Chapter 4

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Ginat jumped up as the emperor Chezi Oran, entered the room. With his face as red as his hair, the sky blue eyes of the young man were burning with unanswered hatred. Who landed on Meyda, his hand went towards his sword and draw it. Meyda jumped up from her seat as well but she tripped over her long skirt. Ginat was to cut up with the emperor, to react in time. All he heard was a loud bang behind him and when he turned around he saw her laying on the ground with a wound on her head. She had hit her head against the coffee table during her fall, her eyes were closed.

Meyda!” he screamed and knelt down beside her. The emperor behind him snorted, but he didn’t pay his cousin any mind at all. Once again Meyda was hurt, but this time it happened in his own house, with him right beside her and he was not able to protect her. “Mister Artel, get the doctor.”

On it,” Mister Artel replied. “Excuse me your highness, but there is a damsel in the stress.”

That bitch is no damsel and you should watch your mouth.” Chezi snapped towards Mister Artel, Ginat shock his head and softly picked Meyda up. “Where do you think, you are going with her? She is going to die! Just like the rest of that Giora scum,” Chezi screamed, while blocking the door.

She is no longer part of that family, cousin. You just interrupted her dress fitting, and tomorrow she will no longer be a Giora. She will be a Eldar.” Ginat said, trying to stay calm. Chezi was always a person that let him self control by emotions, ever since they were young. But right now he was going to the extreme. Which was understandable Meyda’s father was behind the murder of Chezi’s fiancée, Amirit Nir, only because he wanted her for himself. But she had rejected him, so the Old Crow killed her for it. That was the final push the Emperor needed to sign the PURGE warrant, something the other major houses had begged him to do for years. “Meyda is a victim of the Giora family, just as much as the rest of us.”

How can she be a victim of the Giora family, she is one herself and you will kill her here and now, cousin. Otherwise I will consider you a treator of the crown.” Chezi snapped at him. Ginat narrowed his eyes and looked at him. Now he was acting like a spoiled child that didn’t get his way, throwing threats around like a fool. Ginat asked Meyda for forgiveness, he placed her on the ground and started to loose up the buttons of her blouse.

Ginat, stop that. I will talk to Chezi, just take her to her room and let doctor Ortal look at her latest wound.” his father said. Ginat nodded, picked Meyda up again. “Let him through nephew.” Chezi stepped aside and Ginat could walk passed him. Meyda lay lifeless in his arms, and this was all Chezi’s fault. He walked the stairs for the second time in two day, with her in this state inside his arms. He entered her bedroom, and Shefi, the maid with blond hair, rushed towards him.

My Lord, what happened?” she asked, he was not able to answer her, because the doctor Ortal entered the room. He didn’t ask, probably Mister Artel had told him the whole story, but went straight to work. Ginat clenched his fists, it was strange. Never before in his life he had felt so useless, not when his mother died during childbirth, which also resulted in the death of his youngest brother. Not during the war, when he got hurt and almost lost his leg. He sat down on a chair and looked at the woman with night sky blue hair and pink eyes, some buttons of her blouse were still open. The necklace he had given her this morning lay on her chest. He looked at the girl and then sighed. He kept staring at her in the hope that his gaze alone would wake her up.


What in all the Gods names were you thinking!” Sayar shouted, the boy in front of him might be the emperor. But he was also his beloved sisters son, and he had just shown how much growing up he needed to do. The perfume merchant saw this as the opportunity to leave the room, which was a smart move on his part.

But uncle,” Chezi said, in a whimpering voice that resembled a child. He has risen to the throne far to soon, all because his parents left him far to soon. But now it was up to Sayar to beat, verbally, some common sense into him. Before he makes a mistake that could lead to an uprising. “She is…”

As much a victim of that family as Amirit was.” He finished his nephew’s sentence. “Or were you so overpowered with anger that you overlooked the fact that she resembles more the walking death, then a living person.” Chezi slowly shock his head. “Be assured that the lady was mentally, and fiscally abused by every member of that family, even the servants.” And he then started to tell Chezi, what Ginat has told him.

I hope you are lying, uncle. Otherwise that Old Crow was more sick in the head then we first thought.” Chezi said.

I wish that I could, but I have seen the brushes myself. I have to confess, that I have not seen the scars with my own eyes. But I believe the doctor, my eldest son and the two maids. But her whole behavior was all the prove that I need, she those not look someone in the eye. She was overwhelmed by the fact that she was allowed to chose five dresses and three perfume scents. You know what she said when Ginat gave her the necklace?” Chezi again shock his head. “I do not know if I am worthy, to wear such a beautiful thing. And please tell me that you saw that she was not wearing any other jewelry besides that and those small hairpins.” This time Chezi nodded.

