Session 11: Book Learnin'

General Summary

As the battle concludes the party discovers that Ulfgar Shadowhammer was just fine and would absolutely not need rescuing. Zeke Abd Al Rashid, however, appeared to be in shock after being forced to kill. He spent the day or so borderline catatonic, only following basic commands and not speaking much at all.

The party spends the next day or so assisting in Westlun's clean up and recovery. Setting up shop in The Beggar's Flask and working alongside Finethil Haelond, the town's Mayor. Thanks to the party's help, countless lives were saved and the rebuilding proceeded well ahead of anyone's expectations.

It turns out Westlun had been dealing with the raiders for a long time, and had chosen to finally fight back. The party's arrival happened to coincide with the raid. A magical lightning bolt inadvertently struck the portal when it opened, causing it to spin out of control.

Among the most notable events of the stay thus far was between Nora Pandost, Ulfgar Shadowhammer,  and Dimia Writingham, the local hedge wizard. Dimia also arrived by portal many years ago, and suspected the party was not terribly well versed in portal usage, despite their insistence to the contrary, and offered a classic textbook on portals and their usage to Nora and Ulfgar. The book covers the very basics on how portals operate, but for the Portal Council it is invaluable information. After some back and forth, they concedes the truth and gain the book.

Also worthwhile, Graham White worked out a deal to trade ale for the exceptional salt Westlun is famous for.

Upon returning through the portal, the party is shunted off to their room with no debrief. This gives Nora a chance to get the book copied.

Rewards Granted

A Primer on Portals: A Beginners Guide on Navigating the Multiverse, by Antimodes et. al.
(Worth 6 blocks of portal research, party's choice)

Team Indigo

Graham White

Player Journals
Trading by the Sea by Graham
War and Poorly Executed Deception by Nora
Report Date
09 Jan 2023

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