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Major VISCERIUM update:

Hello fellow Anvilites,
I've been crafting a unique magic system for my dark-fiction world, VISCERIUM. I believe that I have crafted something unique, something familiar and yet exotic.
A magic system that blends smoothly with my dark pagan/occult setting and yet still provides flare and mysticism across all four eras of VISCERIUM.
If you can spare the time, please read through some articles, go on a little adventure throughout this category and let me know what you think. Your time and feedback is invaluable to me.   'Magic systems' category  
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Aug 14, 2024

A learned power that grants users access to manipulate matter.

Hornd & Uyil-bound
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 20, 2024

The powers bestowed upon an individual when they bind with a Naranor or Myrkild.

  #viscerium #darkfiction #magic

Two MAJOR updates

As part of a major overhaul to VISCERIUM and its foundations, I've been working away over the past couple of months to bring you two new articles - complete re-writes of previous content. Those two articles are:
  Update #1: The Myrkild
Species | Aug 29, 2024

A Myrkild is a form of microorganism that is the basis of all beings within the Myrkildicary.

  Update #2: The Hornd & Uyil-bound
Hornd & Uyil-bound
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 20, 2024

The powers bestowed upon an individual when they bind with a Naranor or Myrkild.

  As a sneak-preview to anyone who has read this far, the next major update will be unveiling the Naranor ahead of WorldEmber so that I can focus on each Zenith during the event.
  #Viscerium #DarkFantasy #DarkScienceFantasy #LowMagic

WorldEmber '23 Pledge and preparations!

WorldEmber '23 Pledge
Generic article | Nov 25, 2023

My comitment to, and homework ahead of, the WorldEmber '23 challenge.

  So, as some of you may know, or have spotted, I'm almost ready to reveal a couple of major updates to VISCERIUM.
  You'll be seeing a lot more of me over the next couple of weeks as I prepare for WE '23. Part of that will be unveiling the updates properly, and updating every article that is affected for consistency. The other part will come as I update the above article each week.
  I look forward to worldbuilding with you all over the coming weeks/months!
  #WorldEmber #WorldEmber2023 #VISCERIUM

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Institutions of Learning

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