That was indeed something I noticed. But even so uncle, that those not change that Genat had refused my direct order. To kill all who wear the name Giora, this girl is still wearing that name. If she wished to escape that fate then she should have done so long before that order fall.” Chezi said, he was right about that. It was indeed something the girl could have done.

Do you honestly think that the Old Crow would have allowed that?” he then asked Chezi, hoping that the boy was able to use that brain of his. Chezi placed his hand against his chin, and really took his time to think about the answer. But shock his head.

No, I do not think that he would have let her go. But still uncle she asked to marry…” Chezi started, but Sayar raised his hand up, which made him stop.

She was prepared to die, nephew. She knew what was going on, and what Ginat came there to do. And she asked him two things, is it going to hurt and if he could give her a huge.” Sayar said and he looked at Chezi how now looked shocked. “He replied to the first one, just a little. And yes he has given her that huge. And from what he told me, that is when the girl released all her tears and after that collapsed. Which leads us to the here and now, the girl still lives and tomorrow is going to be Ginat’s wife. Because he has simply not the heart to kill this poor young woman, who as a final request only wanted a simple hug.” Chezi walked towards one of the sofa’s, the one that was being used by Meyda and Ginat, before he barged in.

I can not believe it. Ginat’s sense for duty was broken, by a request for a huge.” Chezi said, disbelieve was audible in his voice. But Sayar saw on the boy’s face that the truth of this all finally sunk in. “No not only by that, she is quiet beautiful as well. Even if her skin is a bit to pale, and fallen in. But that can be cured by some time in the sun and a good diet. But uncle, a cunning man like you most know that I, am not the only one who is going to raise his voice. The woman will not be completely safe. You menaced to talk me down, but I highly doubt you are able to do that with the other houses. Especially Karniel, or have you forgotten that the wife of Mazor Karniel, Sharon Karniel, was after all Amarit’s older sister.”

That is why I sent those invitations, for a small banquet and reception for all the heads of those said houses. Including the Karniel family. It was to place all those things out an in the open. So that they can see the mistreatment for themselves. And I know that even that will not be enough, but that is all I am willing to put that girl through. What she need right now is some peace, quiet and some extra meat upon those bones. After that a tutor to teach her etiquette, bookkeeping, dancing, horseback ridding. I already covered how to drink tea properly, so that is something.” Sayar said, and also he sat down. His right hand on his temple, “but the girl is smart, and that will be a huge bonus.”

And what about the consummation?” Chezi said. “I doubt that some major families wouldn’t except this as a paper marriage only. I have to be honest here uncle, I wouldn’t except it.” Sayar nodded.

I already told her, that it is going to expected of her. That was late last night, when Ginat was not in the room. And before he proposed to her, so she excepted him with this knowledge.” Sayar said with a sigh. He looked over his shoulder to one of the windows. “But even with a white sheet covered in a virgins blood, she will not be excepted as a woman of her own. She will always be known as that Old Crows, bastard daughter. That man has committed so much crimes, forcing himself upon women, and killing Amarit were only the top of the iceberg. And she has probably witnessed, her stepmother and half-siblings doing some crimes as well.”

She has,” Mister Alter said, when he entered the room. “I am sorry to barge in like this, and interrupt you my Lord. I just came here to tell you that the doctor has looked at the girl’s head wound. It is not deep and would not leave a scare, Meyda is also awake and as far the doctor could tell has no lasting damage from hitting the head. He wanted to tell you this himself, but I offered to do it instead. Because I would pass by this room on my way to the front door.” He bowed. “Meyda, has seen many horrors in that house. She told me once I treated one of her wounds, after she got beaten by her younger brother, with a belt. I have to confess, that I am a coward and was not in the position to help her when that happened. But she will tell you, all their dirty secrets once she is ready to open up.”

What did her stepmother do, when she got beaten by the son?” Chezi asked.

She laughed, together with her daughter. The Old Crow came in later and stopped the boy. He forbade it, but he didn’t punish the boy. Or helped Meyda standing up, he only commented about the mess she was making with her blood.” Mister Artel said, and he bowed his head. Sayar could see some traces of disgust on the man’s face. Disgust for what happened, and the disgust for himself because he was not able to help the girl at the time. “But I have to go, my workers are already working hard on the wedding attire of both the Lady and the Lord. It will become night work, but it will be worth it.” He said and left. Sayar watched the man’s back. Mister Artel was the most beloved designer inside the empire. And his ability to write down stuff with his mind, even when the paper was not in sight came in handy when his workers were already working on an order and were still in need of the measurements.

I am going to check upon my future daughter in law.” Sayar said. “Please sit down and take some tea, before you go home. But I think it is for the best if you leave her be for today.” Chezi nodded. Sayar left the room with a sigh. This small interruption of their otherwise peaceful day, was only the foreshadowing for things to come, from that he was sure.

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