Session 26: Rickety Split Report

General Summary

Well, all good things must come to an end sometime. You looted the Listening post at Bloodcove and checked one last time for any final intel before seeing your ship on the horizon. You took your prisoners and made your way to the vessel for the return trip to Rickety Squibbs. When there, you turned your prisoners over and finalized your business before the journey towards Port Blackwater.   The Sea journey was mostly uneventful save for one encounter with another vessel. You easily chased them down and managed to capture their cargo. They seemed to be hauling cloth goods, but a more thorough inspection revealed they were also smuggling drugs. You recovered 6 bricks of a substance known as "Red Sauce" which had paralytic and other hallucinogenic inducing properties. L3-37 Redgrave learned about the side effects the hard way, and a conversation with Ambrose "Fishguts" Kroop revealed more information. For some reason, Fishguts seems to know a good deal about a lot of obscure things.   At any rate, you left the survivors from your encounter on their vessel, and finished the journey to Blackwater Port. You could just make out the City on the Horizon.

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