In the northern reaches of a peaceful coastal region, where the winds carry the whispers of winter, there once lived a solitary figure named Jack Frostbite. His tale is one of a gifted sorcerer whose icy enchantments were both a source of wonder and, unintentionally, chaos.   Jack was born with a rare affinity for ice magic, a gift that set him apart from the villagers who regarded him with a mixture of awe and caution. His pale complexion and frost-kissed hair mirrored the magical energy that flowed through his veins. Despite his isolation, Jack found solace in the beauty of the frozen landscapes that surrounded his humble abode.   As the seasons shifted, so did Jack's magical abilities. However, in his pursuit of mastering the delicate art of ice sorcery, he unwittingly cast a spell during one fateful winter. The enchantment, intended to enhance the beauty of the snowy landscapes, instead brought forth a whimsical chaos that transformed the ordinary winter festivities into magical mayhem.   Realizing the unintended consequences of his actions, Jack withdrew from the village, seeking refuge in a hidden ice-covered lair on the outskirts of the community. There, surrounded by crystalline formations and shimmering frost, he grappled with guilt over the havoc he had unintentionally unleashed.   News of the magical chaos reached the ears of the villagers, who, unaware of Jack's connection to the events, believed an unknown sorcerer was responsible. Desperate for a solution, they sought the help of adventurers to uncover the truth and restore order to their winter celebrations.   As the party ventures into the frosty landscape to find Jack Frostbite, they will discover not only the source of the magical mishap but also a sorcerer burdened with remorse. Jack, though hesitant at first, can be convinced to aid the party by providing insights into the magical component needed to rectify his unintended enchantments.   Jack Frostbite's background is one of magical talent turned awry, adding an element of mystery and redemption to the campaign as the party delves into the wintry landscapes to uncover the secrets behind the icy chaos.

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In the serene coastal region of Stormfront, there exists an annual celebration known as "A Jolly Good Time." The celebration marks the transition from Fallfrost to Winter's Rise and is a cherished event in the bustling town of Viorough. Amidst the cobbled streets and cozy cottages, one magical being takes center stage during this joyous time — Santa Claws.   Santa Claws was not always the festive custodian of A Jolly Good Time. Long ago, he was an ordinary resident of Viorough, known for his kindness and generosity. Legend has it that during a particularly harsh winter, when the town faced adversity, a mysterious old man arrived bearing gifts and warmth. This enigmatic figure, with a twinkle in his eye and laughter that echoed through the snow-covered streets, quickly became a beloved part of Viorough's winter traditions.   Over the years, the residents noticed something extraordinary about this mysterious benefactor. As the years passed, he aged gracefully but did not seem to grow older. Eventually, the townspeople began to refer to him as Santa Claws, a title that encapsulated both his benevolent nature and the festive aura he brought to A Jolly Good Time.   The magical essence of the celebration became intertwined with Santa Claws, and as the custodian of the festivities, he discovered an innate connection to the holiday spirit. Gifted with longevity and magical abilities, Santa Claws took on the responsibility of ensuring A Jolly Good Time continued to spread joy and warmth throughout Viorough.   His home, nestled on the outskirts of town, is a charming cottage surrounded by evergreen trees and adorned with festive decorations all year round. Within its walls, Santa Claws meticulously crafts and wraps the gifts that magically appear in his sack, ready to be distributed to the good-hearted citizens of Viorough during the celebration.   Santa Claws' background is one of enduring generosity, tying his fate to the annual celebration that defines the spirit of Viorough. As the festive custodian, he remains a symbol of hope and holiday magic for the townspeople, ensuring that the tradition of A Jolly Good Time lives on through the ages.

Catchphrase: "Jingle Jangle Jolly!"

