Session 16: A Night Out

General Summary

The party's last venture did not end in payment, and the debrief was... brief. Helna Gearwaddle makes it plain- the trinkets are no longer enough. She explains to both the Portal Council and Indigo Team that what is required is an expert on portals. Madrox, while helpful, isn't enough. He is helping remove the nasuea, and then is focusing on the 'death swirl' (his words), but his knowledge will run out soon. Madrox does admit to having someone who could help, but that person has been in hiding for some time. They won't come easy. Professor Harold Jehanadjourn

After the meeting, Madrox asks the team to take him for a night out on the town. Bugdul Gular is willing to allow it, but said Madrox requires a chaperone. The party agrees.

The Gilded CopperBy the time they arrive at the tavern Madrox asked for, The Gilded Copper, it is obvious he has already been out on several occasions, and is making several deals. But he insists on covering drinks for the party, and does so from a bag embroidered with the Vanderbilt crest. The drinks start flowing. Here's a recap:

  • Ulfgar Shadowhammer meets a fellow Dreugar. They both get wasted on oil. He eventually wakes up in Missed’s bed.
  • Nora Pandost meets Theaxin Clawdown, a boy from school. They chat, go upstairs, and make out, but a drunked Lilmeia Garibaldi ruins it. They awkwardly split.
  • Graham White ends up with two girls from school both talking and upset with him. Madrox backs him up. A boyfriend type shows up. Graham intimidates him, but Madrox buys him a drink. Then Graham keeps Madrox company while Madrox attempts to make a deal with a female dwarf. Graham casts comprehend languages and gets Madrox is expecting more deliveries, but no violence is permitted.
  • Missed drinks oil with Ulfgar, gets drunk, goes upstairs and hides on top of a bookshelf. Then she shouts down at Nora, interrupting an otherwise successful evening.
On the way home a pair of ne'er do wells are waiting in an alley with a chest, apparently for Madrox. There is a brief conversation in thieves cant, which Missed catches. She comments to Madrox on his 'accent'.

  The next morning is rough on several members of the party, but that doesn't stop a few vistors from stopping by.

First is Order , who tells them Droaam will be annoucing they are opening a portal of their own, outside the jurisdiction of House Orien. That is not likely to be popular, particularly with Doddra d'Orien.  She also knows about Madrox's dealing, and is monitoring. No cause for concern.

Second up is Doddra herself. She is attempting to mend fences. She also knows about Madrox's dealings, and explains that they are helping fund The Portal Project. She gives them 15gp each as payment for the last job. 

Third is Professor Jehan. He has been thinking on the need for a portal expert, and concluded there are only three options. He presents them for the party to choose:
  1. He can force Madrox to take the party and go hunt for his expert (or another who can do the job)
  2. Jehan can obligate his contact to go, though he is reluctant to do that if it is not necessary
  3. The party can go in search of a portal expert on their own, with Madrox's guidance from afar.
After some discussion, the party decides to start with asking Madrox directly, to see how it goes. 

  Also, at a certain point Missed and Graham decide to try and patch things up between Nora and Theaxin. It does not go well.

Rewards Granted

15 gp each

Team Indigo

Graham White

Report Date
21 Mar 2023

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