Session 25: Chicken Fight Part 2 Report

General Summary

Having cleared the front house, Indigo Team ventures deeper onto the property. Their destination is clearly a large retro-fitted silo, but the walk there from the house is... disconcerting. The chicken runs border either side of the walk, and the chicken mutations themselves are being fed by what appears to be harmless mutated workers. They are throwing bloody bits of... something... over the fence at regular intervals.

  Trouble begins when Lilmeia Garibaldi wanders a touch too close to one of the fences. The chickens swarm, straining the fence. Seeing the integrity breaking down, the party attempts to hurry, but there are several breaks along both sides. The chickens force themselves through, several dying in the process, and attack whatever is nearest. The workers panic immediately and those that survive rush for the exit through the house. Those that aren't fast enough are killed quickly and painfully. The party takes quick action to secure the fence and deal with the loose chickens, making their way to the silo.

The scene inside the silo is nightmare. The party is immediately attacked by Boo. The aarakocra has transformed himself into something larger and more dangerous. The party works together quickly to blunt the worst of his attacks, but several are serious injured. Boo is killed, knocked back into a deep cylindrical hole in the middle of the silo. In the immediate aftermath, two of Boo's henchman smash vials in front of the exit, and a deadly gas begins to expand quickly. Zeke Abd Al Rashid uses Gust to send it out the door, but the damage is not lessened. Only moved. 

Upon investigating the silo's upper ring, Missed and Nora Pandost discover notes on the processes involved, as well as the promised Bag of Endless Chicken. But the hole containing Boo's body is what draws the most attention.

The sides of the hole are covered in sigils. The party determines they are definitely both powerful and evil, remincent of what they had seen in Session 8: Dungeon Crawl Part 2 Report (though nothing suggests the two are directly related). Ulfgar Shadowhammer , seeing an opportunity to gain ways to defeat Xor'chylic, goes into the hole to bring Boo's body back up. He secures the rope around the corpse, and Graham White begins to pull him up. That is when the trouble truly begins.

Graham begins to hear voices from his past prompting him to do truly evil things, while Zeke Abd Al Rashid's kalashtar guest begins screaming for all of the evil in the hole to be destroyed, Ulfgar included. Graham stops pulling the rope and tells Ulfgar to cut it. Ulfgar tries to comply. He draws his dagger and attempts to cut the rope, but notices he has the dull side of the blade against the rope. He attempts to correct this, but the incident repeats. Ulfgar, being buffeted by so much evil power, cannot understand what is wrong. 

Nora, noticing the problem, determines the sigils also contain some temporal symbols. She realizes Ulfgar is stuck in a small time loop. Together with Missed, they highlight the weakest areas along the walls and begin damaging them in an attempt to break the spell. Zeke, upon hearing this, jumps into the hole and slices the rope, rescuing Ulfgar and escaping himself. The party then burns everything in the hole. They have survived, but the damage has been considerable.

Upon exiting the silo, the party sees the gas attack has killed everything within about a mile. The mutated chickens, the mutated workers, the plant life, anything in the surrounding forest- all of it is dead.

Rewards Granted

Bag of Endless Chicken
Party reached level 7

Team Indigo

Graham White

Report Date
12 Sep 2023

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