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In the shadowed corners of a quaint, wintry hamlet, there exists a mysterious creature known as the Grinchling. Born of shadow and mischief, the Grinchling is a peculiar being that emerged from the collective mischievous spirit of the town, fueled by the shadows cast during A Jolly Good Time.   Long ago, the Grinchling was a mere whisper, an embodiment of the more mischievous aspects of the festive celebration. As the townspeople reveled in the joy of the season, their mirth inadvertently gave rise to this impish creature. It is said that the Grinchling found its form in the discarded shadows, a manifestation of the holiday's playful side taken to an extreme.   The creature, resembling a goblin in appearance, is small and agile with scaly green skin. Its sharp, pointed ears and mischievous grin reveal its goblinoid nature, but it possesses an otherworldly charm that endears it to the shadows. The Grinchling wears tattered, oversized clothing adorned with stolen trinkets and baubles, souvenirs pilfered from the unsuspecting townspeople.   As A Jolly Good Time approaches each year, the Grinchling stirs, drawn to the festive energies that permeate the town. Its presence, though initially harmless, evolves into a series of mischievous pranks and playful thievery. From stealing ornaments to rearranging decorations, the Grinchling delights in disrupting the idyllic scenes of joy.   However, beneath the mischievous exterior lies a deeper yearning. The Grinchling, while reveling in its trickster antics, is fundamentally lonely. It longs for connection and a sense of belonging, an emotion overshadowed by its mischievous nature.   As the party delves into the mystery of the Grinchling's mischief, they may discover the creature's true nature and choose to either befriend it or outwit its tricky tendencies. The Grinchling's background adds a layer of complexity to the campaign, allowing players to explore themes of loneliness, redemption, and the transformative power of friendship during the festive season.

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Fade,   Your incompetence stains the legacy you profess to uphold. The shadows whisper tales of your failure, and the Council's patience wears thin. It is with disdain that I address you once more, for your inadequacies have become an unbearable burden on the Keeper's aspirations.   The party you were tasked to eliminate lingers like a pestilence, defying the Council's will. Time, the currency we can scarcely afford to squander, slips through our fingers. This missive serves as a final warning – rectify your shortcomings or face the consequences that befall those who falter.   The party, unwittingly moving towards their fate, draws closer to unveiling the concealed echelons that shroud our influence. This cannot transpire. The consequences are far-reaching, and your ineptitude only hastens the unraveling of our secrets.   Act with the urgency demanded by your station, for inaction is a luxury we no longer indulge. To expedite your feeble efforts, I provide two avenues of assistance. In Gathad, within the realm of Gumundi, seek the Eclipse Warden. His loyalty lies with us. In Meier, nestled in the Undiscovered Shores, consult Twilight Nightmare. His mastery of subtlety is unmatched.   T hey veil the power and influence of those who reside in the shadows. Utilize these contacts wisely, for they hold the key to hastening the demise of the party.   May the shadows guide your hand, Fade, for the alternative is a darkness from which there is no escape.   The Legacy Keeper

Fade,   Your incompetence stains the legacy you profess to uphold. The shadows whisper tales of your failure, and the Council's patience wears thin. It is with disdain that I address you once more, for your inadequacies have become an unbearable burden on the Keeper's aspirations.   The party you were tasked to eliminate lingers like a pestilence, defying the Council's will. Time, the currency we can scarcely afford to squander, slips through our fingers. This missive serves as a final warning – rectify your shortcomings or face the consequences that befall those who falter.   The party, unwittingly moving towards their fate, draws closer to unveiling the concealed echelons that shroud our influence. This cannot transpire. The consequences are far-reaching, and your ineptitude only hastens the unraveling of our secrets.   Act with the urgency demanded by your station, for inaction is a luxury we no longer indulge. To expedite your feeble efforts, I provide two avenues of assistance. In Gathad, within the realm of Gumundi, seek the Eclipse Warden. His loyalty lies with us. In Meier, nestled in the Undiscovered Shores, consult Twilight Nightmare. His mastery of subtlety is unmatched.   T hey veil the power and influence of those who reside in the shadows. Utilize these contacts wisely, for they hold the key to hastening the demise of the party.   May the shadows guide your hand, Fade, for the alternative is a darkness from which there is no escape.   The Legacy Keeper

