Session 3: Chief Maker Report

General Summary

The party and their captives, Scrap and Zeg, return to the camp. Nora Pandost, furious with the lack of information and complications around the portal contraption, trades places with Salvatore the Blessed. After a night's rest, the party talk with the goblin captives about the next steps. The language barrier makes it difficult, but Indigo Team eventually make the duo understand their needs. They also suggest helping one of them (Zeg) become the new chief in exchange for peace and trade with the humans of New Haven. Zeg agrees, and Scrap decides to support it.

Zeg shows a shrewd understanding as the party confronts a group of goblins hiding in a large bird nest. He convinces the party to take the initial round of arrows and then has them torch the nest. Most of the goblins die in the attack. The two survivors are Grop, who is saved when Lilmeia Garibaldi examines the nest in the immediate aftermath, and Nek. Nek survives the fire by forcing two goblins out of the nest and breaking his fall. Nek is then captured, and Grop joins Zek and Scrap. 

The goblins and the party head to the cave with Nek being forced ahead tied to the end of a stick. Zeg and friends force him to sing a humiliating song about being elven as they stroll into the center of the community where the crowds gather into bleachers. Zeg warns the party that a fight is coming. Lilmeia, meanwhile, finds a small perch with a small cave near the roof of the cavern. She is discovered by Tink, who she befriends.

The chief comes in with an entourage of six large goblins (who are pelted by Lilmeia and Tink from above) and confronts a posturing Zeg. Zeg and the chief agree to fight for control of the clan. After some negotiation, the chief selects his 6 guards as his champions, and Zeg chooses Indigo Team. He also gives Nek to the chief as an additional champion. Just before the fight starts Zeg makes it clear to the party is to fight to the death, and show no mercy.

The fight is short but brutal. The goblins are cut down quickly, but the party does struggle. Nora Pandost cannot bring herself to kill anyone, and Zeke Abd Al Rashid hesitates to execute the final goblin on his back. The others have no such qualms.

The fight now over, Zeg pulls a magic ring off of the chief (the chief tried to kill Zeg, but Zeg killed him first). The ring enables Zeg to speak and understand Common. He convinces the assembled clan to give up fighting and killing the humans, and to instead trade wood for beer and meat. The clan enthusiastically agrees. Zeg then sends Grop with the party back to New Haven with a time and place to officially broker peace.

Rewards Granted

Party reaches level 2 (after an extended rest)

Team Indigo

Graham White

Player Journals
Goblin Diplomacy by Graham
Report Date
03 Aug 2022

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