Tue 16th Aug 2022 07:03

Goblin Diplomacy

by Sir Graham White

We rested at the base camp because it was closer than the bandit hideout. But after an uneventful rest, we met with the bandits as planned. These country goblins are quite rough around the edges and are probably where the stories come from. This is exciting I hope to find versions of my people whether they be primitive, modern, or future. Anyway, after we discussed at length with the bandits we captured we came to an arrangement with them. We would back them in a bid to overthrow the leadership of the bandit group and in exchange, they would turn a new leaf and become honest tradesmen. In this way, the town would no longer deal with bandit attacks thereby fulfilling the contract we took. Everything went exactly according to plan. We acted as champions for the one we were backing and killed the current chieftains champion. There was then a transfer of power as peaceful as could be expected amongst such rough folk. Now we are making our way back to town with a diplomat chosen by the new chief along with the head of the old chief which I've piked using the Thompson shiv technique.
Merrily giggling while wheeling about
she Injures those from which evil sprouts
then she Sighs, asking "what's the plan?"
until in her Thoughts, all dangers she's outran
Nieve in life but rich in talent
she Oh so tries to be noble and valiant
her knees Really knock while the battle rages on
n'she burns to Ashes, evil's foul spawn
Underground speaker of the goblin tongue
he Lends out daggers to the young
knowing that For him, the weapons are flung.
for he grants Great pain to those crossing his might
killing and purging them All from his sight
for this is truly the Repulsive enemy's plight
Zirconium man with a heart of gold
he Ever strengthens friendships by ten and fivefold
for he Kindly wishes peace, amongst even the most foul
hoping to light Eternally, the darkness where they prowl
>>>>>Side note: Language is a real problem out here, Nora has a magic trick to understand their words and I think I know how it's done. I'm not sure what the point is of all the circles and lines and such. Seems to me that the whole thing could be streamlined by just doing a few key gestures and tossing a bit of soot and salt up in the air while investing some magical power into it. The pictures are probably just a teaching aide or something.