Session 15: Small Town Politics Report

General Summary

Our heroes left the Everwood, site of Argus’s demise. What will become of this ancient forest now that the druid protector is gone and Mistlebark the treant may be unable to render care?   They travelled south, walking to Steigs Stand and the promise of a warm bed and hot meals. After a few hours they met Glan Roofwell, an archaeologist specializing in Flan ruins of the Sheldomar Valley. Glan was on his way to Shakara and then an archaeological meeting at Grey College in the City of Greyhawk. He had not much to report of the road south, save for attacks by the Firerock Orcs in the foothills of the Barriers, a talking point among the denizens of Steigs.   Once in Steigs the heroes called in at Marcus Wrathbone's pub and Inn. It was good to be back at Steigs Rest and many familiar faces were found. Daktarin Stren ran into Okkar, still muttering about his lost dwarfhold. Dak had a flutter and won back some coin from the dwarf. The dwarf’s dining companion, Lorcan Harpkiss made a bit of money too, although not much else passed between them.   Another table was full of halflings, three of them and a human companion. These four were in their cups and as the evening passed the heroes guessed them to be The Big Feet Adventuring party. This group has had some success lately and are somewhat the talk of Steigs. Mi'tsuru'gi spoke with the human of the group, a female ranger name Harriet Tuber and the elf, uncharacteristically, relayed ‘most’ of their story of the Everwood to here. (Mitsu also put his trust in Marcus and told him of the letter from Stroth Anelace found in Argus’s robes – Whastle, it seems, is on another nature expedition.   Kisset Alwin of the apothecary was also in the pub that night, although she could not tear her thoughts away from the Turnip Pie contest. Apparently Jacksal Longboot’s oven had exploded in green flame, hot enough to melt the stones of the oven and he was despairing his chances of retaining the coveted Golden Turnip. The contest was to begin in three days’ time.   These and similar interactions in the pub carried on for several days as the heroes rested and recuperated. Coin was spent on healing potions and good food. Brimble purchased healing packs from Kisset and they had the blacksmith make a bespoke lead sheath for the evil book.   Worries of the book led then to seek out Myrdian Oakarn, cleric of Fharlanghn, god of travelers. Myrdian spoke with the heroes with no little worry in his voice, pacing back and forth in the small chapel. Myrdian believes the undead of the Everwood wearing the holy symbol of He Who Dwells on the Horizon must have been a party of travellers who left Steigs some weeks ago but never made their destination in Shakara. As for the book, Myrdian knew not its origins, only that it appeared in the temple one morning. He had since learned from those of his order that the book could only likely be destroyed by dragon breath. Wondering what to do the party returned to the Rest to think about the possibilities.   With a new day, however, they had decided to venture south and investigate the increasing orc attacks. Beforehand, Dak paid a visit to Splendid Unicorn Ywain Artos at Keep Maintenance and drawing upon the good name of House Stren was graced with three nags and pony for their ride south. About an hour south of Steigs the heroes buried the evil book in its lead sheath and wooden box beneath a mighty Ipp tree.   And before midday the heroes did indeed come up on a ‘wagon in distress’. They were not fooled by an obvious set up an were wary and ready. Within moments orcish arrows flew from the forest and two of the brutes rushed from the forest to attack. Brimble Knackles was able to fell one with a sleep spell and the other three spilled orc blood with swords and arrows. The sleeping orc was bound and questioned – at the point of Dak’s sword he spluttered about Rosethorn leading orcs to victory and reclaiming what is theirs. It seems Rosethorn is aided by some one or something as well. The orcs are encamped near a cave in the hills and as the party set off for this, Mitsu loosed a killing arrow into the orc.

Rewards Granted

4 x orcs = 400 xp
interactions with NPCs = 600 xp
  250 xp per PC

A Night at Steigs Rest Pub

The March of Bissel Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Report Date
29 Aug 2022
Primary Location
Steigs Stand
Secondary Location
The Barrier Peaks

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