Chapter 2

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He did what!” The voice thundering voice of his father reached his ears, even before the man known as the Silver Fox barged into the guestroom. Ginat sat on one of the chairs that stood on one side of the bed and doctor Ortal, the private doctor of House Eldar, was sitting on the other side, giving Meyda, who still has not woke up, a medical exam. Sayar Eldar, who was head of the house Eldar look furious at the doctor, his son and then the unconscious woman on the bed. “So this is her, the Giora’s bastard brat, who put a spell over my son.”

Come on father, she hardly had any chance to put me under a spell.” Ginat said.

Then why is she still alive, in my house no less!” His father snapped at him. His father marched towards the bed, but halted when he saw Meyda’s condition. “Good, Gods, do you know for sure that she is the daughter of that Old Crow?” Ginat answered his father with a nod.

The pack went through his books, before they burned everything. They found her birth certificate, and her mother’s death certificate.” Ginat said, and he sighed. Which was a sign for the doctor to speak up.

The woman is around 19 summers, if I have to believe the date given to me. But I am surprised that she made it. I believe, and this is mind you just speculation, that she has given enough food to survive. But she is heavily malnourished and then there are the brushes that cover her entire body. Which makes me think that she received beatings on a daily bases. I even have detected some scars on her back, which can come from being beaten by a wipe or belt.” The doctor concluded. His father let out a curse.

Father, I know what you are thinking, but let me explain.” Ginat said, and told him the whole story. His father’s anger faded to the background, and made way for other shock. “From what the pack told me her mother passed away when the girl was barely two, and I believe with all my heart that it was the last time she has known any kind of love. From all the things she could have asked for, a huge was just a simple and kind jester.”

It indeed is, a simple jester of kindness. What is your plan, son. The PURGE was an order from the Emperor…” His father started.

I am going to marry her,” Ginat interrupted his father. “I know how this sounds, but it is the only way to keep her alive.” His father’s mouth fall open well that was a first, hopefuly not the last time that this happened. Ginat’s gaze then went towards Meyda, her black hair with a hint of blue lay next to her on the pillow. Before all of this, he didn’t think to much about marriage. He rather went out with the members of the pack, drinking training, hunting. But now he was thinking about binding himself to a woman he didn’t know, so that she would survive. “Of course she needs to agree with this.” His father raised his hand and sighed.

Go and get some rest, I will guard her for a while.” His father stated, but he wanted to protest. “I will send a maid, as soon as she wakes up.” Ginat knew the look that his father just gave him. It was the do not argue with me right now and go to your room look, which he got a lot when he was just a little boy. But it became less and less when he reached adulthood, so he knew that he was about to step over a line and it might be better to fight that battle another time. When there was not a live of a maiden on the line that is. He turned around and walked out of the room.


Was she dead? It didn’t feel like it, but then again how did she know how being death feels like. To her knowledge, she has never being dead before. And if this was it, well then curse the Black Wolf. He had promised her that there would only be a brief moment of pain. The pain she currently was feeling, was the same as she had injured after a heavy beating. Which in the end was almost at a regular basis, all because no one had believed her in the end. Her stepmother had blamed her for the lack of invitations to social events, she had blamed her for staff leaving their posts. Of course it must be her fault after all, it was not that the writing was literally on the wall. Her younger half siblings were no better, but in the end they were no longer allowed to use the wipe on her, which was a relief in itself. She slowly opened her eyes, it was dark, no hint of light at the end of the road dark.

Ahh, you are awake. That took you longer then I thought. But then again you were on the brink of death, so there is that.” A low and dangerous male voice said. At first she was not able to see where it came from, but that was just a matter of time. The man with silver hair, cold iron eyes was staring at her, like a predator looked at his pray. She didn’t need a formal introduction to know who the man was, Sayar Eldar better known as the Silver Fox. And if she believed the stories this man has won so many battles, just with his tongue and wits. But that didn’t mean that he couldn't win them by force, his son those not got that from his mother’s side of the family. “You know who I am, good that will make things easier for us. No need to introduce yourself either, I know who you are and that is part of my problem. You being still alive, is part of my problem. You are a Giora, and now that you are awake I can see that you have a hint of demon blood as well. Probably from your mother’s side of the family, you got a lot from her, because I can’t see a trace of the man that you called a father.” She already knew that, her stepmother loved to say that right before a beating.

My stepmother often said that she sometimes even doubted that this was true,” Meyda said, while looking at her hands.