Theodor Fade

As Theodor Fade, he became a mercenary, using his wealth to hire out his services as a warrior. His reputation grew quickly, and he was soon sought after by noble families and kingdoms for his expertise in battle. But despite his success, Theodor remained haunted by his past and feared that one day his true identity would be revealed. He surrounded himself with loyal followers and used his wealth to gather information, always ready to defend himself from any potential threats.   One day, Theodor was approached by a mysterious sorceress who offered him a deal. In exchange for his services, she would provide him with magical protection, ensuring that his secret would remain safe forever. Theodor accepted, and soon found himself on a quest to retrieve a powerful artifact that the sorceress claimed would grant him ultimate power. He journeyed through dangerous lands, battling demons and dragons, and finally retrieved the artifact.   However, Theodor soon discovered that the sorceress had betrayed him, and the artifact was actually a trap that would bind his soul to hers forever. With no other choice, Theodor harnessed the power of the artifact and used it to defeat the sorceress, reclaiming his freedom and becoming one of the most powerful warriors in the land. Despite his newfound power, Theodor remains cautious and guarded, always ready to defend himself against any potential threats. He continues to hire out his services, using his wealth and power to shape the fate of the world as he sees fit.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

History: He was a bastard born out of an affair, and his father always resented and mistreated him for it out of spite. He became part of the deadliest team of assassins in recent memory. A botched job caused the group to be disbanded. After months of barely getting by, Gomory managed to ambush a major caravan with a load of valuables. Instantly wealthy, he made his way to the capital under a new identity.

Personality Characteristics


Motivation: He has comitted a past crime that haunts him to this day; and he possesses a valuable artifact that the thieves guild wishes to steal



Speaks with lips pursed
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Date of Birth
14th of Fallfrost
Year of Birth
301 AoU 54 Years old
Known Languages

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Bune Portrait

Bune Pursuit is a Tiefling hunter who is known for her dark and mysterious appearance. Her lean and relatively plain body is covered in a white suit, making her stand out in any crowd. Her unkempt and raggedy dark red hair adds to her fierce and intense look. Her white eyes are known to dwell on things for long periods of time, giving her an air of mystery and intrigue.   One of the most unique things about Bune is that her tongue was cut out. Despite this, she is able to communicate effectively through sign language, making her even more versatile and adaptable in her line of work. Bune is used to getting what she wants and is known for her meticulous planning, which allows her to always come out on top.   Bune has drifted from career to career, working as a mercenary and a hunter. She is skilled in tracking down her targets and taking them out with precision and efficiency. Her experience and knowledge of different environments and tactics make her a valuable asset to any team or organization. Despite her dark and mysterious appearance, Bune is a skilled and respected hunter who is always in demand.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The child of a Dilettante, who enjoyed hunting, Bune was taken on many hunting expeditions. She was one of the best in her class, and was picked up by her current employer. She quickly showed her capability and was soon promoted to a head role. She has drifted from career to career and currently works as a Mercenary.



Mental Trauma

Her tongue was cut out and she uses sign language. She is used to getting what she wants. In part because she is a meticulous planner



Extremely Professional
Character Location
Bune Pursuit NPC Profile
Neutral Evil
Current Location
Date of Birth
28th of Moonrise
Year of Birth
329 AoU 26 Years old
She is a relatively plain woman wearing just a white suit
Fierce White Eyes
Unkempt and raggedy dark red hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark and lean
Known Languages
Common, Terran, Auran

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The Lonely Sword tavern sits in the heart of the arcane quarter, a place where magic and mystery run deep. The street outside is bustling with activity, as merchants and traders go about their business, but the tavern is a haven of peace and quiet. The only disturbance comes from a beggar who harasses passers-by, begging for coin or food.   The tavern is a large, single-storey building made of timber and brick, with a brown shingled roof. The entrance is adorned with a koi pond, where the fish swim lazily, their scales glistening in the warm light of the magical torches that line the walls. The tavern is well-lit, and the cobwebs that adorn the corners add to the eerie ambiance.   Inside, the tavern is warm and inviting. A small stage sits at the back of the room, where performers can entertain the patrons with their songs and tales of adventure. The bar is made of dark wood, and the bartenders are friendly and attentive. They serve up frothy ale and hearty meals to the weary travelers and adventurers who pass through the door.   The Lonely Sword is a place where one can forget their troubles and lose themselves in the stories and songs of the bards. It is a place where magic and mystery are celebrated, and where one can find solace in the company of friends and strangers alike.  


