Session 37: Meeting the Spark Goblins

General Summary

Having been mostly blown up, Indigo Team and their comrades take a moment to recoup. They debate their options, and decide that the best response is no response. They heal themselves up, and go back to the House Orien enclave pretending nothing went wrong.

Well, I mean... Mike and Ike shrunk Elara Estel's mangled body and hid it in a bag of holding... so also that. But Ike also gave Nora Pandost a Wand of Nondetection, which was sweet, though it only has 5 charges and won't recharge. But then Doddra d'Orien gave Lilmeia Garibaldi a sending stone to add to Indigo Team's rapidly growing collection!

Meeting privately, the party decides the next best step is to get on the road to try to start shutting down portals leading off Eberron. As promised, House Orien provided both a map detailing locations of where they believe House Cannith has been building and researching portals and material support, including a train that will take them to spots along their route. That train will leave early the next morning. So, Indigo heads back to their rooms at Morgrave University. And, in a surprising careful move, they do so by teleportation. 

With half a day before they leave, Graham White does some shopping for a handful of useful supplies. And sets a dinner date with a young woman named Sarah that he absolutely cannot keep. Nora Pandost and Zeke Abd Al Rashid focus on researching how to close the portals once they actually find them, and Nora squeezes in a sword lesson.

Lilmeia Garibaldi heads out into Sharn to go gather supplies for the party. She starts with some health potions from an... independent provider... but realizes she's being followed as she leaves the shop. Wary of being attacked (again), she attempts to slip away from her pursuer. It takes more effort than she is used to, but she is eventually successful. After that, she makes the hard personal decision to head toward a less crowded and more patroled section of the city, going into a House Cannith shop to purchase the remaining supplies. The process is jarringly simple and comfortable, and Missed exits as quickly as she can.

Stepping out of the shop, Missed sees a gentleman sitting in a cafe across the street that Missed believes was watching her. She crosses the street and sits down at his table. The man is quiet, the conversation is short, and Missed leaves without any altercation.

Meanwhile, Ulfgar Shadowhammer takes yet another random blow to the head and is knocked unconscious. Concussion protocols are in effect.

At entiely too early the next morning, the party arrives on the platform and boards a custom lightning rail cargo train, with an extra car attached for the team to use. They meet The Spark Goblins, group of goblins sporting mismatched goggles that share a deep loyalty to each other and a love for what they do. They operate a lightning rail they have customized together and get packages shipped at higher speeds than anything else on the rail. The leader, Sparkplug "Sparky" Sprocketgear , has an honest conversation about the threats that might hurt her team and train, and sets an agreed space for where the team will be exiting for Dragon's Crown.

At 45mph.

About 60-100ft in the air.

Team Indigo

Graham White

Report Date
13 Mar 2024

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