The Jungle's Claw #007

General Summary

Fouk and Thronn, following the guidance of Azural the djinn, ventured towards a mountain bridge, a location he had pinpointed as the whereabouts of two child soldiers addicted to mummy dust and pursued by Xolotza, a magically sentient panther under the control of the shaman Veylok. The situation was dire; both Azural and Xolotza required a child sacrifice to break free from Veylok's control, promising significant rewards in return.

As they approached the bridge, their path intersected with Thorn, a bugbear previously encountered in a distant tavern. The ensuing conflict was intense and strategic, with Fouk and Thronn utilizing their respective skills in stealth and combat. Fouk, already injured by Thorn's javelin, retreated into the jungle's cover, while Thronn fired arrows from the other side of the rickety bridge, attempting to incapacitate their adversary. Meanwhile, an unseen enemy, likely an ally of the bugbear, launched arrows at Thronn from a concealed position but missed.   The battle turned in their favor when Fouk emerged from hiding to deliver a devastating sneak attack with his daggers, significantly wounding Thorn. Despite Thronn's missed shots, Fouk's surprise assault proved decisive. Thorn tried to retreat but was ultimately slain by Fouk's well-placed arrow from his hidden position. Their unidentified assailant chose to retreat, avoiding confrontation.   After the skirmish, Fouk and Thronn discovered a contract on Thorn's body, revealing details about the mercenaries' arrangement with Shaman Veylok, and an unidentified magical object. Fouk also discreetly pocketed a portion of the gold found. Utilizing his remaining spell slots, Thronn healed Fouk's injured shoulder. To deter potential enemies, they displayed Thorn's head on a spike at the bridge's end.   The duo then tracked the half-orc child soldiers and Xolotza to a secret cave behind a waterfall. Inside, they heard the children's whimpers and the panther's growls. As Thronn approached, he experienced a telepathic connection with Xolotza, learning of the panther's unwilling servitude to Veylok and his forced role in hunting the children for a gruesome ritual.
In a morally ambiguous decision, Thronn agreed to sacrifice the two half-orc children, whom he shared a bloodline with, rationalizing that it was a merciful end to their mummy dust-addled existence and a strategic move to gain powerful allies. This agreement would free Xolotza from Veylok's control and assist in the sacrifice required to liberate Azural, promising them his assistance in future battles.
Meanwhile, Fouk explored the cave, uncovering an alchemical setup for producing mummy dust. He seized a significant quantity of the substance, along with various tools used in its creation. This discovery furthered their resources and abilities in their ongoing endeavors.

Rewards Granted

450 xp each.   On thorn's body:   1. pouch of 25gp   2. A letter on vellum, apparently addressed to Veylock ("V")   3. A glowing vial of unknown origin.   From the Lab/Xolotza's Cave   1. A box of gems and coins   2. More mummy dust than the PCs can carry.   Xolotza's Promise:   1. The 'gratitude' of her people, a race of intelligent panther's descended from displacer beasts.   2. She can be magically summoned for aid up to three times, as long as it is within the jungles of Nolavor.   3. Assistance taking the sacrifice to Azural.

Dead Gods

Fouk Shadim

Neutral Evil Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 4
31 / 31 HP
Report Date
10 Nov 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Kanonos Region

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