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Broken Dulcet Chapters 31 & 32 are Live!

Broken Dulcet is back with another two chapters. Lapis struggles to regain her sense of self after taking lives, but events surrounding her whisk towards their own destinations, driven forward by Dentherion interests.
  Read Chapter 31 here.
  Read Chapter 32 here.

  #darkfantasy #sciencefantasy
  I've continued working on the revamp of Lapis of Nicodem, which has included re-coloring older artwork. The originals I did in 2020-21 are influenced by Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild's artwork; I loved the cel-shading, with highlights and shadows and not much in between. While I still love the style, I'm going back to a less minimal look for my own work.
  Speaking of influences, I think my characters' eyes will forever be large, because I first studied Wendy Pini's art and, of course, most of her characters are elves with large eyes.


  Take care all, and if you live in fire country like I do, take extra care

Broken Dulcet Chapters 29 & 30 are Live

Check out Chapter 29 here.
  Check out Chapter 30 here
  More bad news comes as Lapis struggles to deal with the death she wrought.

  #fantasy #sciencefantasy #sciencefiction
  I am now on vacation for two weeks (except for reading the SC articles for the prompt I sponsored. I'm still doing that!). Greenglimmer will return on Sept 6, and Broken Dulcet will return on Sept 13. Maybe I should have waited and wrote about the spooky theater then. Ah well.
  I haven't taken a break since Nov-Dec of 2023, when I took a month off before Greenglimmer and Broken Dulcet began. But after writing 50K during Summer Camp (counting articles and serial chapters but not CSS code) I am in need of a breather. So breathe I shall.
  I will not be taking bets on how many days I can stay idle before I pick up a pen and make some digital art, or type a bit on my Wellspring WIP. I have too much of a guilty conscience. I'll probably put up my revamp of my Lapis of Nicodem homepage, but I won't do that until after SC judging because I'm terrified I'll accidentally update articles.
  Who knows. Maybe I'll just kick back and play some more Tears of the Kingdom (my honey got me the 9 disc, full soundtrack to the game in Japan. Very excited to listen to it all). Or maybe I'll play around with Medieval sampler from Teenage Engineering. It's my early birthday present, and since it has samples of medieval instruments (and a dragon!) it's right up my alley.
  Take care, all

Broken Dulcet Chapter 28 is Live and Summer Camp Updates

Read Chapter 28 here,
  Lapis breaks.

  #darkfantasy #sciencefantasy #sciencefiction
  So I've got 27/32 prompts done. My goal was gold, so I have that! I'm going to focus and get the last five done before tomorrow. It will happen: two are written and need art, and if I keep the last three under 1000K, I should be good. I've never hit diamond before, so this will be a first!
  I'm proud of my articles. They've risen naturally from the prompts and my world settings. Some are things I should have written about before, so this has been a great opportunity to get them down.
Summer Camp 2024: Prompts
Generic article | Aug 3, 2024

  #summercamp #summercamp2024
  I've hit 806K page views on my World Anvil account! Yes, I'm excited. It means people are reading my stuff! Speaking of which, Ambercaast is coming up on 175K views! I'm so happy to have the World Anvil readership. It keeps my creativity going because I know I'm not writing to the void.
  After summer camp, I'm planning to focus on
1) getting all my worlds updated with their new themes. Yes, I still haven't settled for one for Lapis of Nicodem, but hey, we'll see what I come up with
2) get the fourth book of Wellsprings Dragons finished
3) judge my entries! There are 212 so far, but I'm not certain how many of them have Challenge turned on. Regardless, I will have a lot of reading this month
4) I really should take a break this month. I need one. Will it happen? ...maybe
  That's all for this week! Have a great end to summer camp, y'all!

