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Black Orcs

A larger, stronger subspecies of the Orcs. Named for their black steel armour that covers them head to toe.   Throughout my research I could find little mention of them before the turn of the ninth century TA. Their first mention was as the warriors that emerged when the great Duergar wheel broke through the northern Arrowtooth Mountains at what is now Orkansaw.   Amongst the most reliable stories of their origin tells that they were once slaves of the Dawi Zarr. The cruel Duergar had experimented on captured orcs to create more brutal thralls that they could use against their cousins that contest their supremacy of the depths. As the tales go these new orcs rose up against their masters, setting loose the great mining saw until it broke to the surface of the world. Now the black orcs want for nothing but conflict and a good fight. Their appearance lead to the second and third orc wars in Lyssonne and the sacking of city of Teberheim in Sollen.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

No young black orcs been seen since their emergence leading to a number of theories of how the number of black orcs seems to have continued to be significant despite their deaths on the battlefield.    The first is that they are reproducing normally but youngsters are closely guarded from outsiders deep in orcish territory. This to me seems an unlikely occurance, orcs are seen taking to battle as soon as they are able to weild a weapon with sufficient power, sometimes as early as seven or eight years of age.   The second is that orcs have managed to engineer their own black orcs. They are known to have strange psychics and rudimentary medics and they certainly don't abide by the ethical standards of their human counterparts so this idea is not out of the question. It would beg the question of why, if they had the ability to, they do not all undergo this transformation. After all strength is paramount in orcish society.   The third and, in my humble opinion, the most likely theory is that the Dawi Zarr continue their alterations down in their twisted holds and along with it there continue to be escapes and revolts from below bringing more black orcs out into the world.

Biological Cycle

So far no black orc has been known to die of old age, instead it seems that as they age they simply continue to grow. This leads to the oldest and most formidable of these orcs growing to the size of small ogres.      
It is said that Gorbad Bonesplitta kicked in the gate of Castle Teberheim that would normally have taken a battering ram. The idea that he and those of his ilk could continue to grow indefinitely sends a shiver down my spine just to think of it.  
  • Lukas
  • Genetic Ancestor(s)


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