Session 22: The Plunge Report

General Summary

The companions had defeated the undead orc champion and his skeletal ogres (Session 21: Duergar Redux Report) , but they pushed deeper into Durgeddin’s Halls. The dwarvish ghost that had haunted them earlier no longer appeared in the northeastern rooms. Perhaps, Mi'tsuru'gi's peace offering of the dead orc was enough to satisfy the spirit?
Investigating further, the companions found more evidence of a hard-fought battle between dwarf and orc. Many of the rooms contained the corpses of both, often locked in their death throes, along with the rubbish of centuries gone by. The chambers appeared to be store rooms, living quarters, sitting rooms, and others. There was evidence, however -- some clean rooms, the ancient dwaves and orcs stripped of armour and weapons -- that others have been through here before. Several orcs had an image of crossed arrows on their rotting armour, the symbol of an orc clan from centuries past that Mitsu could not recollect.   Six dwarven skeletons in one room rose to attack when the companions entered. Qira and Daktarin Stren took the battle inside the room and this brought Qira close to death, but she retreated and was healed by the Brimble Knackles. The desicated corpse of a long dead human thief under broken furniture held a small sack within which gleamed 400 sp from an old Gran March mint.   A grand room to the east was seemingly untouched by recent events or old battles. Tapestries covered the walls, a magnificent rug covered the centre of the room, and a simple desk and bed were in the far corner. Qira, seeing nothting unusual, stepped across the room and the rug exploded from the floor wrapping in her in deadly embrace. The Rug of Smothering had pinned Qira inside, so the companions could not attack it without also injuring their friend. Within moments, Qira was able to escape with the aid of Dak, although she was bludgeoned by the thing. And while it tried to grasp them again, Qira and the others were able to destroy this household furnishing!   Dwarven papers on the desk were gathered up by Brimble and his mage hand made easy work of a small chest under the bed which held a wonderous saphire and two blue topazes.   As the companions moved east they entered a library of dwarven tomes. Dak immediately strode across the room and into an ajoining chamber, out of site. Mitsu noticed this strange action, but waited until there was a scream of anguished pain from the chamber. Qira and Mitsu rushed in and saw Dak reeling backwards clutching his head. Through clenched teeth he described embracing a beautiful women with long dark hair and then a searing pain through his head threw him back from her.   Moments after this, Qira began to behave strangely, leaving the room, finding a secret door in the outer chamber, walking down the revealed corridor to another secret door and walking out to a ledge overlooking a cavern plunging hundreds of feet, along with a subterranean river tumbling over a nearby edge. A rusty chain ladder hung down the chasm wall. The companions followed Qira wondering what strange enchantment had led her. Brimble, still back a bit down the corridor leading toward the ledge suddently began walking quickly. At the same time, Qira recovered control of herslelf and her faculties. Brimble began to trot a little faster toward the chasm and 10 feet away grabbed his head in pain and regained his sense. He was going to throw himself from the ledge.   The companions realised they were in incredible danger and quickly left the ledge, making their way back through the corridors and rooms, all the way to the dwarven chapel where they had defeated the orc champion and skeletons. They barricaded the door and set a watch to gain a night’s fitful sleep. What had overcome them?   Emerging from the chapel into the great hall, the companions discussed their plans, when a reptillian howl of rage screamed up from caverns below. Moments later a human male stumbled into the hall from the forge chamber and collapsed to the floor. It was Whastle Fletcher, a medallion falling from his hand.

Rewards Granted

Dwarf Skeletons x 6: 300
Rug of Smothering: 450
Placating the dwarven ghost: 750
"Rescuing" Whastle: 500   total: 500 XP per PC

Durgeddin's Halls are many-chambered, and many full of horrors.

The March of Bissel Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Report Date
26 Feb 2023
Primary Location
The Barrier Peaks
Secondary Location
Steigs Stand

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