Chapter 10

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Meyda’s hand went towards the four bleeding lines on her cheek, the whole ballroom, even the orchestra, was deadly quiet. Drawing blood on an event like this was a declaration of war, something House Eldar couldn’t use at the moment. She looked stunned towards the tall woman with dark auburn hair, blue green eyes and a flawless warm ivory skin. Sharon Karniel, or better yet Lady Karniel. Her house was a minor house a couple of months ago, until it rose after House Giora was being purged. So that also meant that Meyda as a member of the second oldest house inside the empire outranked her. Lord Mazor Karniel, a small man with brown hair and eyes, rushed towards his wife and grabbed her by the arm. Knowing full well that this was going down hill for his family and fast.

By the Gods, what were you thinking.” He said under his breath towards his wife. But she pushed him off her and pointed at Meyda.

This all is your fault, you stupid bitch!” Sharon screamed, name calling, another thing a person shouldn’t do during an event like this. Didn’t she know that if she continued like this her family could be purged? And what in the name of the Gods was her fault? She didn’t know and a huge part of her, the part that remembered the abuse her family put her through, didn’t want to know it either. Sharon was now pointing towards were Emperor and Princess Neva were standing. “My sweet baby sister was supposed to be standing there, but your father killed her.” To say that she was dumbfounded, was the biggest understatement of the year. So her father, the Old Crow had killed Lady Sharon’s younger sister, which was the fiancee of the Emperor. That was probably the straw that broke the donkey’s back, that was why her whole family was purged.

But what has that to do with me?” she asked. Not realizing at first that she had asked the question out loud, but before Sharon could answer her, she did it herself. “Because I have his blood in my veins, and the fact that I am still alive.” Lady Sharon started to look smug. “But his crimes are not my burden to bare. I am no longer a member of that family, I am married into the Eldar family.” Sharon raised her hand again, but this time she was stopped by her husband.

You should have died with the rest of your family,” Sharon snapped. But Meyda slowly shook her head.

Although those people shared my blood, I would never consider them my family. House Eldar is my family, they have shown me more love and kindness in the short period of time, then that my so called blood family has showed me my entire life.” Meyda said, and Sharon wanted to say something nasty again. But Meyda shook her head, she was not done yet. “But like I said those people were not my family, if I was a part of that family I would have being treated better. But no, instead I consider myself as one of their victims and I do not shade one tear knowing that they were dead.” She now looked at the rest of the guests, her gaze rested on the Emperor, she now knew why he hated her so much. Her father ripped his former fiancee from his life. “None of you have to tell me why Ginat saved me, I know that he took pity on me. All I wanted to know, when he entered my room was if it was going to hurt, and if he could give me a hug. My mother passed away when I was two years of age, that was the last time someone hugged me. After her death my so called father told me to get over it. He told a grieving two year old that she needed to get over it, and after that day I needed to fend for myself. None of my so called family cared for me, none of the member of staff cared for me. I got beaten for stealing food out of the kitchen, picking a flower out of the garden, playing with a doll that my mother had given me. It became even worse when the Old Crow and his wife had children, who also started to beat me. The scars on my back came from the Old Crows son, and I have a few more on my body that came from his wife and daughter. So no, I am glad, relieved even that they are no longer here on this earth. But please do not say that I am part of that family.” Sharon narrowed her eyes.

But he recognized you as his…” Sharon started.

That is enough,” Ginat and Lord Karniel said in unison. Both looked at each other and nodded, knowing that this show down was over and that Meyda ended on top of this argument.

I apologize on behave of my wife, Lady Eldar. Seeing the Emperor moving on might have being a shock for her.” Lord Karniel said. Meyda nodded and he dragged her away with the help from an older man. Ginat grabbed a piece of cloth out of his inside pocket and placed it on her bleeding cheek.

Are you alright?” He asked her, she wanted to shake her head. But she knew that she would revered as weak when she did, so instead she nodded. “I can’t believe Lady Karniel.” But she placed her hand on his arm.

