Wed 28th Sep 2022 07:59

The Frozen Council

by Sir Graham White

The only inhabitant we met was an angry troll. We exerted our strength to show dominance as I've been taught to do so with such creatures but I think we might have gone a bit too far as we ended up vanquishing the foe. I guess I'll need to learn to use a bit more restraint. Nora asked if we should behead the thing. It seemed a bit extreme to me but it was a simple enough task to carry out. Mist explored the skies and said she saw some kind of ice dragon bird thing. I don't know a lot about dragons except that they are rare and so I made a note that we should inform the council that we discovered such a rare creature in this frozen landscape. We returned home and the doctor was very concerned for our health. But after sufficient examinations, we were released to our debriefing. The council members were a bit nicer this time, I think perhaps our reputation is improving. I found it a bit strange that they focused so much on how our trading went when we couldn't find anyone to trade with. I brought up the equipment issue to them, but I don't know if they realize how much their lack of preparedness has affected our ability to explore. I'm going to be doing some shopping with mist to identify appropriate clothing and gear for various environments. At the very least we will need a good pair of boots. I remember one of my sergeants from the war telling us that if you take care of your feet then everything else will take care of itself. So, I will definitely need to get a good set of boots for each of us.
I had a strange encounter with Brienna shortly after I got back. She asked me all kinds of questions about my most recent trip to Xendrik. She kept on doing this weird thing with her fingers when she said the name, like she was making raptor claws or something. I don't think there are dinosaurs in Xendrik, but I think it's best not to correct her on this point since I don't want to give away anything that I shouldn't. I was careful not to give her any critical details. I just told her about the blizzard, the ice house we made, the frozen lake, the snow cats we tracked, the troll, the troll's cave, and the weird dragon thing that mist saw. She seemed really pleased with how we dealt with the troll so maybe we did handle things correctly. I don't even remember going over the material for Bosco's class, but I guess we must of because Brienna enthusiastically.... um, thanked me for helping her so much with her classwork.
Side Note: I had a really strange dream last night. I dreamed I was a captive with several others. We'd been captured by some strange fish people. A group of elves showed up to rescue us they had a plan that involved convincing the fish people that the place was haunted. Things seemed to be going pretty well but then one of the fish people broke through the elven line and killed me before I could defend myself.