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Valiant: April Roundup

Hallo all! We're back again with the roundup for April, and we've got an exciting update in this one. It looks like the red panda left us another three episodes this past month, and a new project: The Dreaming Draughtbook. There's a little more on that and what it is down below, but for now, here's the Valiant releases for this past month!   Tails #31: Statistically Unfair
In the aftermath of Kaya's kidnapping, the Drifters scramble to find leads, and prepare for her rescue.   CURSEd #26: Avvikerene
Dare, Kwyn, and Whisper arrive at Avvikerene, a curiously paradisiacal world restricted by the Colloquium.   Covenant #33: The Daughters of Maugrimm
On their way to reaching the Ocean of Souls, Jayta and Raikaron acquire a traveling companion, and discuss the nature of souls.   Draught #1: Dreamshare
A little something for those that want to hang out even when they're asleep.   The Dreaming Draughtbook is a little bit of worldbuilding that delves into draughts - magical drinks brewed in the Dreaming. They occasionally feature in the Valiant series, and the red panda's used them from time to time in tabletops and roleplays. After accumulating a number of different draughts over the years, our fluffy historian realized that it would be an excellent idea to collate them all in one place, format them properly, and give them some flavor and context to flesh them out. And on weeks where he isn't able to drop a Valiant episode, he can instead release one of these draughts to make up the gap. (Most Valiant episodes clock in with a wordcount somewhere between 8k and 12k, and what with work and other commitments, sometimes it's just not possible to drop an episode every week.)   This month we'll be leaving the link to The Dreaming Draughtbook below!  

The Dreaming Draughtbook

  Stay frosty,


  The stuff for Quest 2 of my Kickstarter CYOA has been shipped out. (the digital version and the softcover zine. The hardcovers will go out at the end of February) ...I'm poking around at Quest 3. I will have to do the art for that one while doing WorldEmber so I'm only aiming for 15k for WE this year. :) (5k for each world, Idyll, Breck's Haven, and Skywell....though, BH will probably steal words from the other two XD ) I'll work on the text while doing NaNo XD;; lol. Though, I need breaks from novel writing during that so it's fine. :)
  This week I have been playing around with Discussion boards in my off times. XD
Breck's Haven Discussion Boards


Wed, Oct 20th 2021 04:45
A board for the people currently studying or working at Breck's Academy of Magic. Here they can answer viewer's questions and speak to each other.   (Internet is not commonly accessible in Breck's Haven but...I'm making a bit of an exception here. XD )

The Administration

Wed, Oct 20th 2021 04:49
Here is a board for the Administration of the Academy to gather...

The Maintaince

Wed, Oct 20th 2021 04:50
Here is a board for all the people working maintenance (the librarians, the nurses, the cleaning personnel and so on) at the Academy...

The Teachers

Wed, Oct 20th 2021 04:47
Here's a board for the teachers and professors of the Academy to gather...

The Students

Wed, Oct 20th 2021 04:48
Here's a board for the students of the academy to gather...

Breck's Haven Discussion Boards

Main boards

Thu, Oct 14th 2021 08:26


Thu, Oct 14th 2021 08:30
Announcements about anything that relates to this world.


Thu, Oct 14th 2021 08:31
Got any kinds of suggestions? Specifically for this world... Post it here.

  I have also finished Turtle's article! :D
Character | Nov 20, 2021


Crossed the finish line - Gold and Diamond prompts roundup!

Super happy to have made it through all 31 prompts! And for every prompt to hit my personal word count goal of 750. That's given me a major confidence boost for going into World Ember (if it happens) this year.
  Total word count is 25780. That's not including some of the odd bits of text in the sidebar panel, so in all likelihood it's a little bit higher than that. But yeah, super proud of writing all that over the course of a month, whilst working a full time job, and not burning out because of it. Now though? Onto the actual roundup!
  Gold/Diamond prompt article with the most words? That actually goes to 'The Coup of Castle Tirav', my article for the diamond prompt, with a massive total of 1037 words.
The Coup of Castle Tirav
Military Conflict | Aug 26, 2023

  Gotta be honest, as soon as we got the diamond prompt reveal, I knew what I was going to write about. The big conflict that sets in motion the events of The Wayfarer series. I mean, it's right there! How could I not write about it? (Bonus is that it still fits with my Valissa theme, because they actually help out - anyway, spoilers!!)
  Gold prompt article with the least words goes to Songsworn with 783 words:
Military Formation | Aug 26, 2023

  Personal favourite of the gold prompts? Such a tough one, but I think I'm going to have to go with my article for prompt #26, Lillian Horner:
Lillian Horner
Character | Apr 12, 2024

  Congratulations to everyone out there who has already achieved their Summer Camp goal! And for those of you still writing, keep it up, you're on the final stretch now! :D

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