Session 39: Chasing the Dots Report

General Summary

After a lot of debate about how to best not draw attention, the party decides to make a quiet entrance to Hathril on their way to the House Cannith deployment. Zeke Abd Al Rashid comes to, fully recovered, but Ulfgar Shadowhammer takes another sharp blow to the temple. It's likely he'll be out for a while this time. The party passes over the train station while in their cloud form and completely ignore the dubious characters lingering suspiciously around the train station, and send Graham White to check it out by himself. Then people died.

From here, Indigo Team follows the map from House Orien to the Cannith facility. This one, known as the Laogai facility, turns out to be under Lake Brey. The group finds their way inside and once again convinces those inside they are here to inspect the facility. This location yields similar results, though. No one with House Cannith appears to know anything about portals (though not for lack of trying). What they do find is a list of research and experiments into fields that encroach on literally every other House's area. After another round of impressive roleplay, the party takes their leave. But not before Nora Pandost leaves her other bookmark amongst the scrolls, giving her access to House Cannith's entire spy operation.

Dejected at the lack of progress, Indigo Team heads back to Morgrave University, and then to meet with Doddra d'Orien, demanding answers. They suspect Doddra might be using them as a way to go after her rivals, but she insists that isn't the case. She reminds them she didn't have proof, and she is genuinely surprised to find Cannith isn't already collecting portals.

Now thoroughly confused, the party reflects on what to do next. Fortunetly, Zeke Abd Al Rashid completes the replacement Drukar with the help of some outside force the DM just completely forgets about. Honestly, even if he does remember he's not likely to come back and update this.

But what is important here is the drukar shows a total of 13 portals as scattered dots across the screen. On a second screen, it seems to indicate which direction the closest portal is. There is also a third screen, but the DM forgets what that one did. Someone will tell him soon. (Update: it provides a 'radar' when within 1,000 ft) 

Finally, the party debated how they should go about finding these things and determined that sky coaches weigh less than a ton.

Team Indigo

Graham White

Report Date
22 Apr 2024

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