Chapter 14

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Nava Sodora, second princess of the kingdom of Sodora, stood outside the emperor’s chambers. The sound of stuff hitting the walls, brepaking glass and a man pleading for mercy crept through the ajar door.

You are begging for mercy, after you told me that the traitors bitch is pregnant with her first child! That girl should have met her end during the PURGE! But she is still allowed to breath and apparently breed. Not only that, you had the guts to tell me that houses Moriel, Tzviel, and Inaam have payed their taxes with extra on time and their whole households are doing charity work. Making their reputation shin like fucking coins of flawless silver. There is no way that I am able to place another order for them to be PURGED!” Nava had heard from her father that this was the reason why Isabel’s whole family came to visit them, and why Isabel was still in Sodora with her pregnant sister-in-law. He had also told her that he was not going to protect the two women, but that her mother had a whole other plan. Which Neva at this point didn’t mind, everyone who she had spoken to has told her that the PURGE was a last resort, and punishment for the wrong doings of an entire family. But this man, she suppose to marry wasn’t talking about punishing one family, this man was on a witch hunt. A witch hunt towards one woman, Meyda Eldar. The wife of this man’s cousin. And all because she had an ounce of royal blood in her veins. Together what in the empire is called Blood of the Demon, but in Sodora it is called the children of Segeus. God of the Mystic. And his children are always left with some kind of magical gift. Lady Meyda was no exception to that rule. Her natural charm, knowing always the right thing to say, when she didn’t receive a proper training, was all part of her ability. Something the Lady herself wasn’t aware of, that much was clear to Neva. Another object of glass crashed down against the door, opening it up a bit further. This was her first and last warning, that it was time to leave. Which she didn’t waste. She found herself being able to breath, once she closed the door of her own room. This was all so crazy, and something she didn’t sign up for. Neither did her sister, of that she was a hundred present sure. Only to her brother-in-law’s credit he had warned Isabel of the dangers inside secular society of the Empire. He had arranged a tutor for her, so that she was able to learn the rules. That is how Lady Inaam, and Lord Inaam met. She was Isabel’s tutor, and the rest of it all is history. She on the other end, stepped inside this Empire blind, there was no tutor. No one to tell her what to do, or what not to say. But lucky for her, the maids that were assigned to her helped her at least with the basic’s. Something she was very grateful for, but it shouldn’t come from them. It should come from the man who wants to marry her, and even that was still up for debate. Oh, he loved to parade her around, as if she was a prized item. But other then showing her off, he hasn’t shown any interest in her. He doesn’t visit her chambers, they do not eat or go on any walks inside the palace garden. She was pretty sure that is she dropped dead, he wouldn’t notice it until a servant is brave enough to make him aware. And if she thinks about the explosion earlier, that might take some time, not that she would blame them one bit. She looked at the desk that was inside the room, in one of the hidden bottoms lay a PURGE warrant, signed and all. Not one for the families that the emperor just talked about, but for the Karniel family. One that had taken over the Giora estate, and a family she thought were in emperor’s good graces. But this warrant was one of the many he had inside his desk, she came across them on incident. And she was planning to show someone, probably Meyda, or her father-in-law. Maybe they could make sense about what was going on. Or this put them in even more danger, but she needed to share this with someone. Someone that was not connected to the Emperor. She shook her head, even in her thoughts she referred to his as the Emperor and not by his name Chezi. She called upon one of her assigned maids, who helped her out of today's dress.

Can you please sent out a request for a meeting with Lady Eldar? We promised to meet each other for tea, and now that she is pregnant.” Nava said and the maid just nodded. Not saying anything, which she was used to. By some of the maids she really had to push for a reaction, and this maid was on top of that list. “Did you hear me?” Nava pressured. “I know that I am just a foreign princess, but when I ask you something. I appreciate a confirmation.” The maid really wanted to roll with her eyes. Which she probably would do once Nava turned her back towards her.