Did she now, well that is understandable her husband had more mistresses then I can count. And do not be mistaken, I can count pretty far. But you are your father’s daughter, he is not the type of man to keep a strangers daughter around and not fuck them.” She nodded, she also knew that this was true and often she has counted the fact that she was his daughter as a blessing. “But now lets gets down to business. My son has given you the change to survive the PURGE, do you know how?” She wanted to shake her head, she didn’t know what he was talking about. But then again she had heard about members escaping the PURGE of their family, all of them were women and all of them changed names by… She gasped, no that can’t be it. The Black Wolf would never … “I already hoped that you were a sharp one, good I can’t stand stupidity. That is maybe why I couldn’t stand your father. But yes, he is willing to marry you, so that you can life. Only if you are willing of course, but to be honest with you. What other choice do you have?”

I have none,” she replied for him. Which was nothing new, she never had a choice before so this didn’t change much. It was this or die, for most an easy decision, for her things lay a bit more complicated. The Black Wolf was Sayar Eldar’s heir and becomes head of the family once his father passes away. Meaning that also he needed an heir, and if she became his wife it was her job to give him one. Which from what she heard was quiet painful. “I only doubt that I would be a good one.”

We can hire a tutor to educate you on matters, if you do not comfortable sleeping with my son. Well then you always can appoint a mistress, yes that is also something a wife of a major house can do.” He said when he saw her shocked face. “She even can bare his children, if you so wish. But know that the rest of the household would rest upon your shoulders.” She nodded and understood what he was saying. “However, you should sleep with my son at least once, to consummate the marriage. I highly doubt that the Emperor would except it otherwise.” She again nodded and a pit started to form in her stomach, but she was willing to endure it as long as she could live her life in peace.

When?” she asked softly.

The day after tomorrow, a priest, my second born, has agreed to to do it.” He replied, Sayar Eldar’s second son Dorian Eldar, was also the one who delivered the news of their excommunication from the temple. She remembered him always being kind to her, despite their families hostile relationships. Even on that day he asked how she was doing, but she couldn’t tell him what was on her mind back then. Her father and stepmother were listing in on their conversation, and once home they accused her of having an affair with … Which was crazy and bizarre in its own right. She was not allowed out of the house, not even to walk in their families garden. And was only to able to leave when her family took her to their monthly visit to the temple.

Thank you,” she said. Her eyes where growing heavy and she slowly felt herself fading back to sleep. “I know you must hate me right now, but I will play the role of a dutiful wife and I will do my best not to disappoint you.” Her eyes closed and she fell back asleep.

Do not thank me yet, you are not married. And even after that I doubt you will survive.” Sayar Eldar said with a sigh. “But I do not hate you, Meyda Giora.”


The sun shown it bright golden rays inside the room, songbirds that lived in the lustful garden below were singing their songs with their full excitement. Meyda opened her eyes, the conversation she had with the Silver Fox was freshly on her mind. This time she was alone in the room, and she sighed a sigh of relief. Her gaze went over the room, which was covered in an off white color, with small hints of light sky blue and gold. The fourposter bed, she was laying in, has ivory sheets with a golden edge. The night stands next to the bed were made from a light type of wood, two large vases with fresh blue flowers were towering over her. She pushed the sheets of her, and swung her legs over the edge. Now noticing the night gown she was wearing, it was a simple one which covered her whole body. She placed her feet on the soft ivory carpet, slowly walking towards the window intending to open it and let some fresh air into the room. It was then that she discovered that it was not just a window, but a door to a small balcony. She opened it and stepped out of the room, a small breeze caught her hair and was starting to play with it. The balcony was not big, but it was large enough for a small round table with a rose mosaïque and two chair and still enough room to walk passed it. The banner was overgrown with summer roses and above her hung the light purple flowers of the wisteria plant. She smiled when she saw it and the soft, jet sweet sent made her morning complete. She was already picturing herself sitting at the table with a good book, enjoying the sun and the singing of the birds in the garden below her. She shoved the one of the chairs back and sat down, doing just that without the book. Her eyes went over the garden that stretched out from under the balcony to the lake that lay in the distance. There were large trees in the garden, multiple flowerbeds and small bushes. She was so enchanted by the beauty of it all, that she hadn’t noticed that someone entered the room. Back at home she always wished that she was allowed to wonder between the plants of their garden, or simply having tea in one of the pavilions, or reading, drawing, embroidering under one of the large trees in the midst summer.

I assume you want your breakfast here and not on the bed?” someone said behind her. She jumped up with a scream, Ginat Eldar was standing at the glass door and behind him stood a maid. The blond hair of the girl was partly hidden under a bonnet and was wearing a black dress. She was also holding a tray in her hands. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. But you was so lost in thought,” She lowered her head, to avoid his cold iron stare.

