Session 1: Party Jaarvi Report

General Summary

The party traveled to Jaarvi for the renowned Harvest End festival. Their reasons were varied- the festival itself is an exciting event with side shows, games & prizes; but there is also much trade to be done with goods from across Tirhollt and throughout Yeshilan available for purchase. Agathe d'Puddles was hired on to help escort a caravan, while Archibald Black and Eleanor Soot traveled with the caravan as guests, curious to see the festival. Clawdius Fluffybutt was on his way to the festival, and seeing a caravan with so many Awakened decided to join for the last leg of the journey. Winston Floofinbuns IX happened to be on his way back to town after running a quick errand for his master, and found amusement in the company of so many awakened creatures coming to see his hometown- why not show off how wonderful a place his home of Jaarvi is?

The obvious place to start the day was with the Barnyard Blitz- chasing farm animals for prizes. Eleanor immediately set her sights on getting the Piglet's ribbon, as it was said to be the shiniest blue ribbon- and worth the nicest prize. Agathe was excited at the prospect of herding the sheep, as her shepherd instincts took over. The rest spread out, looking for what animals they might find. Each found success in turn- Agathe spooking the sheep but somehow slipping it's ribbon onto her paw in the process; Eleanor using a bit of produce and a sleep spell to lull the piglet in to a cooperative state; Archibald plucked the ribbon from the goose's neck before it noticed; Clawdius chased a crafty hen around half the maze- Winston thought about trying for the same, but it looked like difficult and dirty work, so he set his sights (and successes) on the Goat's ribbon. Clawdius changed tactics, sneaking around a corner to cut off the hen's path and managed to grab a ribbon for himself. Turning in their hard-won tokens, each received a prize: for Agathe, a lovely leather-and-wool plush sheep; for Archibald, an enchanted Paper Bird; for Winston, a Potion of Climbing; for Clawdius, a Feather Token; and for Eleanor, a Canvas Bag of Tricks.

After partaking in some tasty foods, the group headed off to explore more, watching a display of agility and knife throwing by Bas and Griet Norgard. Agathe was quite charmed by the little kitten Nout, who was grateful for the group's generous tips. He gave a talkative introduction to his shy twin sister Mayke before encouraging the party to try their paws at the family's knife throwing booth. The party won some additional coin, and admiration from Nout. Archibald even managed to win an ornately designed silver throwing knife made by Bas.

Wandering some more, the group found a musical group made up of an adult Goblin, a small Human girl, and a young Awakened Dog. The youngsters passed the hat, but gave all the tips collected to the Goblin.

While checking out some goods, the party heard a call for help, as a Goblin had taken off with several pies for the Pie Eating Contest. Barton the Baker requested the group's assistance, and the party quickly took off after the pie pilferer. Using Agathe's ability to track through an urban environment, they followed the guilty individual to a back alley in the poorer district of town near the docks. Sneaking around the corner, they discovered a young boy removing a goblin mask, sharing a pie with three younger children. Winston felt they should take all three pies back and turn the children in as thieves, but the rest of the party was conflicted. Eleanor opted to pay the children each two silver to buy back the two uneaten pies, and to not turn them in. They gratefully agreed. Barton the Baker was happy to get back most of what was taken, offering the party each free entry into the Pie Eating Contest and agreeing to take on an apprentice if Eleanor had a good suggestion.

Looking to add to the day's success, the much of the party joined in the Barrel Run Race, though Eleanor opted to watch from the dry and sunny sidelines. While some ended up all wet, Archibald managed to win a prize of a medal and coin.

Wandering further, the group found a show by the Bright Phoenix Troupe- a powerfully built Half-Orc woman and man juggling heavier and heavier objects, including a small child- who was thankfully unharmed by the experience. In a grand finale, they were joined by an Orc, who took sips from various flasks and breathed out colorful flames. Some in the crowd were concerned at the thought of a fire-breathing Orc, but Archibald recognized this as a clever alchemical effect. Clawdius tipped handsomely, upset at the bigotry of some in the crowd.

As the evening drew near, it was time for the Pie Eating Contest. Eleanor decided to keep her dignity and simply watch the spectacle. Clawdius and Archibald ate a bit, but bowed out as his stomach could take no more. Winston ate as much as he could stand, and one pie more- returning all of them in a loud and productive belch. Agathe nearly took the fair record, but vomited just short. But a little puke wasn't enough to dampen this dog's day, as she won the contest and took home the enchanted Pie Master Medal and a cash prize.

Winson's master came to find him asking if he'd be coming home for the evening or staying out with his new friends. Winston opted to stay out a bit longer, inviting them all to the Tall Oaks Inn- the finest establishment in Jaarvi. Winston found a fine welcome, though the owner was less enthused at all his animal companions. Insulted, Eleanor and Archibald made an exit, leaving Winston, Agathe, and Clawdius to enjoy an incredible, though expensive drink on Winston's tab.

Eleanor went to find the pie thief from earlier, and along with Archibald managed to track down the family's run down hovel. They found the boy making a meager dinner of thin gruel for his three siblings, as their drunken mother was sprawled out on the bed, passed out from drink. Eleanor told the boy to report for an apprenticeship with Barton the Baker in the morning. Though reluctant to leave his siblings unattended, the boy agreed and thanked Eleanor.

Turning in for the night, Eleanor and Archibald find an inn nearby- The Last Draught, run by Lyti, a Halfling woman with unkempt flame-red hair. They were provided some simple meals and weak alcohol for a low price, offered a pinch of catnip on the side, and paid for a hammock near the fire.

Back in the Tall Oaks in, Winson, Agathe, and Clawdius decide to turn in- though the room price is a bit steep. Winston offers to let his new friends stay at his house, seeing as he has too many beds to possibly use all by himself.

The Shattering Storm

Eleanor Soot

LN Cat (Awakened Cat)
Cleric (Twilight) 1
9 / 9 HP

Winston Floofinbuns IX

NG Corgi (Awakened Dog)
Wizard 3
24 / 24 HP

Guy Dudeson

N Paperman (Quixotic Cavalier)
Guard 1
11 / 11 HP

Archibald Black

Report Date
14 Jan 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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