Broken Dulcet Chapters 26-27 are Live! and Summer Camp Updates

Read Ch 26 here and
Read Ch 27 here  
  #fantasy #sciencefantasy #sciencefiction   ****   I've written 11 prompts so far for summer camp. Plan to do several more this weekend. I'm partial to my Merdia pirates :)  
Summer Camp 2024: Prompts
Generic article | Aug 3, 2024
  #summercamp   ****   Yesterday I found out a friend passed away. No one seems to know what happened, just that she's gone. Why is it, the sweet and wonderful die so young?   RIP, my friend.   ****   And with that cheerful note, take care and hug those you love   Kwyn

Broken Dulcet Ch 24 & Ch 25 are Live! and Summer Camp Update

Sit back this weekend and enjoy Ch 24 here and
Ch 25 here
  Something sickening this way comes concerning the rescued khentauree parts and the undermarket.

  #darkfantasy #sciencefantasy #sciencefiction
  Summer Camp is here! And I completed a prompt the first week too (and within the first few days. That's never happened before. I'm usually rushing at the end)! I finished four others, but they need artwork and headers, so they aren't ready for the public yet.
  Take a peek at the Astri Pact! It's the document that made the Evenacht what it is today, upending the existences of the living and the dead alike.
The Astri Pact
Document | Jul 21, 2024

  I've finished an artwork for the Knavish Canto achievement, and I like it enough, it'll be part of my new homepage (which I'm working diligently on. I really want to include parallax that doesn't span the entire page, but I also don't want the images getting bigger depending on screen size. How do I do that???).
  Patch, by Shade Melodique (me!) in my ever-changing style.

  Hope your summer camp is going well! The prompt I'm sponsoring is going live next week, and I'm excited to see what it is!
  Take care, write well, have fun,

Broken Dulcet Chapters 22 n 23 are Live! and Other Updates

Sit back, relax, and read Chapter 22 here and
Chapter 23 here.   The strangers make a startling offer that could give the rebels an upper hand against Gall.  
  #darkfantasy #sciencefantasy   ****   OK, it's far from a pretty homework, but here is my summer camp article (so far). My time has been a bit more limited than I expected to work on it (and my sites!). So it goes, I suppose.   ...I am in a rhyming mood, apparently.  
Pledge WA Summer Camp 2024
Generic article | Jul 12, 2024
  #summercamp2024   ****   Have a great day, all! I'll be working on the homepage for Lapis of Nicodem. Hopefully I can get it up before Summer Camp begins!   Kwyn

Broken Dulcet Chapters 20 & 21 now Live!

Relax and read Chapter 20 here and
Chapter 21 here.
  Lapis and company discover more than they expected in the smuggling tunnels.

  #darkfantasy, #sciencefantasy
  I don't have my Summer Camp Week 1 prep done yet because I'm working on my meta (my meta has spoilers so it's not available to the public. I'm making meta/primers that don't have them, and that's taking time).
  Themes of change? Well, Broken Dulcet's "first night of the last night of the Dentherion Empire" definitely fits! The ending of an empire brings a lot of change, good and bad, with it.
  I also am looking at Evenacht. A really big event is on the horizon, and I'm pretty certain it's going to happen in July--and it will change Vantra's viewpoint on a great many things.
  Change in the real world has influenced my writing. Without the rise of generative AI and LLMs, I wouldn't be thinking of khentauree in the same way. What constitutes intelligence, and do they qualify? If Gedaavik's code changed them, did it change them enough to give them humanity? Or are they just following what an extraordinary code tells them to do?
  Alright, I will go work on my meta/primer so I can get my homework posted.
  Take care, all

Broken Dulcet Ch 19 is Live! and Other Updates

Take a break this weekend and read Chapter 19 here.
  Baldur rears his head, and the Eaves has a surprise visitor.

