Noble's Box by Kai'okoa | World Anvil

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10th - 11th of Zarantyr 998

Noble's Box

by Kai'okoa

We scoured through the Manticore's cave and found a platinum ring from house Gavren and some chainmail with the Aundair eagle on it. Seems like this will all point to Seamus being killed by the Manticores. I found some red tear drop gems but I will need to get them appraised.
Zora'kas cut a Manticore head off and then we set off back to Havenglen. Gallus rewarded us with some Beads of Nourishment and some ointment. Better than nothing, I guess.
Gallus told us about Salali a warden who comes through for trading and work. She's a tall cheerful Firbolg and we should talk if we see her, great, more cheerful people.
We walked into town and found The Broken Plough tavern and made our stay there for the night. I versed Dhok in a game of mancala and he won back his gold piece.
Zora'kas discussed with us that he observed some shadyness in town when asking around for Seamus and suggested we should try to gain favour with the village elder.

Continue reading...

  1. Adventure on a boat
  2. Adventure through the jungle
  3. Adventure in the city
  4. Adventure in the forest
  5. Letter from a bird
    1st of Zarantyr 998
  6. The drinking champion!
    2nd of Zarantyr 998
  7. Storms & Manticores
    3rd - 8th of Zarantyr 998
  8. The Former Manticore Family
    8th - 9th of Zarantyr 998
  9. Noble's Box
    10th - 11th of Zarantyr 998
  10. Errand Running
    11th - 12th of Zarantyr 998
  11. The Field of Night
    13th of Zarantyr 998
  12. I enjoy being drunk.
    13th - 17th of Zarantyr 998
  13. Crime and Secrets
    17th of Zarantyr - 4th of Olorun 998
  14. Crabs and Pixies
    4th - 8th of Olorun 998
  15. Snuffing out flames
    9th - 10 of Olorun 998
  16. The Omega Facility
    10th - 12th of Olorun 998
  17. Picking Up Payment
    16th of Olorun 998