Yes, your highness. I will arrange a meeting with Lady Eldar for you.” The maid said. “I will also look into some presents for her.” But Nava shook her head, she knew that people inside the empire gave their presents before the baby was born. But in Sodora it was costume to do that after, this because the fact that their gifts were handmade and takes time. In her mind this brought more soul to the present, then something bought. But she knew that was a cultural difference, and it was something she was going to ignore. For now, she climbed into bed, as the maid left her room. She was not surprised that Hodes, the God of sleep didn’t invite her into his realm right away. Getting into his realm become more difficult by the day, and it all started when she set foot on Sharax soil. But she better was getting used to it, or otherwise…


For some unknown reason she woke up, the moon was shining its pale silver rays into her room. Which meant that Ymin, the Goddess of the Night and lover of Hodes, had the Sharax Empire in a firm grip. So there was no reason for her to be awake at this point, but there was something wrong. Someone unknown to her had entered her room, she was not able to see his face. But the intruder was clearly male, he wasn’t hiding the fact that he was walking straight to her bed. She just realized that the intruder was the Emperor himself, he sat down and looked her over.

You are awake, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” He whispered, while whipping some strings of her golden hair out of her face. “You are so pretty, Amirit was pretty too. Her head was only filled with sawdust, I could do, or say anything I wanted and it would go past her.” Nava had heard a lot of stories about his former fiancee, Amirit, but the fact that she was stupid, no she never heard that before. “But you, you are a different kind of being. A beautiful girl, with a brain that works.” He pulled something, and her beautiful working brain didn’t recognize the dagger until its metal shimmered in the pale moonlight. He was holding the weapon above her heart, fear was setting her brain into a frozen state. Not able to move, nor speak. “I know you heard my dissatisfaction earlier in the evening, and I know that you are going to drink tea with that bitch. But what you are not going to do, is share my dissatisfaction. You are going to play the role of a loyal fiancee that can’t wait to get married, to a great ruler like me.” She nodded, although she was currently lying to him, but he those not need to know that. “Good,” he put away the dagger, and smiled at her. His whole appearance made her feel sick, what was he going to do know. Threaten her some more, or worse have sex with her. She knew that inside the empire it was not against the law to have sex before the wedding. Something that was still, not done inside Sodora. The Emperor came closer to her. “But I am going to be sure.” He slammed his lips onto hers, and forcefully kissed her. She was fighting him with every inch, but in the end she was not able to fight him off. Her whole body hurt, and all what she could do right now was prey to which ever Goddess, or God that was willing to listen that this wouldn’t result into a pregnancy. But that was all she was able to do right now.


Your Grace,” Meyda bowed deeply to her when she entered the small room inside the large, and beautiful garden of the Eldar manor. She never had seen such a garden, not even inside the royal palace. The room was near the large lake that was inhabited with various waterbirds. A white lotus was growing at the edge of the water. She had seen various other rooms inside the garden as they walked through it, but one of Meyda’s maids told her that Lord Eldar, Mayda’s father-in-law, has ordered that this room could only be entered by women. Something that made quiet a stink with the guard that the Emperor had sent to keep an eye on her. “Please sit down and relax.” This was not the moment she felt that she could relax, but Nava wanted to thank Lady Eldar for trying. She sat down and two maids entered the room.

Shir has taken the guard of the princes towards the kitchen as you ordered.” The brown hair maid said. Both maids had brown hair, but this one was also a bit older.

Lord Eldar, is on his way.” The younger now said, while she started to pour tea.

Thank you, Milli, and Aleen. Please leave me alone with the princess.” Meyda said, and both maids left the room.

I though this room was only for women?” Nava asked, and Meyda nodded.

