Session 24: Id Ascendant Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 24: Id Ascendant

General Summary

With Michael initiating hostilities between the party and the illithid like creatures all chaos broke out. The smaller squidlings let out bursts of psychic panic and fear and retaliated with their underdeveloped mind tickles. Unfortunately much of the party was unable to defend themselves from the mental attacks and were rendered temporarily stunned. This allowed the lead ceremorph time to use his own more powerful mind blast which locked down much of the rest of the party.   Once the illithid's reinforcement arrived and exerted domination over Michael the fight was near lost. The illithid commanded Michael to leave the psi crystal and take his companions and leave, with no ability to resist he began to comply. Luckily at this same time Martok managed to get Natali's wildshaped goat tongue unstuck from the ballista on the bow of the ship, coming to the parties rescue and turning the tide as Galanodel restarted the battle.   Eventually the party was able to rally and take down the two remaining illithids and the construct that had been battering away at Veld and Dwayne. While the rest of the party tended to their wounds Michael and Grimsby explored the rest of the ship. They managed to find several alien weapons and a few odd magical gadgets.

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frost Maiden
Report Date
22 Jul 2021

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