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Acocola (ah - cOcO - la)

Acocola is a quaint town nestled on the edge of the island, surrounded by lush rainforests and pristine shores. It's home to a diverse community of artisans, mainly elves and gnomes, who dedicate their lives to working with clay and soil.   In the heart of the lush tropical rainforest, the ancient art of soil harvesting unfolds as a profound rite in Acocola's existence. This ritual commences with skilled gatherers embarking into the verdant depths, wielding shovels and baskets. With meticulous care, they amass the dark, fertile earth that blankets the forest floor, mindful not to disrupt the delicate ecosystem teeming beneath the canopy's embrace.   Once these treasures from the rainforest arrive in Acocola, a meticulous alchemy unfolds as the soil transforms into supple clay. Seasoned artisans, endowed with boundless expertise, perform this enchanting transmutation, deftly employing a fusion of water and intuition. The clay's innate texture and quality are enriched, a testament to the forest's guiding influence.   Acocola's clay also has a remarkable lineage of functionality. It possesses an innate ability to cradle moisture, making it the ideal canvas for crafting planters and vessels to nurture the town's thriving botanical enclaves. Durability becomes its hallmark, ensuring these clay creations withstand the tests of time, an essential facet of daily existence in this remote rainforest haven.   Yet, the significance of this clay extends far beyond the confines of Acocola. It beckons traders and merchants from distant shores, each yearning to procure a piece of this revered earth. Across the expansive bay, these precious clays journey to distant lands, bearing the essence of Acocola and its intimate connection to the rainforest's heartbeat.


  • Elves: Elves make up the largest portion of Acocola's population, comprising roughly 35%. They have a deep connection with the rainforest and are known for their clay sculpting skills.
  • Gnomes: Gnomes are the second most populous group, accounting for about 30% of the village's residents. Their intricate craftsmanship and attention to detail contribute significantly to the earthenware production.
  • Dwarves: Dwarves, known for their skilled craftsmanship, make up approximately 15% of the population. They are masters at processing the stones required for additives in the clay, and contribute significantly to the quality and durability of the earthenware made from it.
  • Humans: Humans represent around 10% of Acocola's population. They are versatile and can be found in various roles, from fishing to trade and commerce.
  • Fireclaws: Fireclaws, who posses a unique ability to sense fertile soils, constitute about 5% of the villagers. This invaluable skill allows them to identify the best locations for soil collection and clay processing, making them vital members of the community.
  • Halflings: Halflings, with their agile and nimble nature, comprise around 3% of the population. They are skilled foragers and gather medicinal herbs from the rainforest.
  • Zephyrs: Zephyrs, with their connection to elemental air, make up approximately 1% of the population. They often serve as scouts and guides in the rainforest.
  • Other Races: The remaining 1% includes a mix of other races from the D&D universe, such as half-elves, half-orcs, tieflings, and dragonborn, who have found a place in this diverse and welcoming community.


The Tale of the Whispering Trees: The villagers believe that the ancient trees of the rainforest possess the power to communicate with each other and the earth. They say that during moments of great peril, these trees can send out subtle warnings in the form of rustling leaves or mysterious whispers, guiding the people to safety.

Religious Or Spiritual Beliefs

Acocola has two prominent temples dedicated to Athena and Demeter. These deities represent crucial aspects of the villagers' daily lives. The Temple of Athena stands as a patron of art and creativity, guiding the skilled artisans in their clay shaping and other artistic endeavors. The Temple of Demeter, on the other hand, embodies the importance of the harvest, ensuring a bountiful yield from the fertile soils that support the community.


The mayor makes sure the lands rules are followed but answers to the Governor of Belanashe.


The village has a small guard that makes sure smaller crimes do not run rampant, they are mostly used to help with small tasks throughout the day. There is a night guard that is dedicated to ensuring the animals of the forest don't come into the village for something to eat.

