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Dhelesian Empire (Dell-EE-sian)

Pride beats in the heart of every citizen of the Dhelesian Empire. The vast domain stretches across the heart of Domalya, from the lush jungles of the south, to the scorching deserts of the east, to the sprawling plains of the west. At over 700 years old, the Empire stands as a shining testament to the ingenuity and ambition of man, and their triumph over the everchanging wilds of Zholmyr. Originally, settlers and refugees fled to enclaves of the Empire for protection and security. But over time, scholars, artists, and philosophers have flocked to the Empire for the promise of being and making something great, and establishing themselves in the Annals of Progress. Centuries of immigration have resulted in the development of megacities and massive population centers, which constantly present novel challenges for the Empire's engineers and civilomancers.   The Petrova Dynasty has ruled over the Dhelesian Empire for nearly three centuries. For the last six decades, Grand Empress Koralenka Inessovich Petrova's reign shone as a bright spot in her family's already golden dynastic legacy of growth and culture. But with her recent passing, the throne now moves into the hands of her callous oldest son, Ivor. A slight and shrewd young man, Grand Emperor Ivor Korolenko Petrova shirks tradition and forges his own path. His quick consolidation of power has caught most of the Dhelesian elite unawares, and the nobles across the realm share a whisper at social functions wondering what ends the Grand Emperor pursues.  
But to the general commonfolk of the Empire, the Grand Emperor remains a god-like figure of reverence and wonder. Many citizens fondly remember the compassion and dignity of Grand Empress Koralenka and they welcome Ivor's reign with open arms, unbothered by imperial maneuvering they don't understand.


Few recollections remain of what existed in Dhelesia prior to the Times of Turmoil. Decrepit structures, roads to nowhere, twists in the quintessence--their ancient purposes all lost to time and memory.    The modern history of the Empire begins with a ragged band of survivors, the last generation of the hapless peoples who made it through the Turmoil. The group was led by a pair of charismatic and arcanely-talented brothers named Pyotr and Panvel, who brought their followers from settlement to settlement, on the hunt for a forever home. Legend says that Panvel noticed a giant eagle tailing the group in their travels. The eagle, completely covered in snow white feathers, led Panvel and Pyotr to a protected glen along the shores of the Titanic River, where the two brothers founded the city of Verkhova.    Verkhova began as a humble village.

Demography and Population

The roots of the Dhelesian Empire come from human tribes of the central plain, and the slight majority of its population is human. But decades of soliciting immigration from other nations and races has lead to an extremely diverse present-day population. Every mortal race of Zholmyr is present in the Empire in some way, shape, and form. Individual cities usually have a more prevalent race(s) due to historical geography. For example, Dholgulir has a large population of dwarves due to its proximity and relations with the dwarven kingdom of Kir Halum. Erypool has a high number of Dhampir pilgrims due to its connection to the northern ports. Malgora has a fairly sizeable population of half-elves thanks to years of trade and cultural exchange with the high elves of Thihlo Asari.   The Dhelesian Empire values diversity because it breeds innovation and new ideas. Races of Zholmyr come to the Empire to share and learn, and create new ways of thinking, new technologies, and new artistic ventures from their experiences.


The Empire stretches across most of the heart of Dolmaya. The capital city of Verkhova sits nestled in the center of the Empire, with the Cardinal Cities perched on the northern, southern, eastern, and western reaches of the territory.


The military of the Dhelesian Empire has struggled to keep pace with the growing size of the nation. The majority of the military resides in Verkhova and serves as Imperial Guards. The (relatively small) naval power of the Empire resides in the southern Cardinal City of Malgora.


The Grand Emperor or Empress serves as the absolute ruler of the Dhelesian Empire and makes all final decisions related to lawmaking and judicial verdicts. The Imperial Council serves as the official board of advisors to the Grand Emperor. Each member of the Council is a Baron, a rank second only to Grand Emperor. There are seven members of the Council--one from each other four great cities (to represent the North, South, East, and West points of the Empire), and three administrative posts. While the Grand Emperor is the ultimate controller of power in the Empire, the Council is responsible for enacting his/her will into law.   The current make-up of the Council is:
  • Our Lord of the North, His Serenity Baron Dmitri Karpov of Dholgulir
  • Our Lady of the West, Her Serenity Baroness Galina Sholokhov of Erypool
  • Our Lady of the South, Her Serenity Baroness Kisa Sedlak of Malgora
  • Our Lord of the East, His Serenity Baron Misha Kroll of Plaincrest
  • Our Lady of Wealth, Her Serenity Baroness Olga Svelha
  • Our Lord of Progress, His Serenity Baron Zoran Kovac
  • Our Lady of Prestige, Her Serenity Baroness Sonya Markovic

Magnificence in Majesty

Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Palace economy
Major Exports
  • Arts and culture
  • Technology and machinery
  • Lumber from the southern jungle
  • Fish and whale products 
Major Imports
  • Wheat and meat from the Federation of Fulcara
  • Soldiers and mercenaries from the Askiam League
  • Ore, metals, and precious gems from the mountain dwarves of Kir Halum
  • Spiritual texts and philosophy from the Kalashtar of the Sacred North.

Cultural exchange

The Dhampir of the Sacred Lands were welcomed with open arms by the Grand Princess Inessa. For decades, the two lands enjoyed open borders and the Verkhovians looked toward the Dhampir as spiritual advisors to help guide their growth and progress. Now, the new Grand Prince views the Dhampir much more coldly, and their reputation in the Empire has chilled. Still, the two entities enjoy open borders and trade. The Dhampir greatly rely on the Verkhovians to supply them with food and materials for their polar settlements.


The Empire and the Sunsleg League both share common enemies--the encroaching maritime power of the Duchy and the hostile Bugansi clans. The League possesses a skilled, though loosely organized, military force, and the Empire possesses money and resources. The two are currently exploring a stronger alliance to fend back their shared threats.

Open trade, at peace

The Verkhovian Empire is dependent on the vast farmlands of the Spolu Federation to help feed their rapidly growing population. The Spolu have watched Verkhovian expansion with some trepidation but have done everything in their power to remain in the Empire's good graces. The recent attacks on Spolu coastal towns by the Duchy have left the Spolu frustrated at the Empire's tepid response to calls for aid.

At peace

The Empire mostly tolerates the existence of the elven factions. The impossible terrain of the swamps and dense rainforests of the Vysoky faction is undesirable to the Empire for expansion, so they instead view the Vysoky as neutral brokers, primarily to their Leshiy brethren. The Leshiy despise the empire, and are actively working to foil their attempts to build a port city along the Vostok Ocean.

On the brink of war

The Bugansi clans view the Empire as an existential threat. As the Empire plans to expand south to gain access to the ore and minerals of the mountains, the Bugansi have openly threatened violence in retaliation. The clans have even begun raiding Empire border towns as a warning of any further expansion into their lands.

Heightened tensions

The Duchy presents a threat that the Empire didn't plan for. Their maritime control threatens southern trade from the Empire to the Spolu Federation and Sunsleg League. Further, the inability to control the southern bay takes away a key advantage the Empire has against the Bugansi. The Duchy, on the other hand, view the Empire curiously and merely want to learn more about them.

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