  #darkfantasy #sciencefantasy #sciencefiction
  I think I should write a scene where pollen attacks the main characters, because it sure can knock you flat and leave your head feeling three sizes too big for days. Is there a B-rate horror movie called Attack of the Pollen? There should be.
  That's basically been my week.
  I was going to start recording again (hahaha stuffy narrator is a no-go), influenced by fellow Anvilite MJ Keeler reading her book Blackbird Raven Crow and putting the chapters up on YouTube. I've been looking for a not-as-exploitative place to plunk my own recordings (not Audible or Spotify), and YouTube is as good as any (will probably try Bandcamp as well). I will aim to post something once a week, if I can get my energy back. I'm feeling swamped, like I have too much to do right now.
  I hate planning things, then having life get in the way and crushing said plans into pulp. Fingers crossed I can get the artwork for Knavish Canto up soon.
  I should have the rewrite of my Wellspring WIP done soon (I'm planning by the end of the month). Once I gave up on including all things from the previous version, the writing's gone smoother. Those scenes that didn't make it into the Abyss of Dreams will be in the next book (where, after the changes in book 3, they work better). There are times, this stuff is just hard.
  And I found out that I have potential readers that are waiting for paperbacks of my series because they prefer that format to ebooks. Considering the cost of physical books right now, that surprised me. Maybe they won't be as enthusiastic when they realize how much I'll have to charge for those, just to get a dollar or two in profit.
  Take care, all, in this season of sneezes and runny noses,

Broken Dulcet Chapter 18 is Live!

Check out Chapter 18: Diz-stressing Diz-closures here   Lapis, Patch and Dagby learn their Stars-blessed enemy has had more influence on the underground in Jiy than previously suspected.  
  #darkfantasy #sciencefantasy #scifi   ****   I have done about 10K words on the Abyss of Dreams re-write this week (and deleted about the same). If you want to know where my time has gone, it's been into that. Will I make my Oct deadline? I hope, I hope.   I've also been enjoying Dragon's Dogma 2, and been disappointed in Endless Ocean. I loved the first two games, and how intimate, beautiful, and wondrous they were. This one is not that :(. There's something special about getting an up-close pic of a fish to file, that a long-shot scan that grabs a whole bunch of IDs misses. And the AI voice is awful. *sad tears*   ****   And I'm off, to continue work on the 4th Wellspring Book and working on Knavish Canto's hitting 100K views art.   Take care, all

Broken Dulcet Ch 16 & 17 is Live!

Read Chapter 16 here.   Read Chapter 17 here.   Based on info from Danaea's decoded notes, Lapis embarks on a rebel chase.  
  #darkfantasy #sciencefantasy #sciencefiction   ****   What have I been doing this week? Re-linking my World Anvil images to my CSS code so they don't break upon server transfer. Yeah, this has taken a lot of time. Have I missed some? I bet I have. Fun times ahead, but since I'm revamping the book sites anyway, it's fine. I'll just say 'under construction' and call it good.   I also got a shiny new desktop that should speed up art/video/3D creation *fingers crossed*. I spent two days grumbling about how much I hate installing all my apps on a new machine. Some companies make this difficult because they want you to buy another license, rather than keep the current one (DaVinci Resolve, ClipStudioPaint). Frustration is not what I want to feel upon getting a shiny new desktop.   ****   What am I stoked for this week? The new Endless Ocean game. I loved the first two because I got to take pics of sealife and plants and coral. And I'll be happy when A Thousand Year Door revamp makes it to the Switch.   I was also reminded this week about how US marines duped an AI meant to track human movement by hiding under a cardboard box Solid Snake style and creeping up on it. It's not just in video games, y'all!   ****   Have a great week!   Kwyn

Broken Dulcet Chapters 14 & 15 are Live! and Other Updates

Read Ch 14 here.
  Read Ch 15 here.
  A quiet return to the Eaves cannot salve the writhing tensions just beneath the surface of Jiy.

  #sciencefantasy #darkfantasy
  Been working on the Evenacht intro video this week. I am definitely not the fastest editor out there. Here's a still of Darkness that I'm planning to use.

  I plan to write a short story for Adventure April. I still haven't decided what yet, and the month's nearly half over! Think think think...
  So a lot of work on my art/videos have slowed to a crawl because Adobe products are complaining I don't have enough cache available to run them (this is before I even open a file). I cleared space over the amounts I chose in the settings, and they still complain. So it's been a back-and-forth between other apps, which, again, kinda slows down work. There are other annoyances with my desktop, like constant game crashes, so I'm wondering if there's something amiss with the computer. I know some more recent Windows updates haven't been kind to certain PCs, but reinstalling previous updates hasn't changed things. And yes, I pay for a virus etc checker to keep my comp clean.
  So creating the covers for the paperback versions of my Wellspring Dragons has not gone as planned. I'm taking the "all things in time" approach. It all will happen when it happens.
  I hope you all have the greatest week and take care!

