DLVSBS01E014 - "Maneuvering" Report

General Summary

Previously, in Dragonlance: Starbound



The party travelled back to Anir's End, moving around Vergard Lake to avoid run-ins with the men the Crushing Wave. Before the party could reach the gates to Anir's End they were intercepted by a young plainsman named Mathis and led to The Stringer, a roadhouse of sorts in the vicinity of Anir's End with a message from Pierron: to wait there for further instructions.

Payback Brawl

While waiting at the roadhouse, the party was accosted by Mace of the White Crow Clan, bent on taking Hasturiel to task for what he described as "humiliating his friends" a few days prior. After exchanging a few words, Mace and Hasturiel duked it out. The elf underestimated the human, and ended up on the floor. Mace and the other members of the White Crow Clan left The Stringer leaving the party to their businesses - and Sara and Syn very vexed.

Eventually, Tamara

After nursing their wounds and waiting for a couple of hours, the party was approached by Tamara. She explained that men of the Crushing Wave were in Anir's End looking for Karol of Jakarta. They went to a boat on a secluded landing where they discussed next steps, and the party decided to leave towards Blackloot Island. Elyadan agreed to take responsibility for Lord Wyndam's boat, and agreed to return to Anir's End within two weeks. With that Tamara left the boat with her men, allowing the party to sail into the night.

At last, Blackloot

After a impressive trip through an underwater - possibly interdimensional - tunnel and through a sea of mists, the party arrived to a sunny island which Karol stated to be the infamous Blackloot. The party was received by four hobgoblin archers while trying to land, and after defeating them interrogated the sole hobgoblin survivor Drezdu. Through said interrogation, the party learned that:
  • The Grizzly Knives were hired through a man named Blun Steelgaze, in Sanction;
  • The Grizzly Knives were officially disbanded after the Silvanesti raid, and its former captain - Dulgik Bloodknife - survived to land;
  • Drezdu was part of the team that attacked one of House Mystic's towers, and said they took a ring out of the workshop of Ninimon, a high-ranking Silvanesti geomancer;
  • One of the ogres of the Behemot Council - Vorgaic is indeed in the island. He hired fourteen of the hobgoblins to stay and explore the island with him, with the promise to take them to land through magic when he was done;
  • After weeks in the island, the hobgoblins have become distrustful of the ogre, and are mostly going along with Vorgaic due to him being their only way out;
  • The hobgoblins were attacked by strange creatures that look like Sahuagin, but with transparent skin. Two of the hobgoblins were killed in the altercations;
  • Recently, Vorgaic and the hobgoblins have discovered a pathway - a cave - that seems to be unguarded by the strange creatures. They have left much earlier in the day to follow that path.
  • The party has left Drezdu under the watch of Karol, Holgi and Tep, and agreed that they should meet at the beach where they landed in eight days. After that, Karol is to lead the four of them back to Anir's End.

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