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Unification of the tribes

History of Silverfall

In the past what is now known as the Kingdom of Silverfall was the 5 sibling tribes of Dreikasan, all believers of The Pantheon of Sliwesm . They were named Lamruiot, Edwyard, Rydeliot, Aydard and Zelpin. In the year 340 Tribes Era Siveril Varlas succeeded his father Rugrii as the leader of the Zelpin tribe. With his unique charm, he got the other leaders to agree on peace by marrying their children to each other. The tribes finally were at peace.
  In the year 347, the tribes chose to fully unite becoming one country they chose Siveril as the leader and king of the united tribes.
  The Kingdom was called Silverfall after Siveril and the many waterfalls that were the reason for the long wars.
  Siveril set into the laws of sucsaction that the official crowned names of all future rules will honour the past. The names will follow this order Lamruil, Edwyrd, Rydel, Ayduin and Zelphar.


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