Faerun Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Faerun
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  • Moonshae Isles
    The Moonshae Isles were a group of islands that formed a roughly circular archipelago with the Sea of Moonshae in the center. They lay roughly 400 miles (640 kilometers) west of the region of Amn and to the southwest of the Sword Coast.[citation needed] Along the coasts, long flat beaches were found. Most lacked sand, and instead comprised pebbles and rocks. Tides were significant among the islands. At low tide, the beaches could be exposed as much as a quarter mile (400 meters) from the waterline. At high tide, the water line could rise up to 10 feet (3 meters). During storms, the beaches were battered by waves. The coastlines of the islands were dotted with bays and coves, where ships could find a safe harbor from the harsh northern seas.[10]   The remaining coastlines were jagged rocks. Tall cliffs of granite towered over the water, some up to 500 feet (150 meters) in height. These cliffs were worn smooth from exposure to the wind, and in the winter were covered with sheer ice.[10]   Further inland, stagnant saltwater marshes were usually found. These gray and desolate marches lacked trees and an odor of sulfur hung constantly in the air. Traveling in these marshes was hazardous, with about 10% of the terrain being quicksand.[10] Some of the fens and swamps in the Moonshaes rivaled those found in the jungles of Chult. These putrid and decaying swamps were filled with stagnant water. The Fens of the Fallon, on the island of Gwynneth, was likely the most dangerous area in all the Moonshaes.[11]   Freshwater streams were common on the islands. Most were shallow, reaching a maximum depth of 3 feet (91 centimeters). Most streams were not safe for boats because of rapids. The islands were home to a handful of rivers, which were deeper and calmer, and safe for boats. Ferries and bridges allowed for safe crossing.[11]   Much of the Moonshaes terrain was moorland. This rolling grassland was dotted with lakes, ponds, and swamps, but most of it was well-drained and dry. The terrain was safe and pleasant and was used as pasture for cattle and sheep.[10]   Mountains and highlands made up another sizable portion of the Moonshaes terrain. These rugged and twisted mountains were jagged and cracked from centuries of erosion. The steep mountains reached 8,000 feet (2,400 meters) in height. From autumn to early spring, heavy snow covered the highlands, only melting away completely by summer.[12]
Supporting Cast
  • Anders Solmor
    Young Anders recently inherited his family’s fleet of fishing boats after the untimely death of his mother, Petra Solmor. He’s the youngest person ever to be elected to the Saltmarsh Town Council. Brash and inexperienced, Anders is a slight man with sharp features and a toothy smile. His recent forays into trade have made him a local celebrity. Since Anders owns both a fishing fleet and several trading vessels, he can sell his catch at a highly competitive price. And he can offer better prices for the other fishers in town to sell to him, since his catch brings in so much more profit. Everyone involved in the town’s fishing industry supports Anders, and his energy and ambition have made him something of a folk hero on the docks. On the other hand, his open opposition to smuggling and his hatred of the Luskan practice of slavery makes him a thorn in the smugglers’ side.
  • Chance Dayton
    Chance is a Halfling of surly appearance and serves as a part-time brewer and barman for Kreb Shenker at the Empty Net. He usually attempts to override his attitude when dealing with customers, at least until they get to know him.
  • Colin Thompson
    Colin spends most of his days working a desk at Hoolwatch Tower for the Saltmarsh Guard. He was born and grew up in Saltmarsh, but did spend a spell of time up in Burle. Eliander Fireborn has found him to be extremely capable at managing the guard rosters, office, cases and evidence. He isn't exactly Eliander's second-in-command, merely a very reliable Sergeant. .
  • Eda Oweland
    Eda is the current senior member of the Saltmarsh Town Council, as well as the owner of three large fishing boats. She has lived in Saltmarsh all her life and has been elected to the council three times. She is a gruff, pragmatic woman whose graying hair is cut short and whose face bears the marks of a life lived outdoors. Eda is keenly interested in expanding Saltmarsh’s fishing industry, her sights set on a wild section of the coast where she hopes to build a new dock.
  • Eliander Fireborn
    Eliander fought in the army of the Lord's Alliance against the giants, where he earned a reward for valor. He suffered a tremendous injury to his leg in a battle and now walks upon a finely carved wooden peg. Despite his injury and advancing age, the burly captain of the Saltmarsh town guard remains an imposing figure. Eliander is a local celebrity thanks to his facility with languages, and he is often called upon by the town’s various organizations to assist with translations. He is fully literate in Common, Dwarvish, Gnomish, Elvish, and Halfling; he can also speak and understand Orc and Draconic.
