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The largest and most influential city on Zularan. This bustling metropolis is renowned for its blend of coltures, exiting nightlife, danger and tech. With towering buildings and neon lights. The city is a melting pot of cultures, filled with merchants, artisans, adventurers, and thrill-seekers. The streets are alive with activity day and night, from the vibrant Grand Bazaar to the shadowy alleys where illegal sky races take place beteewn three rebelius gangs. Alebaste's reputation as a hub of commerce, culture, and innovation makes it the unofficial capital of Zularan, a status that both elevates and isolates it from the other domed cities.   As the most influential of the domed cities on Zularan. Founded as a central hub for trade and commerce, it quickly grew into a bustling metropolis known for its wealth and innovation. Over the centuries, Alebaste has seen numerous conflicts and alliances, often acting as the mediator in disputes due to its economic power and strategic importance. The city’s growth was spurred by the discovery of valuable minerals and the establishment of extensive trade routes, attracting a diverse population of merchants, artisans, and adventurers.   Diplomacy Alebaste's a diplomatic powerhouse, leveraging its economic clout to maintain influence over the other cities. It is known for its shrewd negotiators and skilled diplomats who excel in forging alliances and brokering deals. Alebaste has a complex relationship with its neighboring cities:   Duna: Relationship: Strained Details: Ideological differences create tension, with Duna’s reliance on magic and spirituality clashing with Alebaste’s technological and capitalist focus. Despite this, they have made trade agreements necessitate and have some occasional cooperation.   Szchar: Relationship: Suspicious Cooperation Details: While Szchar’s emphasis on magical freedom contrasts with Alebaste’s structured approach, the cities benefit from trading rare magical goods and simple quality of life technology, leading to a cautious but beneficial relationship.   Nivoria: Relationship: Competitive Allies Details: Both cities are technology-centric, fostering both rivalry and cooperation. Competition for technological supremacy is fierce, but mutual respect leads to collaborations in defense and innovation.   Viridia: Relationship: Cordial and Collaborative Details: Alebaste appreciates Viridia’s ecological advancements, often collaborating on projects that blend technology and nature. The cities share a mutually beneficial relationship based on environmental stewardship.


Guildmaster Prime: Seraphine Voss, the chief executive, and public face of Alebaste, oversees major decisions and represents the city in inter-city diplomacy.   Council Members: Representatives from Alebaste's most influential guilds:   Merchant Guild: Oversees trade and commerce.   Artisan’s Union: Promotes cultural and technological advancements.   Trader’s Consortium: Manages market regulations and trade agreements.   Engineer’s Assembly: Focuses on infrastructure and technological innovation. Magistrates:


Appointed officials responsible for day-to-day operations such as law enforcement, public works, and trade regulation. They report to the council and are chosen for their expertise and loyalty.   Public Safety and Law Enforcement: The city maintains a well-trained guard force to ensure public safety and enforce the law. Their pragmatic approach often involves tolerating certain underground activities to keep the peace.


The Grand Bazaar: The heart of Alebaste’s commerce, this sprawling market is a maze of stalls, shops, and pavilions where goods from across the galaxy are bought and sold. It is a vibrant, colorful, and often chaotic place.   The Neon District: Known for its entertainment and nightlife, this district is ablaze with neon signs and lights. It houses theaters, nightclubs, casinos, and restaurants, making it the city’s prime spot for leisure and revelry. Illegal flying car races and mech fights are found there.   The Ironworks: The industrial heart of Alebaste, filled with factories, workshops, and engineering firms. The district is characterized by its towering smokestacks and constant hum of machinery.   The Undercity: Beneath the bustling streets lies a network of tunnels and abandoned structures, home to the city’s less fortunate and the hub of its black market.


Founding Era (Year 0 - 200): Year 50: The first domes are constructed by the Everking, providing protection and enabling controlled environmental conditions. Alebaste is founded as a small trading post, leveraging its strategic location and rich mineral resources. Year 150: Alebaste becomes a major trade hub, attracting merchants and settlers from across Zularan.   Expansion Era (Year 200 - 500): Year 200: The Grand Bazaar is established, becoming the largest market on Zularan. Year 350: The Ironworks district is developed, fueling the city’s industrial growth. Year 450: The Garden Quarter is planned and constructed, providing a haven for the city’s elite.   Golden Age (Year 500 - 800): Year 500: Alebaste’s population reaches one million, and the city is recognized as the unofficial capital of Zularan. Year 600: The Council of Guilds is formed to govern the city, replacing the previous autocratic rule. Year 700: Alebaste pioneers advancements in steam technology, integrating it with alien engineering.   Modern Era (Year 800 - Present): Year 800: Illegal racing begins to flourish in the Neon District, becoming a major underground activity. Year 850: Tensions with other cities rise as Alebaste’s economic and political influence grows. Year 900: The current Guildmaster Prime, Seraphine Voss, is elected, navigating the city through a period of both prosperity and rising external pressures.
Founding Date
1.5 million
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