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Duchy of Khovana

The Duchy of Khovana is a shallow-water triton kindgom located just off of the western coast of Dalmaya. While the Duchy has been around for millennia, it is considered a young entity by triton standards. Khovana has thrived in the warmer sunlit waters of the Eastern Shallows and rapidly evolved from a former break-off settlement into one of the most accomplished triton states in the sea.   Most of the population resides in the sprawling metropolis of the capital city (also called Khovana), which is surrounded by provincial settlements and outposts. The Duchy has been led for centuries by the Iessal royal family of the Iessal Dynasty. Duke Emir Iessal is the sovereign of the Duchy and rules from the Coral Palace in the capital city.   Despite such close proximity to the coast, the proud tritons of Khorvana have felt little to no curiosity towards happenings above the surface. They have remained largely in the dark as the land-dwelling races of Dalmaya have spread out across the continent and grown megacities and nation-states of their own.


Khovana is a monarchy, with the Duke serving as both head of state and commander in chief. The Duke is advised by a Supreme Synod. The number of seats on the synod--and those who occupy them--are decided at the discretion of the Duke. At least one seat is reserved for a representative of the seasages. The seasages themselves operate independently of the Royal Government, but under close scrutiny of the Duke and his council.   The current Royal Government includes:   Royal Family:
  • Duke Emir Iessal (sovereign)
  • Duchess Lila Iessal
  • Prince Kolka Iessal
  • Princess Iera Iessal
Supreme Synod to the Duke of Khovana:
  • Commander Nuri Riyuva(High Councilor)
  • Master Osman Fahkiri
  • Lady Sulta Zamuyra
  • Lady Cheevi Koru


The tritons of Khovana have slowly been able to shed the rigid social system of their deep-sea brethren and have adopted a more free-spirited approach to life. The warm and bright waters of their home have given the Khovanese tritons a zest for life, nature, and pleasure. They have also developed a frighteningly severe twinge of nationalism that lends itself to a mild arrogance and dogmatic devotion to the Duke and the state.

The Pearl Freed

Geopolitical, Duchy
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
Related Ethnicities

Heightened tensions

The Duchy presents a threat that the Empire didn't plan for. Their maritime control threatens southern trade from the Empire to the Spolu Federation and Sunsleg League. Further, the inability to control the southern bay takes away a key advantage the Empire has against the Bugansi. The Duchy, on the other hand, view the Empire curiously and merely want to learn more about them.

At war

The Duchy of Balik is besieging Spolu towns and outposts in the Ada Isles and along the southern coast. The Federation is desperate to regain its territory in order to maintain its role as formidable trade partner with the rest of Rodina.

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