  • Gellen Primewater
    Gellan, is a well-spoken, dapper older gentleman with a neatly trimmed beard and a fancy wardrobe. With his cunning instincts, he has positioned his family to become the most prominent merchants in town. Because Gellan is the wealthiest man in Saltmarsh, he garners a great deal of popular support from the many feasts, entertainments, and other diversions he supports with expenditures and donations. It was surmised that Gellan likely has something to do with the Sea Ghost Smugglers, as the casks of brandy throughout the Haunted House have the brand "GP" upon them. After presenting the evidence gathered to date, Eliander Fireborn was interested, but not ready to act on the evidence and suspicion. Elaina discovered that Gellan Primewater made some kind of deal to remove the group from pestering his operations with the Sea Ghost Smugglers further. Copperlocks has presented interest in investigating Gellen's operation more and has taken to review of the multiple ledgers recovered from the Primewater Mansion secret basement.
  • Ginkle Tricksail
    Ginkle is formerly a sailor, and detests seafood since he spent decades working on a ship. He prefers to cook livestock and stews using spices and flavours that he shops for at the markets in Saltmarsh. Lankus Kurrid considers him one of the best hires for the Wicker Goat he ever took on, and believes that more than a few patrons repeat for a taste of Ginkle's food.
  • Hanna Rist
    A young woman, Hanna owns The Snapping Line in Saltmarsh with Astrid Christensen. She comes from a family of well-known lobster catchers. Her family also makes a spirit from lobster meat and potatoes called claw wine; it is, to put it mildly, an acquired taste. She met Astrid when looking for funding to set up The Snapping Line tavern, and Astrid was only too willing to fund the tavern in exchange for overall control over entertainment. The Snapping Line was originally built around the equipment her family uses to create the claw wine.
  • Hrabbaz
    Hrabbaz has been a loyal bodyguard to Gellan Primewater for many years. He remains at Gellan Primewater's beckon call at all times, and sleeps close by in Primewater Place. He is often sent to accompany Mystique Primewater on her visits to the Snapping Line, and occasionally back to Waterdeep to visit family.
  • Keledek
    Keledek the Unspoken came to town years ago from a far away land that most of the residents of Saltmarsh struggle to pronounce. He is nearly 7' tall, has dusky skin, a bald head, and is usually seen wearing a bright, red, silk turban. He is a pretty unmistakable figure in Saltmarsh. His unusual appearance has led to rumours about his mystical abilities, claiming that speaking his name aloud allows him to eavesdrop on conversations. In actual fact he hails from Calimshan far to the south, and dresses in a style common to the area. Keledek is known to be interested in things of an arcane nature, and is known to be some kind of magic user. Keledek offered Clarinda upon arrival in Saltmarsh a cot in his mage tower and the chance to further her magic abilities and study under him for the past 2 years. When the Brownbottles arrived in Saltmarsh, she joined the crew at Keledek's request to return a magic artifact he had special ordered from him homeland which had been lost in a ship wreck.
  • Kreb Shenker
    Kreb Shenker, takes coin from anyone and asks no questions. He prides himself on the reputation of his tavern, the Empty Net. He's no supporter of change in Saltmarsh.
  • Lady Xendros
    Lady Xendros, a red-skinned female tiefling, leads a trade delegation that has come to Saltmarsh to acquire large quantities of fish (salted and preserved for transport) in the name of Naaru. The fish is destined for a far northern settlement of monks dedicated to study and knowledge. The settlement does not produce enough food to feed all its citizens, so it relies on imports for the rest, and Saltmarsh has become one of its major suppliers. Xendros sometimes has need for adventurers. She has been open about a particular interest in tracking down an Apparatus of Kwalish.
  • Manistrad Copperlock
    The leader of the Saltmarsh mining operation. A woman of few words and can often be found at the Wicker Goat tavern as is her habit for meal and drink. She also uses her usual corner as an informal office, taking meetings with Dwarven miners. Relentless, curious and hard working. Loyal to kinsmen and mining operation. Can be impatient. She sometimes has work for adventurers to help keep the mining operations secure. Requested the Crew investigate Primewater's further and assisted to decipher the Ledger Books recovered. Has contacts in Westphal for trade agreements if needed for the Crew to cover expenses.