That is true, but my brother-in-law, who is the voice of Volaris asked him to make an exception.” Meyda said. This made Nava it bit uncomfortable, but she was here to tell him about Chezi and his obsession with Meyda. And of course she wanted to show them the PURGE warrant, she currently was hiding inside her corset. Nava picked up her cup, and took a sip of her tea. The warm drink calmed some of her nerves, she knew that she was playing with fire. The Emperor already made clear that he was willing to kill her, if she betrayed him. Something she rather those not want to think about right now, otherwise she might drop her resolve.

I want to congratulate you on your pregnancy, I didn’t bring any present with me…” she started.

I know about the custom gifts,” Meyda said. Nava smiled, was this part of her gifts. Maybe, but she was glad that she didn’t need to explain her culture. “Still I wanted to thank you for still showing interest in me.” What did that mean? Nava was not sure, but she would never forget someone like Meyda.

You are thanking me, I am thanking you for receiving me on such a short notice.” Nava responded.

That was only because I wanted her to respond.” Lord Eldar entered the room, this man with his cold iron eyes and gray eyes assured that his mind was still as sharp as his son’s sword. “No, I said that wrong, my eldest son didn’t like the fact that one of Chezi’s men was near his wife. And I do not blame him for that, but I could tell from your request that this was quiet serious.” Nava, didn’t really understand that. The disinterested maid, was the one who send out the request. And then again, maybe it was the timing of this all. “I can see that you are confused, that doesn’t matter. Please tell me, what is bothering you?” She smiled at him, and started to tell what she had overheard. Lord Eldar didn’t interrupt her, for which she was grateful. Then she got the warrant out of her corset.

I found this a couple of days ago, when the Emperor was out. It was inside a draw filled with more of these. House Eldar on the top, and this one at the bottom.” She said, while giving it to him. He looked at it and swallowed.

This one is for house Karniel, and it is signed by a priest of Volaris. Where all the others signed as well?” He asked, and she nodded. All of them where signed, some by different priests, which seemed reasonable. No man, or woman would sign such a document with their family name on it. “This is madness, madness.He balded his hands into fists, and shook his head slightly. “This boy is slowly killing me, and it is not even a figure of speech. My sister, Gods have her soul, didn’t raise him to be like this.” Nava side eyed him here, the Emperor was like everyone a product of his upbringing. And if his mother didn’t teach him this, there was always the possibility that his father, uncle or another figure inside the palace put this kind of stuff inside his head. But that right now was besides the point, she was able to leave this meeting knowing that Lord Eldar was made aware of the situation. Or maybe even more aware, the fact that the other families made their images shine like a silver penny spoke for itself. “I am so sorry, that you are dragged into this mess. Princess Nava, and I will never forget the fact that you have put your own life at risk. I am going to keep this, do not worry, I know how to put it back without that spoiled brat noticing it. But I need this for the other heads. As for you, we have someone on staff that is able to altar your memories. He is currently busy with that guard of yours, and if you want he will be able to work on you as well.” Another child of Segeus, another gift, what was house Eldar resourceful.

Daughter of the Crow, granddaughter of the stars, and great granddaughter of the griffon. Your path was led over glass, and it will continue to do so. Until the griffon shows its true colors and echoes in a new age for the realm. The only question is will be, were would you stand. With a diamond upon your head, or in a grave covered with bleeding black roses.” Meyda whispered, which sounded ominous.

That was what Harel said to me when we first met.” Who was Harel? “He predicted that there would be a war, until the griffon shows its true colors and echoes in a new age for the realm. Meaning the signed PURGE warrants inside the Emperor’s drawer, his true colors.” Meyda’s hand went towards her belly, of course she was fearing for her unborn child’s future. Nava looked at her own flat belly, was there also a child growing in there? And if so what will their future be like? Would it live a happy and carefree life inside Sodara after this upcoming war, or will it be hunted down and killed? All because its father was a monster? Meyda had noticed her gaze. “Your Grace, is there something wrong?” Nava softly bit her underlip. “Please, do not tell me that you to are with child?” Nava sighed.

I honestly do not know if I am,” she whispered softly. She didn’t want to tell what the Emperor did to her, not with Lord Eldar present.

