The Jungle's Claw #006

General Summary

The Vorcian Puzzle

Game date: 16th day of the Crow, Year 13944   Fouk and Thronn found themselves in a temple that time had nearly forgotten. The air was thick with the weight of untold centuries. They cautiously moved through the debris-filled chambers, alert for any lurking dangers.
In the temple's inner sanctum, they discovered a complex mechanism: a copper sphere encircled by five concentric rings, each bearing arcane symbols of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Light. Thronn felt a strange energy emanating from the device, as if it were sentient.   After a meticulous search for traps, Fouk, his senses tinged by opium, cautiously aligned the Earth ring. The room filled with the aroma of fertile soil. Thronn followed, aligning the Water ring, which bathed the chamber in a soft, azure light. Fouk then successfully aligned the Fire ring, causing a burst of warm, orange light to fill the space.   Two rings remained. Thronn aligned the Air ring, and a gust of fresh wind swept through the chamber. Fouk, however, hesitated when he reached for the Light ring. His opium-clouded mind faltered, and the temple reacted violently. Shadowy tendrils lashed out, momentarily draining Thronn's vitality. Fouk, gathering his wits, successfully aligned the Light ring on his second attempt. The chamber erupted in a kaleidoscope of colors, and from the sphere emerged Azural, a djinn imprisoned for millennia.   Azural revealed he had been bound to this temple by ancient wizards to activate its ley lines. He spoke of Veylok, a shaman who had been trying to control the temple's power but was failing due to the absence of his allies, the Vorcian Shadim. Veylok had been using mummy dust, a potent arcane substance, in his rituals. He also had a magically sentient panther, Xolotza, bound to his will.   Azural informed them that two child soldiers, addicted to mummy dust, were being hunted by Xolotza. They were near a mountain bridge, and time was of the essence. Both Azural and Xolotza required a child sacrifice to break free from Veylok's control. If provided, Azural promised incredible rewards.   Fouk and Thronn were granted three questions. Fouk inquired about the mummy dust and Veylok's failed pact with The Shadim. Thronn asked about potential treasures, learning of the Emerald Scepter in the @[Temple of Xyloth] and gemstone caves near the Whispering Falls.   Faced with a tantalizing dilemma, Fouk and Thronn weighed their options. Their allegiance to the Bloodclaw was already tenuous, especially after Thronn's betrayal of information to the Kurnok. The child soldiers were valuable only as bounty for their faction; their well-being was inconsequential. The prospect of earning powerful boons from Azural was too alluring to ignore.

Rewards Granted

450 XP each for solving the Vorcian Puzzle.   Other Information from Azural:   "Ah, the jungles of Nolavor are ancient and full of secrets. But since you ask, listen well. Deep within the heart of the jungle lies the Forgotten Temple of Xyloth. It is said to house the 'Emerald Scepter,' an artifact of immense magical power. But beware, the temple is guarded by the Serpentfolk, descendants of an ancient civilization who worship the snake god, Xyloth. They are cunning and not to be underestimated."   "As for riches, the Caves of Despair, located near the Whispering Falls, are said to be filled with gemstones and gold, remnants of a long-lost pirate stash. But the caves are cursed, and many who enter seeking wealth find only doom."   "Remember, the jungles are as perilous as they are rewarding. Tread carefully, and may fortune favor your quest."   -----------------------------


Azural promised rich rewards if Fouk and Thronn would provide a child sacrifice to free him from his imprisonment.   For Thronn, Azural offered the gift of two additional levels of experience, allowing the ranger to increase his skills and abilities significantly. He also said he would grant Thronn a bonded animal companion of his choosing - any type of familiar from the realms they traveled, even exotic beasts from the deserts of Vorcia or the icy north.   As for Fouk, two levels experience were also promised, and Azural sensed the thief's latent arcane talents and offered to awaken his dormant gift as an alchemist. He would grant Fouk specialized alchemical tools and recipes for concocting potions and elixirs. Azural also promised to bestow a magical Shadow Cloak that would allow Fouk to warp through patches of dim light and shadow.

Dead Gods

Fouk Shadim

Neutral Evil Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 4
31 / 31 HP
Report Date
27 Oct 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Corpseflower Temple

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