Broken Dulcet Ch 12 & 13 are Live and Other Updates

Take a break and read Broken Dulcet Chapter 12 here.
  Read Broken Dulcet Chapter 13 here.
  Vision confronts Tuft at the Cloister before Lapis and company head to the Ambercaast scientific workstation.

  If you haven't taken a peek, check out my entries for WAWA.
WA Worldbuilding Award Entries
Generic article | Jun 4, 2024

  There are so many entries! It's wonderful to see so many awesome articles and ideas.
  I've spent this week working on the paperback versions of the first three Wellspring Dragons Books, writing on the 4th book (WIP), re-doing my Evenacht intro video because crash=corrupted file (grr), and revamping the Glass Volcano map. Here's a peek at how that's going.

  Take care and have a wonderful week, all!

Broken Dulcet Ch 11 is Live! and Other Updates

Read Chapter 11: Beau-coup Trouble here.   What's a disaster shot without a coup chaser?  
  #darkfantasy #sciencefantasy   ****   I've been spiffing up my entries for the Worldbuilding Awards this week. I've changed styles for my articles in my worlds, and getting my entries to reflect those changes has taken up a lot more time than I thought it would.   A couple I plan to submit:  
The Butterfly Sylfaone
Character | Jul 28, 2024
Twilight Butterflies
Species | Jul 31, 2023
This one's not quite done yet, but it will be by tonight!  
Settlement | Mar 17, 2024
  ****   I'm looking forward to the Worldbuilding Con. On Sunday I have to pick up my honey from LAX, so I don't know how much of that day I can attend (I'm going to try and listen as I drive, but we'll see).   ****   Have a wondrous week, all!   Kwyn

Broken Dulcet Chapters 9 & 10 are Live!

Read Chapter 9: Backtrack here.
  Read Chapter 10: Flame Out here.
  Lapis and company confront more than Dentherion military techs as they attempt to rescue the kidnapped khentauree.

  #DarkFantasy #ScienceFantasy
  The special pics for Evenacht are not quite done, but I hope to post them this week. I very much underestimate how much time it takes me to do some of these (especially the 3D ones).
  AND KNAVISH CANTO HIT 100K VIEWS! So more special somethings for Lapis of Nicodem serial will be on their way!!!
  Thank you World Anvil readers. Your interest keeps me going. I would be a lot poorer in work and spirit, if I did not have this community. <3
  My Duckuary post. Late, but it's short and sweet.
  Sil's Duck Spies
  Be kind. Sometimes that means saying nothing at all, just thinking your grumbles and moving on. Sometimes that means not clicking 'like' on a nasty post that purposefully misunderstands another person's words so the author can ridicule, harm, and get attention. Sometimes that's just sharing the hug icon.
  Take care, have a great week! And if you can, donate to the wonderful Wordigirl's Kickstarter!

Broken Dulcet Ch 8 is Live! and Other Updates

Read Broken Dulcet Chapter 8: Duplicity here.   Lapis and company need to rescue the kidnapped khentauree, but they need to get through Drakeways shanks first.  
    #darkfantasy #sciencefantasy   ****   Y'all, I'm nearing 600K total views for my World Anvil account! Most of that comes from readers who read my books, which is awesome!   ****   Knavish Canto is at 97.4K views! I'm hoping readers can bump that up to 100K by the end of February! That will be an accomplishment; I'll have four books that have all hit 100K here at World Anvil. Thanks for that, readers!   ****   I finished my Cabinet of Curiosities combined article. I was uploading them for the individual prompts, got distracted, and didn't finish last week. So that's on my list of things to do today.   Fyrij (fear-ree) is a small avain who likes to collect odds and ends of his journeys with the mini-Joyful.  
Fyrij's Box
Generic article | Mar 8, 2024
  ****   Speaking of the mini-Joyful, here is a peek at the artwork I'm working on to celebrate Evenacht: Snake's Den reaching 100K views.  
  ****   Have fun with the Cabinet of Curiosity challenge and Duckuary!   Kwyn  

