Session 28: Welcome to Sigil Report

General Summary

The party arrives at the portal. A large flat ship surrounds it, and a large (and impressively complex) gambling house. The party meets Hartungus Jaye, the captain of the ship. He welcomes them, sets them up in a VIP box, and the party enjoys watching people go through the portal (or not). They also meet Glish, a half elven  man who won the prize for being the 1000th person through the portal. He won a VIP experience while he waits the 5-6 hours for his turn, and a purse full of platinum as a prize. Zeke Abd Al Rashid feels something is off, but can't put his finger on it. 

The time comes, and the party follows Glish through the portal (after the required 5 minute delay). An oddly normal portal trip later and they find themselves in a worn down warehouse where a gnoll welcomes them, asks for a donation but otherwise lets them leave without issue. The party quickly figures out this is an ambush for those less powerful than them, and go back to fight. They kill several gnolls, but the githyanki in charge escapes with the money. Unfortunetly, the party finds Glish's body. Graham White summons a planar ally, but due to the nature of Sigil summons one from inside the city. They summon Light, a celestial (apparently from the New Jersey area of Eberron) being who now resides in Sigil. Graham asks Light to raise Glish from the dead, and Light agrees in exchange for a week of work from the party. He promises it will not involve anything evil and that none of it will lead to certain death. However, he warns, it will involve fighting and danger. The party agrees, and Light is good on his word. He raises Glish, then teleports everyone back to his studio apartment. He then has Grok, his devil neighbor across the hall take Glish to his brother Osros. 

That settled, Light takes them across the street to find lodging. He sets them up with Hag's Hostel, and introduces them to Bitch, the hag in charge. Despite her deeply evil appearance, she sets them up with a large comfortable traditional room.

After getting settled, the party reports for duty with Light. Ready for anything, the party was surprised to be sent on chores. Nora Pandost and Zeke are tasked with filling out complicated paperwork to go after the group who was ambushing the portal. Madrox and Lilmeia Garibaldi go grocery shopping, and Ulfgar Shadowhammer and Graham go buy a used couch from a guy down the street. The party completes the tasks, and goes above and beyond to do the tasks in their entirety.

The party also gets word from Light that others from Eberron have found their way into Sigil, which is weird. Indigo team makes the third group he's heard about.

Their jobs done, Light gives them the night off. It becomes apparent Light has absolutley no idea what to do with his new 'employees', but they all decide it is absolutely worth it to them to do the job and do it well.

Team Indigo

Graham White

Report Date
08 Nov 2023

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