Chapter 9

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Nytena finally dried her tears on the day of the ball, in other words it stopped raining. The season of Nytena, Goddess of Thunder and Wind has arrived, which was better known as the wet season. It was strange to have event during this time of the year, because the amount of damage the season brought with it, river overflowing, trees falling on houses and roads. All with all, it was a busy season managing the estates for the families, major or minor. But that those not matter if you are the emperor, apparently. A ball to celebrate the Gods know what, Meyda sighed when she looked at herself in the mirror. She knew that she was the one who wanted to wear this dress, even to the point that she refused to order another one. Shefi and Aleen took in the cape, so that it wouldn’t drag over the floor. Decreasing the chance that someone would step on it during the ball, still doubts started to attack her from the moment she put it on for the second time. It still was the most beautiful dress she had ever worn, and everybody that knew her agreed with her on that. But would this draw to much attention on her? This was what she was most afraid off, all eyes on her, waiting for her to make a mistake. Which she would undoubtedly make, it was her debut in the secular society. Something that should have happen when she was thirteen, not after her marriage and the Purge of her family. Shefi was busy with brushing in her hair, and adding the emerald hair clip to the outfit. The earrings were already shimmering in light of the declining sun, it was almost time for them to leave. According to Ginat it was a simple hour drive by carriage, but it would probably take longer, because of all the rain. But that might be the reason that they were leaving a bit earlier, Sayar was also coming with them. Something he was set on not doing, but he had changed his mind after he had come back from the temple. Ginat had told her that he received some disturbing news from Dorian. She bit softly on her lip and wanted to sigh, she only was able to think of one type of news that would warrant such a change of mind. Another purge. Something she happen any time soon, a knock landed on her door breaking off her stream of thoughts. Ginat entered her room, he was wearing an emerald green overcoat. His tie was the same shade of green, and a large emerald was pin was making his look complete. His raven-wing black hair was neatly combed, and some grease was used to style it.

Oh, my. Oh my. My wife is the most beautiful creature I ever laid eyes on.” He said with a large grin on his face. “Are you ready?” She wanted to shake her head as a response, but there was no turning back. Today was the day she would enter secular society, besides that Sayar wouldn’t give her any other choice. So she nodded, and took Ginat’s stretched out hand. He guided her out of the room, and down the staircase, she was walking a bit more comfortably in those high heels. But she was still glad that he was by her side. Sayar was nowhere to be seen, most likely he was already inside the carriage. And this was indeed the case, and his iron gray eyes grew wide when he saw her in the dress.

Was this the dress you were talking about?” He asked, both Ginat and she nodded. “Well, you two were right. This is indeed a masterpiece, that should be worn to a royal ball.” Meyda smiled softly, but her hands were shaking like leaves in the wind. Ginat took them and placed a kiss on the back.

You will be fine, because I will be right by your side.” He said, and this calmed her slightly. But she knew that he wasn’t able to stay by her side forever. After this there would be tea parties, and those were women only events. Events for which Katelin will not even invited to because of her status, and her pregnancy. But that was something she should be worried about after the ball. Right now she would be accompanied by the two Eldar men, so she would be in safe hands.


