Session 9: A Fixer Upper and an Urgent Rescue Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 9: A Fixer Upper and an Urgent Rescue

General Summary

Feeling as if they had eliminated the threat occupying the elven tomb the party spent the rest of the day tending to their various hobbies and pet projects including but not limited to scrimshaw, pet training, herb identification, and employee training. It seemed as though Michael had plans in mind for the undead elven protector, Sahnar, to serve hot bean and tea water to the overly entitled and demanding public.   On the journey back through Lonelywood Forest the party encountered a trio of elusive chwingas playing at dinner. Natali, Serafin, and Veld each befriended one of the tiny elemental spirits and took them along on their journey.   Plopping down the two frost druid corpses of varying freshness on Nimsy Huddle's doorstep the party looked to collect on another reward. Having already spent the petty cash fund on the party's previous reward Nimsy instead offered the deed to the old Ramshackle inn.   The party accepted and took a tour through the run down and weathered former inn, Michael's mind already imagining where the cafe would fit behind the bar. They spent the remainder of the day conferring with craftsmen of the town and pricing out renovation costs. Estimates came in at about 1,000gp to fully renovate the building as an inn once again, with up to a 50gp per tenday cost to have it fully operational at capacity. Not having nearly enough funds to undertake the endeavor at the moment the party split off into the far from hospitable rooms for the night's stay.   They finished what business they had in town, selling some items and collecting some more. Galanodel and Veld stopped briefly in The Happy Scrimshander to sell off some of Veld's work to Iriskree. Gal recognized to soft looking older woman from earlier in front of the speaker's house and asked about a comment he overheard her saying about how much trouble was stirred up just because you kill one meddling druid. Questioning her on the meaning of her statement they came to find that Iriskree had been the one to follow Vurnis into the woods and assassinate her, deeming the troublesome demands they were making as far too dangerous.   Grimsby collected the white moose hide that he had comissioned and Bhur and Gal head off into the forest to collect more herbs. A pained wail from off deeper in the woods had them running back to town for safety though with Gal ready to return and hunt down the banshee again. They learned the banshee of lonelywood forest had haunted it for as long as anyone here knew and short of laying it's remains to rest from whence it was banished they could likely not stop it from returning.   The party set off the following morning towards Bryn Shander with intent to look for more leads and potentially head eastwards toward more of the towns. A brief glance around Termalaine as they passed through revealed no signs of the few kobolds they had left in the town's care.   On nearing the crossroad near Targos the party witnessed a frantic sled dog wearing a torn harness running frantically from the east. It briefly approached as Natali called out to it then ran towards Targos, Natali and the rest of the party trailing behind.   The dog led them to a small house near the edge of town. As the door opened the party saw a handsome man in his thirties who was clearly expecting someone else to be accompanying the dog, Boy. The house belonged to the man, Keegan, and his husband Garret.   Keegan told the party how his husband was hired by some adventurers to lead them up the slopes of Kelvin's Cairn. The fact that Boy, who Garret had raised from a pup and was his most loyal of dogs, returned without him and obviously in distress led Keegan to believe something terrible must have happened. Natali managed to learn from Boy that from the base camp he had heard some frightening noises further up the mountain and then nothing. After a day he managed to free himself and start running back home for help.   Keegan had faith that Garret's skills would give him a good chance of surviving this long trapped on the mountain and told the party all he knew of Garret's plans. He intended to make for Frozenfar Expeditions in Caer-Konig first to acquire gear for the adventurers and prepare for the climb. He took with him six sled dogs, including Boy. Unfortunately Keegan didn't know anything about the group of adventurers that had hired Garret.   Keegan asked the party if they could try to find and if possible rescue Garret, taking Boy with them to help guide the way. He did not have much to offer in the way of reward except some of his scrimshaw and perhaps a good word with the owner at The Luskan Arms.   With a time sensitive rescue in their hands, and dogs to potentially save, the party head out of town. Having travelled most of the day already they decided to stop in Bryn Shander to prepare for the rest of the journey and rest for the night.

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frost Maiden
Report Date
08 Apr 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Bryn Shander

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