She is grieving the lose of her sister, someone she clearly loved.” She said, but she knew that it was no excuse. And she saw it in Ginat’s eyes that he wouldn’t forgive the woman for this. Princess Neva came up to her and sighed.

Ahh, some blood has dripped on your dress. You need to take it off, and let someone who knows how to clean this type of fabric wash it out. Otherwise your dress will be ruined,” Neva said, laying a hand on Meyda’s arm. “I have a few dresses that you can borrow.” She then met Ginat’s gaze. “Do not worry, I will bring her back to you. Lord Eldar.” Slowly she guided Meyda out of the ballroom, she gazed behind her while the massive doors closed behind them. “So and now you can let go off those tears.” And Meyda did let go.


Sayar had watched the whole scene play out, he even needed to restrain Katelin in the processed. And he only let go of her, when Meyda left the room with the Second Princess of Sodora. Ginat made his way over to them, still shaking from anger. His children still needed to master the art of hiding their rightful anger, like he did at the moment. Don’t get him wrong, he was ready to draw a sword and to chop of the hand that had clawed at Meyda. But this was her battle to fight, and she had done it well. More then well, now that he though about it. There were many inside this room who wised for Meyda’s death, his nephew, the Emperor included. But she has defeated all those small battles with just one public announcement. She never considered herself part of the Giora family, not even when she lived under their roof. Which in his mind was a good thing. But on the other hand she didn’t know that she wasn’t a bastard, she didn’t know about the rest of her lineage. This was something he wanted to keep from her, to keep her safe. But then again, she clearly didn’t know that her own father was responsible for the Emperor’s fiancee’s death. Which was also a piece of information he wanted to keep from her, but sharing that revelation was not up to him. He will never forget the shock in her eyes, the understanding of why her family was being purged. One of the reasons, why they were purged. He glanced towards his nephew, did he know about Meyda’s past? Normally he wouldn't doubt himself, but Chezi didn’t show any signs that he did. Only that was in Sayar’s mind not a comfort, the boy had Eldar blood in his veins after all.

Father, why did you stop me?” Katelin said, her green gray eyes were still spitting out fire. Mizmor, her husband took her hand and softly petted it. He knew why, and he was calming her down. The music and chatter was starting to fill the room once again, but there was only one topic of conversation. The battle between House Eldar and house Karniel, Sayar knew that grief could make people do stupid things. But this was beyond his imagination. He himself had pushed Meyda to attend this event as her debut, to let people see that she was a member of their society. But he never would have thought that someone would attack her physically. Mentally, yes, he knew that it would be a possibility, and he was willing to risk that. But not this.

It was nice of the Second Princess to take her out of the room,” Yofiel Inaam, Mizmor’s younger brother said. All of them nodded.

My sister, seems tough, but she is pretty sweet to others. I believe she has taken Meyda out of the room for more then just a chance of clothing.” The young woman in a soft pink dress said. Sayar met the girl only once, and he believed that she was the Third Princess of Sodora, Isabel. He believed that she was right about that, but all of this was, not as he had planned and this urged him the wrong way.


Meyda and Princess Neva were standing in a very large room. Just as large as her own room and with the same colors. There was a large clothing rack filled with dresses in the middle of the room. Some were hanging strangely as if they were pulled for this ball, before Neva’s choice had landed on her current dress. One of her maids bowed.

Jenna, can you help her out of this dress. There are some drips of blood on it. And please help her address her wounds after that.” Neva said, the maid bowed again and went to work. “How old were your siblings when the purge hit?”

They were not my brother and sister, like I said we shared the same blood but that was it.” Meyda said. “But Benedict was fourteen and Mariana was twelve.” Neva sighed.

So young, I really do not understand why your country is purging entire families, because of a crime that just one person committed.” Neva said. “In Sodora we just punish the perpetrator, not their family.” Meyda smiled, maybe from the outside this seemed a bit barbaric.