Broken Dulcet Ch 6 and 7 are Live and Other Updates

It's a two-chapter week! Check out Chapter 6: New Orders and Chapter 7: Sneak and Yell.   Lapis and company get new orders before they sneak into the Torc Bedan base.  
  #sciencefantasy #darkfantasy   ****   I'm working on Evenacht: Snake's Den special artwork for reaching 100K views, and guess what? Knavish Canto is inching towards 100K too! I might do more artwork, but I also might do a short story to celebrate. Both, perhaps?   Thanks to my readers, for making this possible. Once Knavish Canto hits 100K, I'll have four books that have passed that milestone. The support keeps me going!   ****   So starting in Dec 2022, I had some health issues that did not get an antibiotic fix until April 2023 (because US healthcare sucks). I got behind on things I wanted to do, and some got shoved to the side or placed on the back burner to simmer a bit.   One of those back burner things was creating audiobooks of my stories. I was already feeling a bit bogged down with it, and uncertain how to continue. But a friend of mine has been recording her first book, chapter by chapter, and uploading the readings to YouTube. I know several authors who record snippets from their books to share on social media. This may be the way to go; recording and releasing a chapter at a time. Dividing the reading into smaller chunks may make it easier to finish because there will be definable milestones along the way.   I suppose the next question would be, should I film myself reading, or have an animated screen.   I also think it would be nice, to finish recording my award-winning articles.   ****   I've been revamping articles. This one is on Magick in my Wellspring series  
Magick on Seari
Generic article | Feb 2, 2024
  ****   Also on the Wellspring front:   I have formatted book one, and am in the middle of book two. Now that I'm looking at paperback copies, I again mull over the titles. Fantasy is not supposed to have strange words from the story in the title, and I named the first book after the lead character; Dawn of Shiobe. So perhaps a change, to Liminal Shadows for book one, and Shades of Treachery for book two--more dark fantasy-like, I think.   ****   Have a great week, all!   Kwyn

Broken Dulcet Chapter 5 is now Live!

Read Chapter 5: Chaos Descends here.
  Rushing through desperate crowds to reach Torc Bedan base before the skyshroud, Lapis and company perform an unexpected rescue.

  #ScienceFantasy #DarkFantasy ****
  I finished my judging for the Organization category. Choosing between my top two was tough! But I am done, and will take a break from reading things for a few days. Maybe play Prince of Persia?
  Evenacht: Snake's Den is closing in on 100K! Take a read here!
  I'll be doing some special art once we reach the goal!
  I'm almost done formatting the first book in my Wellspring Dragons series. After some thought, and seeing the Anvil stream today, I think I might alter the title of my first book. I still have no idea how to get Amazon to not put the series in horror, but we'll just keep going and see if it works.
  Take care, Kwyn

I live again!

After spending all new years and some change sick I didn't get a ton of completely new writing done. mostly have been tweaking and expanding articles. Got my new years resolution article done at lest.
Stumbling into 2024
Generic article | Jan 8, 2024
And I have majorly expanded the article for this pint-sized edge lord... edge lady?
Character | Jan 10, 2024

A short very pale young warrior with piercing orange eyes and platinum blond hair, from a long dead civilization.

  #sciencefantasy #newyears

Broken Dulcet Ch3 and Ch4 are Live, and Resolutions!

Yeah, two chapters this week as well!   Read Chapter 3: Plans here.   Read Chapter 4: Sunset here.   The first night of the end of the Dentherion Empire.  
  #darkfantasy #sciencefantasy ****   My articles and resolutions. I haven't quite gotten all ten completed, but they will be added by the end of the day (I decided not to include Organization articles, which I'm judging, and which has taken up a lot of my time reading).  
Resolutions and Articles 2024
Generic article | Mar 21, 2024
    I also wrote an achievements article. I needed to remind myself that, while I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to in 2023, I did quite a lot. For instance, I wrote 108,117 on Knavish Canto and 117,855 on Snake's Den, the (just finished) volumes in my Manuscript serials, and I created over 100 artworks. There's more, too!  
2023 Achievements
Generic article | Jan 5, 2024
  #WhatIamReading ****   Well, I hope the new year has started well for everyone! Mine started by writing about a disaster. Hmm.   Take care,   Kwyn

Slid in to over 10k just before the lock.

