the library next door for more information. Next door they found a couple of books that provided some very enlightening information. Folgo found a book about enchantments and how to work within enchantment magic, something Rin would have definitely checked out if she had come through here.

Banished found two very interesting books. One was about the history and faith of Twibbliwibblies. He learned that everything the Archpriest had said had been scribed in this book. Most likely written by him or something listening to only him. The other had much more information. It was a book about the tyrants who had ruled over the Kuo-Toa before. It was very odd because it was written in a language that the Kuo-Toa most likely didn't know. Banished was able to glean a bit of information. He learend that the Kuo-Toa and other races had been kept as slaves through psionic power. Because other slaves had risen up the Kuo-Toa were able to break free as well. Then there was some things that Banished really didn't understand. The book talked about visiting planets and building ships to travel the stars. He also saw a picture of a ship that resembled a squid but very mechanical. He took both books with him and they made their way to meet with the others.

Meeting up outside the city they talked about where they would go from here. They opted to go down the main tunnel and see where it takes them. Coming down they spot a path that leads off south a bit and headed towards it. Suddenly they find themselves in a room with no exit. There is a safe and a riddle above it. Through wit and cleverness they solve that riddle and three more that eventually lead to them getting a door to appear and able to leave the room. It was quite strange and none of them understand where it actually came from. They continued down the path and took the south tunnel to fin another adventuring party there. The two groups talked about what they were doing down here and eventually they moved on and continued south.

Hadarie was scouting ahead when he came upon a Drow patrol resting. He snuck up behind the leader of the group and held him at sword point to the others. The rest of our group came up to find this situation. Just then Hadarai attempted to slit the Drow's throat but he was too quick and evaded. Through a rather quick battle our heroes were able to dispatch of the Drow rather quickly. Folgo and Badil had some questions for Hadarai after that.

Rewards Granted

Gained some loot from the Drow patrol they attacked and killed

Character(s) interacted with

Whip Kokron Archpriest Belbadool
Report Date
31 Oct 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters
by MidJourney
The Shrine to Twibbiliwibbilies outside of the Kuo-Toa
by MidJourney
Archpriest Belbadool at his office in the temple
by MidJourney
Image of a Nautaloid from the book @Banished found


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