Session 22 Report: All Hail the Commodore!
General Summary
- Graham White , Ulfgar Shadowhammer , and Zeke Abd Al Rashid talks to and recruits 9 new crew members, though it was a little scary at points.
- Nora Pandost and Lilmeia Garibaldi search the bombard for details
- Together they discover that...
- Bloth has a large bounty out on Madrox and the autognome, but no one seems the think he'd actually make good on it.
- Bloth is systematically hunting for the crew who is attacking him, and putting a LOT of ships and resources into it.
- Bloth may be more vulnerable than he is letting on, not believing anyone would actually attack him
- The party decides to make for Tainjin for repairs and to sell cargo.
- The party makes 30,000gp total, or 1304 gp, 34 sp, 78 cp per share
- Vola Dravell is named captain and Frost is named 1st Mate on The Sovereign Wanderer, and Decks is named Quartermaster
- Calico is named captian and Marquis de Lafayette is named 1st mate aboard the Sovereign's Javelin.
- Jubithrex is named Sr. Quartermaster over both ships.
- The party arrives in Tainjin. Frost helps Missed recruit more crew. Lon takes his leave, but helps sell the 5 spelljammer chairs on his way out.
- Team Indigo purchase various other items.
Rewards Granted
1304 gp, 34 sp, 78 cp