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A unique city where advanced green technology and the natural world coexist in harmony with the spirit realm. Enclosed within a massive, shimmering dome, Viridia is a sanctuary of bioluminescent flora, floating gardens, and eco-friendly technologies. The city is not only dedicated to sustainable living and environmental stewardship but also serves as a haven for spirits that roam freely throughout the city. However, they seem to have a dark secret that taints the spirits, causing unrest among the city’s civilians and spirits.   Viridia’s landscape is a lush, verdant haven, illuminated by the soft glow of bioluminescent plants. The architecture blends organic forms with high-tech design, featuring buildings that mimic natural structures and incorporate living materials. Spirits of nature, ancestors, and mythical beings move freely among the residents, contributing to the city’s unique ambiance. However, the once peaceful spirits are becoming increasingly agitated due to the unknown corrupting force.


Chief Ecologist and Spiritual Leader: The head of the council, currently Chief Ecologist Aria Loran. She is a passionate leader dedicated to environmental conservation, technological innovation, and spiritual harmony. Aria works tirelessly to maintain balance in the city. Council Members: Experts in environmental science, technology, and spiritual practices. The council ensures that Viridia’s policies align with its core values of sustainability, harmony with nature, and respect for the spirit world. Eco Guardians: A group tasked with maintaining ecological balance, enforcing environmental laws, and addressing spiritual disturbances. They play a crucial role in protecting the city’s green infrastructure, resources, and spiritual well-being.


The Green Spire: The tallest structure in Viridia, serving as the center of governance and research. The Green Spire is an architectural marvel that integrates natural elements and cutting-edge technology, symbolizing the city's commitment to harmony. The Green Spire hosts various eco-tech expos and conferences on sustainability. It is also a place where important spiritual ceremonies are held, and where the presence of spirits is particularly strong.   The Luminescent Grove: A sprawling park filled with bioluminescent plants, providing both beauty and a functional light source for the city. The grove is a popular spot for recreation, meditation, and public events. The grove is a favorite gathering place for both residents and spirits, fostering a sense of community. Spirits often manifest in the Luminescent Grove, drawn to its natural beauty and tranquility.   The Floating Gardens: Advanced botanical gardens that float above the city, showcasing Viridia’s commitment to ecological balance and beauty. These gardens are a testament to the city’s innovative use of space and resources. The gardens produce a significant portion of the city’s food supply, using sustainable farming techniques. The gardens are tended by both residents and helpful nature spirits, ensuring bountiful harvests and ecological harmony.   Castle of the Everking: An ancient, majestic castle located at the heart of Viridia, where the spirit of the Everking resides. The castle is a blend of grandiose architecture and ethereal beauty, with spirits frequently seen within its walls. Occasional public appearances by the Everking, who delivers cryptic messages and prophecies. The castle is also a place of spiritual significance, where rituals and ceremonies are conducted to honor the Everking’s legacy and appease the spirits.


Founding Era (Year 0 - 200): Year 0: The Everking, a visionary and enigmatic leader, emerges from the mists of Zularan. With unparalleled knowledge of green technology and the spirit world, he founds Viridia with the goal of creating a sanctuary where nature, technology, and spirits could coexist in perfect harmony. Year 50: Construction of the protective dome begins, shielding the city from Zularan’s harmful mists. The Everking’s mastery over both technological and magical forces is instrumental in this achievement. Year 100: The Green Spire is completed, becoming the administrative, research, and spiritual hub of Viridia. Early innovations in biotechnology and spiritual practices begin to take shape under the Everking’s guidance.   Expansion Era (Year 200 - 500): Year 250: The Luminescent Grove is established, providing a central park and research area for bioluminescent plant life. It quickly becomes a cultural, recreational, and spiritual center. Year 450: The Floating Gardens are developed, showcasing the city’s advances in agricultural technology and sustainable living. Spirits play a significant role in tending the gardens and ensuring ecological balance.   Golden Age (Year 500 - 800): Year 600: Under the Everking’s rule, Viridia becomes renowned for its ecological advancements and spiritual harmony, leading the planet in sustainable practices and green technology. The population grows as people are drawn to the city’s innovative and harmonious lifestyle. Year 750: Viridia collaborates with other cities on environmental and spiritual projects, sharing its knowledge and technologies to promote sustainability and harmony across Zularan.   Modern Era (Year 800 - Present): Year 850: The city continues to advance its green technologies and practices, maintaining its status as a model of sustainability and spiritual harmony. Viridia navigates rising tensions between other cities, advocating for peace, environmental stewardship, and spiritual respect. Year 900: The spirits begins to show signs of corruption due to a dark influence. This corruption causing unrest among the city’s spirits. Present Day: The leaders of Viridia, particularly Chief Ecologist Aria Loran, work tirelessly to address the growing spiritual unrest. They seek to understand the source of the corruption and find a way to cleanse the spirits to restore harmony.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
"The eternal city"
2.3 Million
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