Session 36: The Leatherbound Journal Report

General Summary

The next morning Indigo Team head back to the House Orien enclave to meet with Doddra d'Orien and demonstrate the spelljammer helm. After some debate, they decide the best way to handle the constant attacks is to walk directly along the exact same path they traversed the day before where they were attacked repeatedly.

They were attacked.

It wasn't much of a fight, though Zeke Abd Al Rashid chose to let a single attacker live. The attacker, who just watched 13 of his companions get absolutely destroyed and came within a hairsbreadth of dying himself, was cooperative if not terribly helpful. He explains between gasps that he was, along with the other attackers, hired by the Order of the Emerald Claw to attack them. 

The party arrive at House Orien's enclave, where Doddra shows them down to the basement. With her are the same two security staff as before, Mike and Ike. In the lower levels of the enclave the party finds themselves in a restricted section used for logistics, with large teleportation circles being used to move goods across Eberron. Down a short hallway is the lab and R&D space. Here the party again meets Borinn Stoneforge, and his assistant Elara Estel. Together, the group uses a teleportation circle to travel to a small island in northwest Kohorivarre where a stripped down longboat has been prepared for the demonstration. 

While Nora Pandost attunes to the spelljammer helm, Doddra provides a wonderful lunch for the party. Afterward, Nora demonstrates the abilities of the helm to the outright astonishment of the House Orien members. Elara, a passionate astronomer, is espically enamored when Nora takes the spelljammer wild space. After the demo is complete, Doddra has an opportunity to try the helm for herself. Elara asks her to take them back up to wildspace so that she might sketch the stars in her journal. However, when she opens the journal it explodes. Elara is killed, and she along with Mike and Borinn, are blown off the ship. Doddra is close to death and Ike is knocked out. The party, also injured, rescues the House Doddra staff and even revives Elara.

The party now debates their next steps...

...also Mike and Ike are wandslingers.

Team Indigo

Graham White

Report Date
29 Feb 2024

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