The carriage stopped in front of the Imperial palace, which was the largest structure that Meyda had ever seen. It was even larger then the Temple of Volaris. Nytena was weeping again, the rain was softly ticking against the rooftop. A whole line of valets were standing on either of the red carpet with umbrella’s in their hands, who were made from water resistant fabric and wood. It was whispered that it was the latest invention of the Imperial wizard Sun ben Lion. Meyda didn’t have a clue how magic works, but it was fascinating to what people with magical abilities can come up with. Their carriage stopped, Ginat jumped out of it, followed by Sayar. Both of them reached their hands out to her, which she gladly took. When her feet were steady on the carpet Sayar let go of her. She was fine with that, she had her husband to lean on after all. Slowly they guided her through the large double doors, made out of dark wood and were decorated with iron covered in golden paint. The hallways of the palace were long and high, various murals of griffons were painted on the ceilings. A long dark red carpet, with golden edges was rolled out over the marble floor. Large male and female statues wearing armor were holding large bowls in which large fires were light. Soft music was calling them towards the ballroom, a valet with a large belly was standing next to the door. A large scepter of ceremony in his hands. Meyda was enchanted by the scenery inside the ballroom, the murals were also in here, but not only on the ceiling but on the walls as well. Three very large crystal chandeliers were hanging above the crowd full of color. Ladies in their dresses, their lords in matching overcoats. Footmen in their black and white outfits were walking around with large trays filled with drinks and small bites. Against the large wall, were long tables filled with savory and sweet snacks. The scepter of ceremony, hit the floor three times. The soft music, and the murmurs that were in the room died down.

Lord Sayar Eldar, Lord Ginat Eldar, and Lady Meyda Eldar!” The valet said loudly, all three of them bowed slightly before the other guests and they bowed as well. A mare show of faked respect, but it was tradition, so they needed to play along. The music and the murmurs picked up. Sayar walked towards some people he clearly knew, members of other major houses most likely. Ginat guided her towards the long table and started to explain to her all the little snacks. She knew a few of them, thanks to Katelin’s lessons, but there some that she had never seen or tasted before. The The scepter of ceremony, hit the floor three times again. “Lord Mizmor Inaam, Lord Yofiel Inaam, Lady Katelin Inaam and Princess Isabel for Sodora.” Katelin and her family were standing ad the door, bowing towards the other guests, like Meyda and the other had done before. It didn’t went unnoticed that the valet named Princess Isabel last. Although she has a higher rank then Katelin, and the murmurs went off about that as soon the whole show was over. Yofiel looked at his wife, who wore a lovely soft pink dress. Her light baby blond hair was up, and the pink gemstones in her jewelry and tiara were glimmering in the warm light of the candle light. She was a beautiful young woman, Katelin’s eyes fell upon Meyda and Ginat. She started to pull Mizmor and her brother-in-law towards them. Katelin’s dress was indeed the same type of design as that from Meyda, but there were noticeable differences. Mainly the color was bright yellow.

Well, well, Meyda that dress looks beautiful on you.” she said, “I know that I have already seen you in it, but still you look stunning.” Ginat and the other men grabbed each two glasses from a tray, and each of them passed one on towards their partners. Meyda directly took a sip from hers, it was not champagne, but a light sweet wine. No not wine, mead, something she never have before, but she heard a lot of stories about it. “Let me introduce you, to my brother-in-law and my other sister-in-law. Yofiel and Isabel.” Meyda bowed towards the princess, showing her the respect that she was rightfully owned.

It is my honor to meet you, your Highness, and young master Inaam. I hope the Gods smile upon your future with favor.” This was believed to be a formal greeting in Sodora, at least according to the books she have read about Sodora. Isabel smiled.

You are the first one who greeted me, like people would do in my homeland, Lady Eldar. Which makes me grateful, and happy.” Isabel said, she had a small accent, which was in some ways cut and adorable. Another arrival entered the ballroom, and the same dance started. “I never understood this bowing before entering the ball. I know it is a sign of respect towards the other guests, but no one in here really believes it.” Meyda agreed with that, it was the same stream of thought she had earlier. Ginat bowed towards her.

I didn’t know that Katelin taught you a Sodora greeting?” he asked, Katelin shook her head in bewilderment.

I didn’t teach her, I didn’t even knew that it excited. Isable never taught it to me either.” She exclaimed. Meyda smiled, towards her and the other members of their small group.

I read about it in a book when I was younger,” she knew better then to talk about her Purged family when they were inside the palace. = They all nodded, they understood what she was saying, for which she was grateful. Two trumpet players entered the ballroom and stated playing some kind of foreboding tune.

