Session 6: Defeating Trolls, Making Advancements Report

General Summary

The party choose to remain on the cliff face. Trapped between the troll and the party the tigers wisely decide to run. The party then defeats the troll, though they take some damage in the process.

With the troll dead, the party moves to occupy it's cave. The smell is overwhelming, but with a ridiculous amount of cantrip-level effort the party manage to make it livable. They collect wood from nearby and build a fire to protect themselves from the cold.

Their immediate danger past, Lilmeia Garibaldi volunteers to fly up and scout the area. She was hoping to find signs of civilization. Unfortunately, the only thing she saw was what appeared to be a dragon flying in the distance. Lilmeia drops back to the ground quickly, believing herself unseen, and decides she is done exploring. The party spends the rest of their time on the plane taking shelter in the cave.

Despite the harsh conditions the party returns through the portal well rested and reasonably warm. Lilmeia and Zeke Abd Al Rashid are first through the gate, and notice those awaiting their arrival seem surprised to see them returning... or at least returning alive...

Waiting for them are Christine Chapple , Bugdul Gular , Elaniel Iaracaryn , Yupukesumera , and Order. Dr. Chapple sees them first, and seems very concerned for their well being. After a three thorough examinations and a hot bowl of soup she finally relents and lets them go to the debriefing. At one point Ulfgar Shadowhammer grows impatient at the delay, but Dr. Chapple... dissuades him.

Once in the debrief the party talks with Bugdul, Yupukesumera, and Order. They question the party extensively, but a few main points emerge:

  1. The Portal Council is extremely divided at a fundamental level.
  2. It seems Geoffrey Boulderdown is still upset at the buying and selling of merchandise, but was outvoted.
  3. This Council doesn't seem prepared, and the only Council member aware of this is Order.

Team Indigo

Graham White

Player Journals
The Frozen Council by Graham
The World of Ice and Trolls by Nora
Report Date
16 Sep 2022

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