Wait isn’t against Sodara’s costumes to have sex before the wedding?” Lord Eldar asked. “I am only asking this, because I heard that you are not the type of person to break costumes like this.” He knows, he knows that she wouldn’t sleep with his nephew before the wedding. Not willingly at least. She opened her mouth.

I…” Was all that left her lips, after that tears started to stream over her cheeks. Right at this moment she wanted to die, she was broken goods at this point. No Sodara man would thatch her, meaning she was not able to go home. Her father would marry her off to a Lord-ling or some old fart inside this brutal empire.

That fucking bastard,” Lord Eldar said, “not only is he fucking with the system. But now he those the same thing as what the Old Crow did.” Nava knew that Old Crow was a nickname for Meyda’s father. Like Black Wolf for Ginat Eldar, and Silver Fox for Lord Eldar. Lord Eldar then looked at her, “I am so sorry that this happened to you. I will ask the maids to prepare some Mandregora tea.” Nava didn’t know what kind of tea that was, but she knew that the roots of this plant were toxic. So why would she drink something that could kill her?

It is not made from the roots, but from the flowers. Women, or rather the Mistresses of Raysus, God of lust, protector of prostitutes and unwanted children, use this to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.” Meyda explained, she most likely saw the confusion on Nava’s face. It sounds like a solid idea, the Emperor was not able to control her if she wasn’t pregnant. And she would not have to be afraid for what the future of her child would be, if there is no child to speak of. But then again was that not going against the way of things?

I… I…” she wasn’t even able to get the words out. “I don’t even know if I am pregnant. Are their no side effects to this?” Lord Eldar gave her a soft smile.

Of course, there are side effects. You risk to become barren, if you use it too often. And I fear that him forcing himself upon you, will become a regular thing. Just to make sure that you will become pregnant. Knowing full well that no man inside the Sodara kingdom wants someone’s woman. He wants to make sure that your father doesn’t break off the engagement.” Tears once again streamed like a waterfall down her cheeks, he was right. This was her faith, and she hated every minute of it. ”I am so sorry, but there is nothing I can do about it. At least not for now.” He hold up the warrant. “But we are going to set things in motion. After that you are free to drink that tea, and we will look into someone respectable for you to marry. The last part is if you want it of course.”

All I want right now, is something your nephew has taken from me, the ability to go home.” She said, while standing up. “Let your man work his gift, I do not want to make the Emperor suspicious.” Lord Eldar nodded, and another man entered the room.


Nava entered her bedroom, the whole visit to the Eldar mansion went by in a blur. She was not sure what to make of it. She sat down on one of the chairs, she had talked with Meyda about her pregnancy, cute baby names. Of course the mother of the unborn child wished that her child would be born healthy, but she secretly wished for a daughter. Which seemed a bit odd, there were bits and pieces missing from that conversation. But she was somehow not really bothered by it, so there was something behind the holes in her memories. A knock landed on the door, and the Emperor entered the room, without waiting for an answer. Why would he, this was his house, his palace.

So, you are back,” his voice low and dangerous. She nodded, not really giving him a reply. “Nava,” this time he growled.

Do I really need to answer this, you can see me. I am inside my room, in your palace. So yes, I am back.” she said. She was not sure why she was so brave, but she was not going to live in fear. He looked at her through her mirror. His cold gaze, made her skin cruel. His hand landed on her neck, he started to squeezed it hard and it fucking hurt. And she hated to admit that she started to fear for her life. He let go of her, and then knelt down and smiled.

What did you guys talk about?” he asked.

Her pregnancy, the gender of her unborn child. Dresses and various types of charity work.” She replied. He nodded slowly.

Alright, not about our wedding?” he asked, and she shook her head.

No, it didn’t came up.” she said and she thought that it was the truth. He frowned, grabbed her by the hair and pulled her from the stool. Forcing her towards the bed, and she knew that this was her live.

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