The Emperor is coming,” Katelin whispered in her ear. She nodded and her gaze was set upon the door. She had seen the man only two times, when he barged into the sitting room and at her wedding when he apologized for his behavior. It hadn’t accrued to her to ask him why he reacted so strongly towards her, the first time. Maybe Ginat knew it, they were cousins after all. The Emperor stepped through, and all of the bowed. At his side was a young woman, who looked a lot like Isabel, a slightly older version of her, but they still looked the same. Was that her older sister? The second Princess of Sodora, Neva. Meyda glanced towards Isabel, who trembled slightly. So it was her older sister, what was she doing here? The Emperor stepped into the ballroom and walked straight up towards their little group.

Cousins!” he said, a bit too cheerful. “I see that the two of you were able to make it, with your partners.” He had addressed Ginat and Katelin at the same time, which in a private setting was not that unfamiliar. But they were not at a private setting, this was a ball. “Lady Eldar, you look as beautiful as white lotus in bloom.” Which was a compliment like no other, the white lotus was the symbol of rebirth, but he said it as if it came with a double edges sword. Filled with poison and all. He clearly didn’t like her at all, that much was clear to her. But why, was this all because she survived her families purge. Because she got married into the second oldest family of the empire, married to one of his cousins? That couldn’t be it, could it? She didn’t know and she was not able to raise her questions either, that would be considered rude. “What a lovely dress, Master Altar has out done himself this time.” He then turned towards Neva. “Maybe he should design you one as well. But with more elegance, showing of more skin and that beautiful body of yours.” Neva snorted.

No thank you, your grace. I am content with the dresses that are made by your dress makers.” She said. “Don’t you think little sister? I heard that your sister-in-law is with child, what about you? You have being married to that spice merchant for a bit longer.” Meyda looked at Princess Neva, something was not adding up here. Her mouth was dishing out these words filled with poison, but there were some small hints of tears in her eyes. She didn’t mean them at all, was Isabel able to it as well.

It is heartwarming that you are concerned about me, sister. Children will come when the Gods decided. It isn’t something we can force,” which was a politic correct answer. “And that sky blue dress looks wonderful on you, but what wouldn’t.”

Indeed, you are reading my thoughts Princess Isabel. What wouldn't look good, on my future wife.” the Emperor stated. So that was why he was holding this ball, he was engaged. But wait, didn’t his last fiancee pass away very recently? Meyda looked from the Emperor to Neva and then to Ginat, who looked just as confused as she was.

That is wonderful news,” Katelin was the first who recovered. “And so soon.” The Emperor started to chuckle, but he didn’t say anything further.

Maestro, if you please,” he said, and the orchestra who were not visible to the eyes started to play. A waltz, the Emperor grabbed, there was no other word for it, Princess Neva and pulled her towards the dance floor. He had opened the ball, with the first dance. The music died down, and the dance was over. But it didn’t stay quiet for long, the orchestra started to play another waltz. Ginat took her hand.

Shall we?” he asked, which was so different then what the Emperor just had done. She nodded and he guided her towards the dance floor, she took a deep breath and let Ginat guide her over the floor. Swirling, turning, all with a big smile on her face and love in her eyes. They had practiced a lot of hours, but now she was enjoying every second of their hard labor. The music stopped and the dance was over. Which meant the fun was over and it was time for her to return to the rest of the group. Sayar had joined them, and chuckled about something Princess Isabel had said. Dorian, who was wearing all white, was also there. She gave him a large smile when their gazes met, she always liked Dorian. He was besides Mister Alter the only one who had noticed that there was something not right about how her family was treating her. And he had done his best to help her, but it all failed. They were almost by the group, when she heard some angry footsteps behind her. Someone grabbed her by the arm, hard, turning her around. A slap, with nails landed on her cheek, and Meyda was able to feel it sting. Knowing full well that the person that just slapped her drew blood.

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