  • Eggs and Ham Soup with Nutmeg and Leek and a Glass of Brandy (5 sp)
  • Ham Sandwich with Rice and a Mug of Perry (5 sp)
  • Lamb Cake with Nutmeg and Leek (4 sp)

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Thain Merovech Proudbottom (a.k.a. Merovech the Just)

Merovech Proudbottom is a charismatic and eloquent halfling, standing at only three feet tall but with a presence that commands attention. He has a head of curly brown hair and a thick, bushy beard that he takes great pride in grooming. His bright blue eyes sparkle with intelligence and determination, and his easy smile puts people at ease.   As Thain of Stormfront, Merovech is the leader of his people and is dedicated to protecting and defending their rights and interests. He is a skilled diplomat, able to navigate the complex politics of Stormfront and mediate between the different factions. He is known for his ability to make fair and just decisions, and his people trust him to always put their needs first.   In battle, Merovech is a formidable fighter, wielding a short sword and shield with precision and agility. He is also an accomplished archer, able to shoot arrows with deadly accuracy. Despite his small size, he is fearless and unafraid to charge into battle alongside his people, earning him the respect and admiration of all.   In his free time, Merovech enjoys playing the lute and singing traditional halfling songs. He is also an avid cook and is known for his delicious pies and pastries. He has a loving wife and three children, and they are often seen together at community events and festivals.   Overall, Merovech Proudbottom is a beloved leader, a skilled warrior, and a devoted husband and father. He is the embodiment of the halfling spirit, fiercely loyal to his people and dedicated to ensuring their prosperity and happiness.

Personality Characteristics


He has a deep emotional bond with the people of Stormfront, especially those who are less fortunate. He has a strong sense of loyalty to his family and will do anything to protect them.

Virtues & Personality perks

Duty: Merovech believes in fulfilling his duty to protect and serve his people, no matter the cost. Fairness: He always tries to be fair and just in his dealings with others. Respect: Merovech respects the traditions of his people and endeavors to protect them at all costs.

Vices & Personality flaws

He can be a bit stubborn at times, sometimes refusing to listen to the advice of others His pride may lead him to make hasty or impulsive decisions. He has a tendency to be overly critical of others who fail to meet his high standards.
Merovech Proudbottom NPC Profile
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Thain of Stormfront
Date of Birth
8th of Moonrise
Year of Birth
279 AoU 76 Years old
Sharp, Innocent face
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Smooth, pockmarked, golden skin
Aligned Organization

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Dondon Porridgepot

Dondon Porridgepot, a male hobbit, is the owner of the Lonely Sword tavern. He is a moderate tanned hobbit with a slight accent, giving away his origins from a faraway land. He is known for his large white jacket which he wears all the time, making him stand out in the crowd. He has a long black beard that reaches down to his chest, adorned with small trinkets and charms that he has collected over the years.   Despite his age, Dondon is still quite handsome, with a faded beauty that shines through. He takes his job as the owner of the Lonely Sword tavern very seriously, as he fears that he may not be able to find another job if he were to lose this one. He may seem unscrupulous at times, but deep down, he knows what is right and he will always do what he thinks is best for his customers and his establishment.   Dondon's tavern is well-known throughout the land for its delicious food, strong ale and warm atmosphere. Many travelers and adventurers frequent the Lonely Sword, and Dondon always makes sure to greet them with a warm smile and a friendly welcome. He is a great listener and is always willing to lend an ear to anyone who needs it.   Despite his rough exterior, Dondon has a kind heart and is always willing to help those in need. He may not have much, but he always makes sure that his tavern is a safe haven for all who enter. He is a true friend to all who know him and he is respected and loved by many.   Overall, Dondon Porridgepot is a kind-hearted hobbit who takes his job as the owner of the Lonely Sword tavern very seriously. He may seem unscrupulous at times, but deep down, he always does what he thinks is right. He is a true friend to all who know him and is respected and loved by many.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He got into the Barkeep business at a young age. His homeland was ravaged by war and he spent much of his life rebuilding it. He has achieved small success as a Barkeep.



Mental Trauma


Personality Characteristics


To unite with his sister; and marry his sister to traveling adventurers

Virtues & Personality perks




Spits words with contempt
Current Location
The Lonely Sword
Neutral Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
4th of Starlight
Year of Birth
299 AoU 56 Years old
Long, Black
Known Languages
Ruled Locations

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