  • Oceanus
    Oceanus is a member of the tribe of Manaan, which inhabits an undersea settlement about twenty miles southeast of Saltmarsh. He was stripped of his weapons and armor when imprisoned, but though bruised and hungry, he has suffered no great injury and his spirit is undaunted. His tribe noted, from a distance, the periodic travels of a smuggling ship, now known to be the Sea Ghost, at night along a supposedly deserted coastal area. Suspicious of this behavior, the chief ordered Oceanus to keep watch on this area, slip aboard when the ship arrived, and follow the ship back to its port of origin to discover what he could of these strange proceedings. This Oceanus did, and at while near the Haunted House, he witnessed the stowing aboard of a small arsenal of weaponry. He was then discovered, knocked out, and taken prisoner. He awakened some time later, chained to the ship’s hull in a small compartment. He is uncertain how long he has been a prisoner or what his ultimate fate would have been. He managed to learn that the ship travels to and from Waterdeep. He had no knowledge of the lizardfolk aboard. He has no knowledge of the intended recipient of the weapons and arms. During his imprisonment he had been brought unpleasant food three times and a cup of brackish, stale water about six times. On each occasion the bearer was Foul Frithoff. These visitations aside, he has been left to his own devices. Once freed, he expressed interest in recovering his weapons and 200 silver which were taken from him and stored in Foul Frithoff's quarters. He also wanted to visit Saltmarsh and parley with the leader of the village, who he mistakenly assumed would be some kind of King. He has never visited Saltmarsh.
  • Queen Othokent
    Queen Othokent is worldly for a Lizardfolk. She rules with an even hand, and her authority is absolute. Kings and queens among Lizardfolk are raised to rule. Royal hatchlings are usually separated and provided additional tutoring and training so as to raise them to be the very best of the best. The current queen is a very good example of this. Sauriv has advisedly Queen Othokent since she was a hatchling. Sub Chief Irhtos has always had a better rapport with the queen than Chief Darastrix, so he often finds himself fulfilling an advisor role, while Darastrix remains in the field. The queen presided over the evacuation of the fortress and flight to the decommissioned Lizardfolk Lair at the Dunwater River. Advice at the time was split but no-one questions her decision. The queen has continued the gradual advance of the Lizardfolk, bringing them inevitably into more regular contact with the warm-blooded, soft-skinned and soft-skulled species. Her people now claim structures as their homes, rather than crude yurts or bedrolls, and hatchlings grow within protected safety. She is attended by advisors, and a handful of servants. The advisors are senior, wise, strong, and capable. The servants are diverse, some older, others younger, giving the sense that this is a task afforded to those who either cannot yet, or can no longer, shoulder more difficult or taxing tasks. The queen has a throne, but prefers to stand, to walk and talk with her advisors and be among the Lizardfolk.
  • Sabrina Zarial
    The Lady Zarial is a level headed sailor and past first mate of the Sea Ghost. She was the only crew survivor of the upper deck battle with the Captain when she personally bested 3 of the Brownbottle members before watching her captain fall. She declared a truce to the remaining standing members and requested to be allowed leave where she returned to Saltmarsh, her home town. Sabrina was next encountered at Mercy's Home, the local orphanage where it was discovered she was raised by Mother Carmilla bas Fuil. Sabrina and Mother requested the Crew's assistance in infiltrating the Primewater Estate to find a possible letter which may lead to information to an orphan's parentage. This letter was found and returned to Sabrina. Most recently the decision to chase the schooner Nights' Gift, Mother offered Sabrina's skill and ability as a Captain for the Sea Ghost due to her familiarity with the ship, and the Brownbottles needing a captain with local knowledge.
  • Sauriv
    Sauriv was always a wanderer and rebel. As a young Lizardfolk, he went out into the world, dangerous as it was among warm-bloods. As a lone individual, he found it easy to move among them and interact with them, once they determined he was not there to cave in their soft skulls. He learned some of their ways, and found that though they were very alien indeed, they were not valueless as peoples.
  • Skerrin Wavechaser
    Tall, lean, tan, with short silver hair, he speaks in precise, measured statements of a man who has a keen eye for detail. He is dispassionate and takes a protective stance toward Anders. He is a faithful and trusted butler to Anders Solmor. Before that he served Anders's mother, Petra Solmor. Though he is merely a servant, he is often observed adopting a more fatherly role, offering advice, which Anders readily accepts.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Erevan Farstrider

Lawful Neutral Eladrin (Winter) (Far Traveler)
Druid 3
Monk 6
66 / 66 HP

Oskar Battlehammer

Tyler Dunham