Despite everything that has been going on this month for me, and the cherry on top, getting and still dealing the flu 2 days before the deadline, I made it.   Completely rewrote and expanded. The Leodora Exploration Society.
The Leodora Exploration Society
Organization | Jan 2, 2024
Two stupid impractical weapons.
Hadean War Scythe
Item | Dec 26, 2023
Polyp Gun
Item | Dec 31, 2023
And finally, this wall of text, that still needs a ton of work to make it readable and interesting. but by God, I was hitting that goal.
Deadlight Survival Guide
Document | Jan 2, 2024
  Okay, time to go back into a NyQuil coma, and see everyone in 2024.   #WorldEmber #sciencefantasy

Broken Dulcet is now Live!

Yay! Broken Dulcet Chapter 1: Dreams and Chapter 2: A Swift Arrival are now live!
  Read Ch1 here and Ch2 here.
  Dreams are made and fulfilled, before Lapis and a select team head to Dentheria in preparation for rescuing kidnapped khenaturee from the Red Tridents.

  #DarkFantasy #ScienceFantasy
  Getting two serials up and running this December has not left me much time for completing WorldEmber--but I'm getting there! You can check out my first two finished articles here. I have plenty more written, I just need images.
  OK, I am about to roll up my sleeves and get to work on more WorldEmber goodness. I hope everyone's having a wondrous holiday season! If I don't make another post before Monday, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, a wonderful Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, Festivus, and that people enjoy their favorite other wintry celebrations.

Science Fantasy Reading List

Ok, Dimi threw this out there, so I'll add one. This isn't a recent one but I loved it. Some might not agree, but I felt this was very much #sciencefantasy when I read it:
Flotsam Cover Art by Julie Dillon

  Flotsam: Book One of the Peridot Shift by by R J Theodore
  #scienceFantasyThinkers #sciFi

Science Fantasy Reading List

What's the latest #scienceFantasy book or movie you have read and loved? I will start!
Dune, by Frank Herbert   #scienceFantasyThinkers #sciFi

Fantasy Worldbuilding Resources

Sunday today and I woke up rather early so I had some time to work on my Kingdom Building project. As I wrap up my initial research I have gathered up a list of Medieval Fantasy Buildings and Manufacturing processes that I thought it might be helpful to some of you. So... there you go :)

I would really appreciate some feedback is you find something that it is obviously missing from that.

Generic article | Nov 12, 2023
Generic article | Nov 12, 2023

As a note these are both simplified lists, I do have a much more in details list in google sheets if anyone is interested.

If you are interested into Medieval Fantasy Kingdom building Follow the project - There is much more where this came from!

  #scienceFantasy #fantasy #medieval #kingdomBuilding #free #resource

Knavish Canto Chapters 42: Punchline and 43: Blue Beams and Rise are Live!

Read Chapter 42 here.   Read Chapter 43 here.   *Yep, two chapters. I meant for it to be one, but think they work better as two :)   Lapis and company are intent on saving Rin and the khentauree, but an enemy ship interferes.  
  #darkfantasy #sciencefantasy #sciencefiction   ****   So, the penultimate x 2 chapter for Knavish Canto just went live. Nov 24 will be the last chapter, I'll take a month-long break, and Broken Dulcet will start on Dec 22.   In Broken Dulcet, fears become reality; aquatheerdaal runs out. The tech the Dentherion Empire has relied on to remain in power stops working, and so does its hold on puppet states. It's a time of flux, one numerous rebellions have waited for, but who has the capability of taking advantage? Desperate times usher in dangers, and Lapis must rely on her skills developed while chasing to keep those she knows and cares for safe.   Plenty of adventure and surprises coming your way, in Broken Dulcet!   ****   Am I sad Knavish Canto is coming to an end? Yes. But I'm also eager for Broken Dulcet to start.   The month break will help with WorldEmber prep/participation. And recharging is not a bad thing. Check out my homework here. I will be changing the page design a little: I love the green box. I don't like the purple-pink one. But it may be, the green is too bright. I am fickle, what can I say.   Maybe that's why I'm going to change the Greenglimmer cover a bit. I think it needs to be darker, more mysterious.   ****   If you don't remember the publishing schedule for Kavish Canto/Broken Dulcet or Snake's Den/Greenglimmer, I'll have it at the book sites, and include it at the end of the current volumes, as well as attach it to the blurb when I put both new ones up at Manuscripts.   With that, take care!   Kwyn