Industry & Trade

The village's economy revolves around its close connection to the earth, rainforest, and natural resources. Clay and earthenware production, soil processing, and the cultivation of medicinal herbs are the primary economic activities. The abundance of clay and soil resources, along with their expertise in rainforest remedies and coastal access for fishing, contribute to the overall prosperity of the community.    
  • Clay and Earthenware: The village of Acocola is renowned for its expertise in clay production and earthenware crafting. They extract clay from the island's rich rainforest soils, producing high-quality pottery and ceramics. These clay products are in high demand and form a significant part of the village's economy.
  • Clay Export and Soil Processing: Acocola not only produces clay from the earth within the rainforest but also acts as a processing hub for soil from neighboring regions. Soil is sent to Acocola from outside areas, where the skilled Acocolians deftly transform it into clay, showcasing their mastery over the earth's bounty.
  • Rainforest Herbs and Medicines: Acocola possesses deep knowledge of the rainforest's flora, specializing in the cultivation of a specific plant known for its effectiveness in relieving headaches. The village's healers and shamans play a crucial role in harvesting and trading these natural remedies.
  • Fishing and Seafood: Located on the coast, Acocola engages in fishing activities, providing a variety of seafood like fish, crabs, and shellfish. This practice contributes to the local diet and trading with neighboring fishing communities.


The Docks
  • Description: The Docks district is a bustling area with a port where ships arrive and depart. Imported goods from distant lands are unloaded here, ensuring a constant flow of trade. The district is filled with sailors, merchants, and dockworkers, creating a lively atmosphere. The salty sea breeze fills the air, and the sound of seagulls is a constant backdrop.
  • Unique Features: The Docks district is where the soil and clay arrive from the surrounding landmasses. Ships dock here to deliver these vital resources to the town.
  Old Acocola
  • Description: Old Acocola is the heart of the town, where most of the residents live. The district is a maze of narrow cobblestone streets and cozy clay-brick houses. Farmers markets line the streets, offering fresh produce and artisanal clay pottery. A sense of community thrives here, and the earthy scent of freshly tilled soil fills the air.
  • Unique Features: Old Acocola houses the majority of the town's population and serves as the primary hub for daily life.
  South Ward
  • Description: South Ward is dedicated to recycling materials and supporting the soil's replenishment. It's less populated than the other districts, and the air carries a distinct, earthy aroma. Here, you'll find stone grinders, wood mills, and compost heaps where materials are repurposed to nourish the earth.
  • Unique Features: This district plays a crucial role in maintaining the town's sustainability, although it tends to be less populated due to the occasional unpleasant odors.

Points of interest

The Harvest Gathering: A timeless celebration that unites Acocola's residents, the Harvest Gathering marks the culmination of the year's agricultural efforts. As the rainforest blooms with an abundance of fruits, nuts, and vegetables, the villagers come together to reap earth's blessings and honor life's renewal. It's a joyous occasion of feasting, music, and dance, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the people with the land.   The Clayshaping Competition: A testament to the artistic prowess of Acocola's inhabitants, this annual event showcases the versatile use of clay. Teams of skilled clay artisans collaborate to shape and mold the clay into both functional and exquisite creations. Categories such as "most useful item" and "most uniquely beautiful item" celebrate the duality of artistry and utility, reflecting the village's commitment to both craftsmanship and practicality.   Claymoot: This gathering of clay makers from around the world transcends local customs, fostering an exchange of knowledge and ideas. Clay artisans converge to learn about the latest advancements in clay preparation and shaping techniques. Beyond honing their craft, they deepen their connection to the Earth, understanding its rhythms and cycles more profoundly.


Acocola nestles within the cradle of a colossal bay, ensconced by towering landmasses that form nature's amphitheater. The island's core pulsates with the verdant exuberance of a tropical rainforest, where luxuriant greenery sprawls to the eastern horizon. On the west, sun-kissed beaches tenderly cradle the island's edges, caressed by the gentle lapping of cerulean waves.   Scenic vistas from Acocola unveil a kaleidoscope of hues. Canopies of the rainforest shimmer with animated life, while the azure waters extend an invitation to explorers. Palm fronds undulate gracefully in the temperate breeze, and the melodic choruses of exotic birds serenade the senses.


In the bustling town of Acocola, where clay production is a way of life, you are surrounded by an array of businesses dedicated to transforming the region's clay-rich soil into various specialized clays for artisans and craftsmen. Each business is known for producing unique clay blends tailored to specific uses, ranging from pottery to construction materials.


  • Acocola
    In the bustling town of Acocola, where clay production is a way of life, you are surrounded by an array of businesses dedicated to transforming the region's clay-rich soil into various specialized clays for artisans and craftsmen. Each business is known for producing unique clay blends tailored to specific uses, ranging from pottery to construction materials.
Village Size
Alternative Name(s)
Clay Town
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