Session 32: The Hunt For Merrix

General Summary

The party reconvenes to compare notes. Abrix is confident he can get the drukar up and running soon. In the meantime, Feldspar Merrlin is determined to find and kill Merrix d'Cannith. Ninarin is showing clear signs of being out of patience with Feldspar's behavior, but is going along with it for the time being.

Indigo Team, following the compass Graham White has procured, goes back to the university to hunt down Merrix once and for all. Upon arriving, they find a painfully obvious fake name (Cerrix of Mannith) teaching a class on hidden worlds in the astral sea. It is taught in a large (and crowded) auditorium. Feldspar agrees to wait outside, while the rest of the party fans out across the auditorium. Sure enough, Merrix shows up and begins to explain how the energy from a wildspace system can be found. And that which can be found can be measured. And that which can be measured and be controlled. As he explains this, he hits a button on a device freezing (almost) all of the party in the auditorium. A few managed to break free or be set free. Merrix reactiviates the ability multiple times as the party attempts to quietly reposition. Once the class ends and the students leave, the party confronts Merrix.

Merrix is keen to talk, and explains he led them here with obvous clues in an attempt to explain his version of events without being attacked. Feldspar, however, come in raging and Ninarin and (and a few party members) still attack. A wall of disentigration has been built into the opening of the stage, however, so none of the attacks are coming anywhere close.

Nora Pandost does engage in conversation as the attacks agains the barrier continue. He offers to help the party get home in exchange for accompanying them. The party finds this particularly interesitng, since it suggests he hasn't been able to escape Sigil on his own. He also claims to have 'twisted the Rule of 3' to bring the party here in the first place, and managed to create warforged without a creation forge, but does not elaborate. Ninarin manages to bank an arrow underneath the barrier. Merrix destroys all of the tools and items he had on the stage and disappears, but not before giving Nora a device with the ability to contact him.

Searching the stage (after getting the barrier down), the party finds a trap door underneath the stage. In it they find only a book he has written. In it, Merrix gives his version of events, and it does nothing to put him in a favorable light. Merrix's actions during and after the war led to the deaths of tens of thousands, and he shows little to no remorse. He claims he had no choice, and was forced to do what he did. Feldspar is furious, and demands they hunt him down and kill him. Returning to their rooms with Bitch, they debate next steps. Abrix announces the drukar is ready. The only question is what to do about Merrix. Nora destroys the device to contact Merrix, more or less forcing the party to leave him (probably) trapped in Sigil.

After a quick search the party finds a reliable portal to escape Sigil. Feldspar, who had raged and left the night before, shows up on their doorstep and asks to go with them. Ninarin refusing to wait for him (and to leave him in Sigil) probably played a key role. The party queues up at a regular portal, and Indigo Team, along with Madrox, Abrix, Ninarin, and Feldspar, step through on their way back to Sharn.

...only to find themselves summarily dumped in front of a giant dragon.

Team Indigo

Graham White

Report Date
15 Jan 2024

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