Knavish Canto Chapter 41: Betrayals is Live!

Check out Chapter 41 here.   A hidden room in Dreamer's confinement provides explanations--and a view of betrayal.  
  #darkfantasy #sciencefantasy   ****   Knavish Canto is drawing to a close! Two more chapters, all! I'll be taking a month off, then starting Broken Dulcet. The timeline should go as follows:   November 10 and 24: final chapters   Break   December 22: Start of Broken Dulcet   Just in time for the holidays, and the first chapters will not be holiday-ish in the least. Ah well.   In Broken Dulcet, the dwindling supply of aquatheerdaal finally hits its productive end. Since aquatheerdaal powers known tech, how are governments, corporations, institutions, people, going to respond? How will it affect the Dentherion Empire countries, whose puppet rulers maintained power using tech, while they denied their citizens access to it?   How far will the desperate go, to find an alternative power source? What if one exists, but is held in the hands of a crime syndicate?   There's that, and much more, going on in Broken Dulcet, and Lapis and company will be in the middle of it.   ****   Check out my thirteen Spooktober entries! These will be stills used in an intro video to Evenacht, and while the video needs more art and will take me a while to complete (not a video guru here), I'm hoping to get it finished before the end of December.  
Spooktober 2023: Evenacht
Generic article | Nov 5, 2023
  ****   I'm working on the Lapis of Nicodem art for hitting 100K views on the first book! I'll start releasing images at the end of October, and will continue through November.   ****   That wraps up this update! See you at the WA birthday stream!   Kwyn

Want a Free Copy of my Science Fantasy Space Opera novel?

In Spite of the Inevitable is the first installment in the five-book Mordena Dawn space opera fantasy series, detailing the founding of the costly Mordena mercenaries and their rise from mere deserters to ferocious and effective defenders of the independent Freehold planets. When powerful galactic empires seek to devour innocents whole, there's no hired force better prepared to stand against them.  
The past isn't the only thing that won't stay dead.   Hiding from his violent history as a revered Void necromancer within the Sparnell Confederation, single father Shane Lawrence has finally built a quiet life. On the freehold planet of Baden he can pour his energy into the only thing that now matters: the safety and upbringing of his precocious son, Jake.   All too soon, the Confederation targets Baden for annexation, confronting Shane once more with his treasonous past. Worse, the invading force is led by none other than Shane's manipulative former mentor, Admiral Kydell.   Shane's every instinct screams to run, to hide Jake even further from Sparnell – but Baden is home. This time he could choose to make a stand and defend the entire planet, not just his son. But that means turning to the very skills he swore he'd leave behind…
  Final formatting has begun in preparation for publication Novber 17th, which means...

Advanced Review Copy Sign-Up List is now open!

  Would you like to:
  • Be among the first to read In Spite of the Inevitable?
  • Help communicate to other readers like yourself what they'll love about this book by leaving a review?
  • Receive a free copy of your very own, before publication?
  Then look no further! Check out the details here, and fill in the form if you're interested:  
ENDED - ARC Read - In Spite of the Inevitable
Generic article | Apr 30, 2024

Sign up to ARC Read the current draft of In Spite of the Inevitable, a character-driven Science Fiction Fantasy novel covering such topics as redemption, resurrection, found family, and magic as technology.

  #ARC #SFF #SpaceOpera #ScienceFantasy #Novel #PsychologicalSciFantasy #Free #Vazdimet #Inevitable

Take the Challenge

Institutions of Learning

How do people learn in your world?

Suggest an article to be featured