S5: Uncovering the Truth Report

General Summary

10th Zarantyr

After defeating the manticores, the players investigated the cave. Inside the cave they found, buried amongst bones and partially chewed animal skin and furs; bones of an adult human, worn chain mail with the symbol of a blue eagle (which was recognized as the symobl of Aundair). Additionally, Aethelwulf found a signet ring with the symbol of the Gavren noble family.   They also discussed their goals and reasons for being in Havenglen with Doreah and there was some banter between Aethelwulf and Doreah, though that ended with Aethelwulf offending Doreah.   Returning to Gallus, the party was rewarded with 20 Beads of Nourishment and a jar containing 4 charges of Keoghtom's Ointment. After which, they parted ways with Doreah who headed back to the Peckish Pixie and they went to the town square. Arriving at the town center, the party took a rest at the Broken Plough.

Downtime activity

  • Aethelwulf spent the afternoon spell theorycrafting.
  • Dhok attempted to sell manticore parts, failed, then returned to the tavern and crafted a necklace out of them.
  • Esidesi purchased wool thread to stitch stars into her robe.
  • Kai'okoa purchased rations and had 5 ruby gems appraised by Dhok.
  • Zora'kas spoke to the townfolk about Seamus, receiving mixed messages, until he found someone who mentioned a strange meeting between Seamus and the town elder. Zora'kas noted two people watching over him at the time.

Reconvening at night

Zora'kas explained his findings and the players discussed offering their services to the town elder and letting any information about Seamus come up naturally, without pushing it.

Rewards Granted

A jar of Keoghtom's Ointment (contains 4 charges) and 20 beads of nourishment.

Missions/Quests Completed

No Safe Haven was completed.

Character(s) interacted with

Doreah, Gallus, and villagers in Havenglen.

Eberron Wayfinders
Player Journals
Noble's Box by Kai'okoa
Report Date
19 Mar 2021
Primary Location

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