Breakfast out here sounds wonderful, thank you.” she whispered. He nodded and let the maid pass. The girl placed the tray on the small table.

Do you want tea, coffee, milk or water?” the girl asked. Meyda didn’t know if she liked coffee or tea so milk or water might be her best options.

Give her warm milk, and add something sweet to it. We need to be careful with by what we give her,” Ginat said, the maid bowed and left the room. Meyda didn’t know what to make of this, why give her the options and then take the choice from her. As if it was nothing, maybe in his eyes it was nothing. But this was her first time that someone asked her what she wanted. “I am sorry, I will let you pick what you drink and eat for the next meal. But I am worried that if we push you to much, your body would reject the food.” Probably her discomfort about the situation was written all over her face. “The cook, under supervision from doctor Ortal, has prepared for you a simple breakfast.” She looked at the food on the tray, and this in her mind was not simple at all. On the tray stood a boiled egg, a plate with some kind of clear broth and a plate with toast and some red meat. There was also a small bowl of cut fruit and various berries. Simple in her mind was only the toast and the bowl of fruit. She looked at it and took a small silver spoon, it might be better if she started with the stuff that was warm. Ginat sat down in the other chair and looked out over the garden, he stayed silent when the maid came back with the warm milk, and when she left to prepare a dress for the lady. The food was in one word delicious, she didn’t know that food could taste this good. The milk was a bit to sweet, but she didn’t care and simply loved the experience it gave her. Which was a warm feeling in her stomach, what calmed her nerves as well. “May I asked what your diet was before all of this?” She just lay the fork down after she ate the last piece of fruit, looking at the empty plates in front of her.

Water and bread, once every two days. If the servants didn’t forget it,” she replied. Looking at the garden. ”Just enough to keep me alive, and for me to know my place. At the bottom of the Giora chain, under the scullery maid. I was not allowed to ask for more, and even when they offered treats at the temple on out monthly visit, I was ordered to give it to one of my half siblings otherwise there was hell to pay. Which happened anyways, because the half-sibling that didn’t get the treat always beat me up as soon as we entered the house.”

And your father allowed this?” he asked, disbelieve was audible in his voice.

He encouraged it, even went so far as calling it healthy sibling rivalry. He only recently stopped Benedict from hitting me with his belt, but that was the only time he did something. He himself never laid a finger on me though, that was at least something.” she said, able to see the disgust from the corner of her eyes.

But Benedict was only fourteen,” he countered.

That didn’t stop him, or Mariana and she was twelve.” she replied coldly. “They were trained well by their mother, and I was not allowed to lift one finger. So I was an easy target.” She closed her eyes, let the sun’s warmth softly thatch her face. “My mother passed away, right after I turned two. That was the last day, someone thatched me with love and care. Until you decided to respond to my simple but strange request.” She shook her head, tears started to sting behind her eyes. “I didn’t care if I would die afterwards. Only if it was going to hurt me, for a brief moment, like you promised me. Only for me now to sit here, taking in the warmth of the sun breathing in the sweet sent of these beautiful flowers, to taste the most delicious food that ever thatched my lips. Only to know that you have one more day to change your mind, and to take this all away from me. Or you will leave the things as they are and I become your wife.” She opened her eyes and looked at him, not straight in the eyes, that would be something she needs to work on, but just looking at him was all a good start in her own mind.

My father told you,” he simple stated, she nodded and shrugged her shoulders. “He shouldn’t, I wanted to propose to you in the right way. So that you are not feeling pressured.”

But without me knowing the risks if I said no.” she said coldly.

I would have told you what the risks were, but that is not here or there.” He said while placing an open box on the table. She knew that the Eldar family did not propose marriage with rings, but with a necklaces. That was currently inside that open box, a thin golden necklace, with a small pendant shaped like a heart that was surrounded by thorny roses in bloom. It was so pretty that her hand went slowly towards it, he didn’t need to ask her the question. She already had given him the answer to it, but this necklace made her beaten down heart skip beats. Tears started to stream down her cheeks. “Do you not like it?” He asked, but she shook her head.

No, I love it. But I do not think that I am worthy to wear such pretty jewelry.” she said, and lowered her head. He stood up, took the necklace out of the box and stepped behind her. Placing the necklace around her neck.

You are becoming me wife, so you are worthy of all the pretty things I give you.” He said softly. ”But now it is time for you to take a bath and get dressed. There is much that need to be done, before we become husband and wife.” He reached out his hand, and she took it. Slowly he pulled her out her seat and guided her towards the bathroom, where the blond maid was already waiting for her with a warm bath. “I will see you when you are done.” he whispered in her ear and he left the room.

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