It is something from the past that has stuck with us, I think,” Meyda admitted. “But believe me when I say that my family is better off dead. And I am not saying that because of their abuse towards me. I just told you that Benedict was fourteen, but his eyes had fallen on a scullery maid who just started working. And our father promised him to teach him the art of forcing yourself upon a woman, the evening of the Purge. My brother was beyond excited, about that. And Mariana, she was a spoiled little princess, who believed that everyone was beneath her. And only the best was good enough for her, her own mother was not helping by promising to marry her off to a prince. Preferably one that was close in line for the throne in their country. Because her girl should be a queen, and incidents are heaping every day. Your twin brother, Second Prince of Sodora, was one of the contenders. Your older brother, was a bit to old for Mariana.” Neva looked stunned when Meyda stopped talking. But she only spoke the truth, knowing that it was a bit to grim for Neva. But she was not able to put it in any other way. Neva lowered her gaze and sighed. Meyda was currently standing in her underwear, her wounds addressed.

I see,” she said softly. But then turned away to look at her own dresses. “Your jewelry was perfectly matched with that beautiful dress of yours.” Meyda looked at the dresses, there was not much deep green colored dresses among them. Which was understandable, it wouldn't go well with Princess Neva’s skin tone. But her eyes fell upon a dress that was turned, it was mainly white, but the lower layers were from a transparent green fabric. So where the end of the sleeves. There was some small gold and emerald green embroidering on the dress depicting a delicate flower bush. The back and front of the bust were made from a transparent white fabric. It was so beautiful, that Meyda started to wonder why Princess Neva wasn’t wearing it. “Oh wow, I had forgotten about that dress. I was planning on wearing it tonight. But it was a bit to tight,” meaning he was to small for the woman. Meyda looked at her, and frowned, not able to see it. But then again she was not as skilled in clothing like Mister Altar. “Put it on,” Meyda wanted to refuse, this was a dress made for a princess. But the maids didn’t listen to her protests, and when she had it on she became silent. It fitted her so well, her jewelry matched perfectly with it as well. The necklaces that Ginat had given her for their engagement was hanging proudly on her chest, and didn’t seem to be out of place. “You look like a fairy, this dress was made for you. I want you to have it.” This surprised Meyda even more.

I can’t accept it,” she said. “It was already bad enough that Ginat and Sayar were pushing her to accept their endless gift giving. But the Princess was a whole other thing.

Why not, you look wonderful in it. And besides that I am not able to wear it.” Princess Neva said, as if it was nothing. Well it was her dress and she could do with it what she wants.

Then why not give it to Princess Isabel. She would look wonderful in it too.” Meyda said, but Neva shook her head.

Do not get me wrong, but me and my sister do not get along.” Princess Neva said. “I didn’t agree with her choice of husband. Although I can see now that he is making her happy.” Meyda thought that Princess Isabel needed to marry Yofiel Inaam to establish a better trade agreement, but now she learned that they were married out of love and that trade was just an added bonus.

You are worried about her, I noticed that when you were throwing insults, hiding under honey cover words, at her. Your eyes didn’t match the message,” Meyda said and Princess Neva was surprised at that. But nodded slowly. “Alright then, I will take the dress. Only if you except a tea party invite from me once the season of Nytena is over.” Princess Neva agreed and the both of them made their way back to the ball room.


Ginat couldn’t believe his eyes, nor could he believe that he stopped breathing when Meyda entered the ballroom once again. She was wearing a beautiful white dress, with a deep green undertone. And by the Gods, she looked stunning. Every inch on his body wanted to let people know that this rare creature, better known as Meyda Eldar, was his and his alone. He paid no attention towards all the others present in the room, he walked with a steady pace towards her and wrapped his arms around her.

Are you alright?” he asked, she nodded while her arms wrapped around his waist. “Good, because you look stunning. And I can’t wait to bring you home and make sure that I worship every inch of that body of yours. Scars and all.”

Ginat, we are in public. Someone might hear you.” she said softly, he let her go and looked in those pink eyes.

Let them, I am not saying anything out of the ordinary.” he replied before placing his lips on hers.

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