Session 24: Assault on the Listening Post at BloodCOOOOOOVE Report
General Summary
So you all met up and planned your assault. You were unsure of what would be waiting for you at the listening post, so Vivienne and Gwyn interrogated Lord Rick d'Astly, jr. for information. He stuck to his guns on the number of personnel, but otherwise was somewhat helpful; as much as he could be. You then spent some time making your way to the other side of the island, where the listening post is supposed to be. You stopped by the Wachootoo and stole their healing potions while they were more concerned with who was going to be the next leader. Then you made your way to the mountains to find the Post. At the base of the mountains you found a few paths leading up. You also found some of the Goblin totems, but they seemed to be facing the wrong direction. Artemis Sindarin used his new companion, Hospitality, to do some aerial scouting which alerted you to the number of employees, safest path, and that they had a Giant in their camp. The group then travelled up the path and found yourselves within eye-sight of the listening post. Sandara Quinn used some fog and allowed you to approach safely. Now you are at the base of the fortifications, and ready to stick it to Big Pharma!